January 7 at 11:20am  Alaskans for a Sustainable Budget  Walker looks to Legislature to finally use Fund to fix budget gap  A paramount year is shaping up for Alaska.  Seriously, our jaw just hit the floor. "That said, the governor ... noted the state has public retirement funds of more than $25 billion that could find the [#AKLNG] project to be a sound investment." #aklng

Wow.... Why are Alaskans even supporting this piece of 

“That said, the governor also noted the state has public retirement funds of more than $25 billion that could find the project to be a sound investment.”

He wants to rob Alaskans pensions on top of taking the PFD’sTo fund his LNG Gasline to Nowhere

2017 740,000 people. 615,000 (2017) were paid.

Enough to pay 700,000 was withdrawn. 
$674,000,000 paid out $1,100 each. The PFD’s were suppose to be $2,300.

$1,200 went to “He Who Shall Not Be Named” totals $738,000,000 Million. Now for the kicker, enough was taken out to pay 700,000 people. 85,000 people did not get their PFD’s. 
85,000 x $2,300.00 =$195,500,000 was also taken by him, for a grand total of $933,500,000 last year.

Add in one of the biggest PFD’s to be paid out here in 2018. $2600.00 it was suppose to be this year and he plans on taking $1400.00 from every Alaskan and from many that didn’t file he will take the full $2600.00 to fund Governments overspending. You do the math on how much he is planning on stealing to fund his overbloated feel good budget..... 

Wake up Alaska


Link to Alaska’s Budget Corruption and Buying the Alaskan Vote: 

1/10/2018 Edited to reflect the Numbers Projected by Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets

January 7 at 11:39am  Alaska  Beer on the Last Frontier: Craft Brewers of Alaska  Manitoba restaurant charges $15 for Bud Light to promote craft beer instead  Prairie Firehouse in Brandon has decided to charge $15 for a regular-size can of Bud Light -- double or more the price of other suds on the menu.  Alaska CHARR, here’s an idea for you.

Alaska could see a change in the craft brew market. This looks like it could really make a difference.....


January 7 at 11:42am  Alaska Permanent Fund Defenders  Time to sign up for the PFD again. IT'S ALSO TIME TO SIGN UP TO HELP STOP THIS RAID! Have you sent a small amount of your PFD to join Permanent Fund Defenders' fight to save the PFD in 2018? Why do that? Because Alaskans have not been voting and involved in big numbers. So, the PFD cuts continue this year. We need a massive number of voters contacting politicians and voting this year to win this fight for the People's money! Permanent Fund Defenders will use funds for a STATEWIDE MEDIA CAMPAIGN to inform and fire up Alaskans to contact legislators AND vote in big numbers to defend and restore the PFD. IN 2018, Alaskan voters must demand a PFD constitutional amendment vote (on the SJR1 bill). We will make sure Alaskan voters across the state get the message in media on what politicians support this amendment and restoring the full PFD money. Thanks for joining this fight with your donation and volunteering to get the message out to Alaskans. Visit www.gofundme.com/pfdak to help. PLEASE SHARE!!

Get out and Vote  Politadick
January 7 at 11:47am  Alaska  Town Hall  SERIOUSLY!? City of Seattle's response to reports about new soda tax proves prog pols FAILED Econ-101  Puh-LEEZE! ===>

“He Who Shall Not Be Named” 101 on his government Spending.  Politadick
January 7 at 11:49am  Alaska  Sarah Palin  This is absolutely unbelievable. Just, wow.  Costco Exposes Seattle's Sugary Drink Tax With the Perfect Sign  Sign showing progressives for exactly what they are... 

“He Who Shall Not Be Named” 101 on his government Spending.  Politadick
January 7 at 11:54am  NBC News  Would child sex robots stop pedophilia — or promote it?  Child-sized silicone sex dolls are already being made and shipped globally by firms in China and Japan. Some say the devices could provide a safe outlet for individuals who are sexually attracted to children.

This is just sickening to find out...   Politadick
January 7 at 12:11pm  Breitbart  Donald Trump Mocks 'Hateful' Jake Tapper of 'Fake News CNN'  President Trump just took to Twitter and fired up a blow torch of a tweet aimed at CNN's Jake "The Fake" Tapper! 

CNN Jake Tapper gets his a$$ handed to him on a silver platter in this interview....  Politadick
January 7 at 12:44pm  Achmed the Dead Terrorists  Video  Bubba J, Minding the Monsters

(Bubba) I wanted to dress up as a ghost for Halloween but somebody back stage told me I wasn’t a good idea.

Why is that?

(Bubba) Have you ever seen what happens to a Red Neck when he puts on a White Sheet.

January 7 at 12:58pm  Alaska  KTVA11  Alaska hospitals experience IV fluid shortage  The shortage has its roots in Puerto Rico, where almost all the IV fluids that are used in the U.S. are manufactured in a single lab which was heavily damaged during Hurricane Maria.

If the government in Puerto Rico wasn’t so corrupt and had put all the money they get into infrastructure and it’s people, instead of their personnel bank accounts. This would never have been an issue.

Maybe some of that unused crime lab Alaska has can be converted into a manufacture for saline. It’s not like they are using it for anything else and could use the money to pay for it to exist.


January 7 at 1:03pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Dunleavy resigning to focus on campaign - Must Read Alaska  Sen. Mike Dunleavy is stepping down from …  He's 100 percent in it to win it.

Good News is hard to find. By doing this, he is making sure “He Who Shall Not Be Named” can’t prevent him from campaigning like he did all last year.

Wonder Who do they have picked to fill his seat until election time?


January 7 at 1:08pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Who will Democrats pick? District 40 candidates for House - Must Read Alaska  Nine applicants for the District 40 House …  A deeper dive into the candidates who want to replace Rep. Dean Westlake.

They will pick one of the easiest to manipulate into voting for their agenda. Watch how they will vote during this next budget cycle and it will be obvious......  Politadick
January 7 at 3:57pm  SpaceX  Video  SpaceX is targeting launch of the Zuma spacecraft from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The two-hour primary launch window opens at 8:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, January 7, or 1:00 UTC on Monday, January 8.
January 7 at 4:21pm  Alaskans for a Sustainable Budget  Juneau Empire  Governor says Alaska’s deficit will not be fixed in 2018  Gov. Bill Walker is an optimist, but even he thinks Alaska’s multibillion-dollar budget deficit won’t be resolved this year. 

Talk about burying the lead. Down in the fifth graph, the following story says that, "[a]s a side effect [of the Governor's plan], the Permanent Fund Dividend would be permanently cut." That is the only time that consequence is discussed in the entire story. https://goo.gl/nCuaPs

Classifying the PFD cut as a "side effect" may correctly capture the view from the perspective of the localized Juneau bubble (which likely is laser focused on increasing government revenues regardless of the means), but at least as far as the overall Alaska economy and Alaska families are concerned, the effect is much more than that. Indeed, from those perspectives the Governor's proposal to cut the PFD is not only the lead, it is, in fact, the entire story.

Alaska is in a recession. In analyzing various "new revenue" options last year, ISER concluded that cutting the PFD has the "largest adverse effect" on the overall economy (both jobs #and income) and is "by far the costliest measure for Alaska families" of all of the options. Using that option makes the recession worse for the overall economy and Alaska families than any of the other so-called new revenue alternatives.

Put differently, from the perspective of the overall Alaska economy (both jobs #and revenue) and Alaska families an income tax would be better, so would a sales tax. At least from an income perspective, so would making certain additional types of spending cuts. Cutting the PFD is worse than all of those. Yet that is the very course the Governor (as well as the Alaska Senate and House) have chosen to pursue, in the middle of a recession no less. The course that has the "largest adverse impact" on the overall Alaska economy and is "by far the costliest measure for Alaska families."

Attempting to categorize that as a "side effect" misses the fundamental point. According to the non-partisan experts who have looked at the issue the closest, the Governor's proposal makes the overall Alaska economy and the situation for Alaska families worse, not better. Especially given that Alaska is in a recession, why he has chosen to go down that road instead of others is the story itself, not a "side effect."

Sad to see that “He Who Shall Not Be Named” cannot tell the truth about the budget and the money he is hiding to fund his LNG, Climate Change and the direct action of limiting oil companies expansion from happening.

Also He is pushing behind the scenes to get the Salmon initiative in place to keep the budget at a financial loss.


January 7 at 4:59pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Sitting lawmaker eyes Dunleavy Senate seat  Sitting House member, Rep. George Rauscher, says he plans to throw his hat in the ring for Sen. Dunleavy's seat in the Alaska Senate.

At least he voted against last years budget.... Would make a nice fit to the Valley 9 Who are standing up for what Alaskans are truly wanting to happen  Politadick
January 7 at 7:06pm  Hardcore Conservatives  BREAKING: The Contracts Have Been Signed, The Wall Is Coming. Here Is the Design  Trump’s warning to shut down the administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection made a public announcement on Thursday that four companies will… 

Watch the short video and after it will have some arrows show up on the sides that allow you to scroll through the different designs.  Politadick
January 7 at 8:15pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Commission says more Alaska women interested in office  A panel of female officials hopes to encourage more women to run for office by offering insights into the risks and rewards of public service at an event hosted by Commission Monday.

They are doing an awesome job educating Alaskans. Good job Tiffany during this interview and getting your important message out.

Sorry you had to deal with the cockroaches slant at the beginning of the interview. It diminished the message you have to share.


January 7 at 8:21pm  Jews News  Japanese PM tells the United Nations to shove it, will not take in any Muslim ‘refugees’ Japanese PM tells UN to shove it, will not take in any Muslim ‘refugees’ UNITED NATIONS – Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to… 

The USA should learn a lesson from this.....

We’ve already paid, that should be all we need to do....

Sincerely “Dearborn Michigan”  Politadick

January 7 at 8:40pm  Blue Lives Matter  Antifa Group Leader Yvette Felarca Loses Lawsuit, Has To Pay Up - Blue Lives Matter  The court determined that Antifa leader Yvette Felarca's legal claim "was not brought in good faith."  She thought she could use the courts to further her antifa agenda. She was wrong.


Now they need to fire her from her job. Do you know this person is a teacher and after all she has done is still teaching...

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