Judicial Watch Video
In case you missed it-- On Saturday, JW President Tom Fitton
appeared at CPAC 2018 to discuss the Clinton/DNC Dossier, FBI
Corruption, the out-of-control Mueller operation, and more! A must Watch! Politadick |
Fox Business Video OMB Director Mick Mulvaney speaks at National Association of Attorneys General in Washington DC on taking on corruption, net neutrality, prescription drugs, veterans affairs and gaming. |
Alaska House Republicans
Operating budget public testimony is being heard this week! Here’s the dates, times and contact information you need to know #akleg
Thursday Friday Saturday VISIT: CALL: EMAIL:
This one is “YUGE”. They need to be hearing from all of us in “ALL AREAS” of Alaska! CALL CALL CALL TOMORROW Politadick |
Classic Country 109.9 Photo Just a heads up... "Facebook Closed Facebook will not be accessible February 29, 30 and 31. Please Share" |
Imprimis, a Publication of
Hillsdale College
The Left Is Keeping America from Solving Her Problems We can’t
keep our heads in the sand forever.
How do you solve a problem no one admits is a problem? So true..... Politadick |
The White House Video President Trump and the First Lady attend the arrival ceremony in honor of the Reverend Billy Graham. |
Zach Hallers Photo
Inquiring minds want to know
"Why does the media always ask Ivanka Trump about the way
her father treats women. But they never ask Chelsea Clinton the
same question? Politadick |
Calif. Man Arrested for Trying to Join ISIS | One America News Network
Authorities arrested a California man for providing material support to
ISIS, and trying to join the terror group through one of it’s branches
in Libya. Wow.... Politadick |
Capital Lists Photo
Gun Control for Dummies "Before/After" Uhhhh yup..... Politadick |
Ben Shapiro Video Episode 485 Kimmel, Fallon and Colbert all go after the NRA; Americans aren’t buying what the media’s selling; and we’re about to hit the DACA deadline. |
Jay Sekulow Video DOJ Opens Investigation on FISA Abuses |
A.F. Branco Cartoon - Deflect, Deflect, Deflect The Amazing
leadership of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and the FBI cost the
lives of 17 people yet he deflects blame to the NRA. Political Cartoon
by A.F. Branco ©2018.
Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 2/27/2018 So very True..... When are the people who allowed this to happen, going to be held accountable, for their lack of action? Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
House gun bill slated for hearing
With the Parkland, Fla., shooting that took 17 lives still fresh on
people’s minds, Alaska lawmakers will hold their first gun bill hearing
today. This Bill Will Be Heard Later Today Another Knee jerk reaction. This will not protect our Children in our schools. This is no better then SB91/54 is. Why don’t Alaskan Lawmakers fix the laws they already have, that are broken and at the same time, get rid of Gun Free Zones. 98% if these Mass Murders have happen in “Gun Free Zones” Time to talk about having teachers here, get trained and armed. That would be a good one for a Bill to be Written and Passed Clearly Our Lawmakers don’t care about our children...... They only care about how it politically correct it makes them look for re-election. Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
Snowiest February in six years
Back-to-back-to-back storms brought snow accumulations in Anchorage to
the highest they've been in years during the month of February. Is it.... Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling None of the above.... They call it weather and it’s been happening for 4.5 Billion Years... Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
University of Alaska opens first all-gender restroom
University of Alaska's first all-gender restroom has opened at the
Fairbanks campus' engineering building. $500,000,000 Million Dollars it’s going to cost to make Alaska All Gender Compliant. For less then 1% of Alaska’s population. Still waiting to see scientific proof there is more than two Genders. Instead of the Feelings they say, is all the proof they have or need. Politadick Vote Yes on Prop1 |
Alaska House Republicans
Catch our finance members Thursday morning talking about the budget and
taking questions from reporters. Watch at 8:30 a.m. here on FB live or
akl.tv Times have changed... Tomorrow 8:30am FB LIVE PRESS BRIEFING with Lawmakers in Juneau. Politadick |
ICE Arrests 150 in Calif. Bay Area Despite Democrat Mayor Alerting
Residents to Sweeps | One America News Network
ICE agents apprehend more than 150 people in northern California despite
attempts from the mayor of Oakland to warn illegal aliens of the
impending operation. Unbelievable.... Yet True Dare our Mayor to do something like this and see how long he has a job after that..... Politadick |
Attorney General Sessions: DOJ to Probe FISA Abuses by Obama
Administration | One America News Network
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the DOJ is set to open a probe into
the Obama administration’s alleged surveillance abuses against the 2016
Trump campaign. This is just the beginning of what is to happen... Politadick |
Alaska Senate Democrats
Senator Bill Wielechowski issued the following statement yesterday
regarding three US senior intelligence officials stating that seven
states' election databases, including Alaska, were accessed by Russian
hackers: Always love when News being reported Quote “Anonymous Sources”. If it was such a “Big” concern to have answered. Why has it taken 1 year and almost four months later to take Action here? Just like the Gun Bill that are pushing through the House Today. That does Nothing to Protect our Children in School, but sure will make it easier to have your guns taken away during a divorce, jilted lovers, etc.... Has nothing to do with the real problems facing Alaskans. It’s all smoke and mirrors to look good for upcoming Elections. Politadick |
Fox Business Video President Donald J. Trump holds bipartisan meeting on school safety. |
Representative Cathy Tilton Facebook LIVE: Budget Q&A
Session Sat 3
PM PSTWasilla
Please Show Up To This One If You Can!! Or Watch it Live Here Politadick |
Alaska KTVA 11
THIS IS ONLY A DRILL: Tudor Elementary students are practicing in the
event of an active shooter. Practice evacuation underway. Active Shooter Drill...... Politadick |
Representative Cathy Tilton
Here are the new agency summary numbers, unrestricted general funds
(UGF) only, from the new House Finance committee substitute (CS) for the
FY19 operating budget. Notice how spending keeps going up and dividends
keep going down. This is why it is so important that people call in Tomorrow starting at 1pm! What they are trying to spend in Juneau is Theft From Us Alaskans! Politadick |
Representative Cathy Tilton
I appreciate James Brooks', from the Juneau Empire, willingness to share
these graphics. I think they're useful in putting our state budget into
context. We are now spending more on healthcare then any other department here.... When are people going to wake up to the biggest expense Alaska Has and our Governor Guarantees that it’s not Sustainable. But he won’t tell you that.... Politadick |
Municipal Clerk's Office
Check out this video! We have a lot going on at the MOA Election Center the closer we get to Election Day! We just received a software update for the ballot return envelope sorting machine. We are running a number of tests to be sure it is performing as expected. Anchorage now votes by mail. For more info about Anchorage elections, visit muni.org/elections Russians are involved..... Politadick |
Fox News Video
ICE Director: Wherever a Border Wall Is Built, Illegal Crossings Go Down
"Every place they've built a wall it has worked. Wherever they built a
wall, illegal crossings went down. I know a lot of people complain about
the price of the wall,
but what price are you going to put on national security and public
Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan joined Fox &
Friends Wednesday
to discuss the border wall. Build it and they will stop coming..... It’s That Simple..... Politadick |
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