Fox News Video Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivers remarks to the National Association of Attorneys General Winter Meeting. |
Fox Business Video Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testifies before the House Committee on Financial Services on 'Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy.' Live Blog: |
Fox News Video House GOP leaders hold their weekly news conference amid growing gun control debate. |
Alaska ADN
A milestone for Anchorage’s troubled SAP system: First paychecks go out
Several hundred people had issues with direct deposit, problems that
appeared to be tied to hours or leave not being recorded properly, city
officials said. But otherwise, it went smoothly. October last year, a computer system SAP was finally up and running after spending 6 years to develop and over $80 million to get it running. Now here we are in a couple of days will be March of 2018, 5 months later and the system still has major issues and looks like the payroll errors have yet to be corrected. During last nights debate with our future Mayors. This program was brought up. Here is what Rebecca Logan had to say to Mayor B. Link to her
Statement: Politadick |
Alaska Rebecca Logan
for Mayor of Anchorage 2018
I was surprised to hear the mayor say yesterday that we are close to the
"end" on the problems with SAP. I have had so many calls from municipal
employees who aren't
being paid correctly. The most recent estimate is that the payroll
department has 4000 payroll correction forms to deal with - and they are
estimating 6-9 months minimum to complete the corrections. The muni is
accruing penalties every day for anyone who was paid incorrectly - we
are well over $100 million when you add this to the total spent. Unions
have filed grievances against the city for the incorrect pay their
members are receiving. This doesn't sound like the end. Wow....
Link to what SAP is and the problems discovered in October of 2017: Politadick |
Saginaw doctor sentenced for defrauding health insurers A
Mid-Michigan doctor learns his fate after admitting to defrauding health
insurers. Good Another Drug Pusher off of the Streets Politadick |
Orange County Closing Homeless Camp Near Disneyland Park
California's homeless crisis is only getting worse, but…
California's homeless crisis is only getting worse, but local leaders in
Orange County say enough is enough. One America's Rachel Ribaudo has
more on what the county is doing to help its homeless community and
clean up its streets. ACLU and Democrats have turned California into one Giant hole Politadick |
OANN Majority of
Americans in Favor of Pres. Trump’s Immigration Policies, According to
Harris Poll | One America News Network 57% of the voters want the Wall Built, 84% of the voters want increased Border Security and 65% agree with the Presidents fix for DACA. Clearly with all the debate about Illegal Immigration. You would think by now Democrats would learn to listen to the 325,000,000 Million US CITIZENS they are suppose to be representing. Instead they are catering to Illegal Immigrants over all of us. More Poll numbers located inside. Politadick |
Alaska KTUU 2
Blizzard Conditions in the Purple and Winter Weather Advisories in the
Yellow with 4-8" of snow and winds from 35-50mph causing blowing and
drifting snow and potential white out conditions. Love to have experts explain all this cold weather. Oh wait it’s called weather..... But if it was Warm Weather. They would be screaming Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling and it all Man Made.... Politadick |
Legal Insurrection
Georgia Senate Blocks Delta Tax Break After Airline Severed Ties with
the NRA We support the second amendment, just not people who
support the second amendment... - Delta, basically. Awesome The NRA did nothing wrong. Police and FBI need to be held accountable for what happen there and only person that is gone, was a coward...... 45 calls to Police and 5 times to the FBI with YuoTube Video. Politadick |
Jay Sekulow Video Law Enforcement’s Catastrophic Failure |
Ben Shapiro Video Episode 484 Were the cops told to stand down? Did they tell emergency responders to stand down? And we examine the government’s record with mental health. |
U.S. to Overtake Russia as World’s Top Oil Producer by End of 2018,
According to IEA | One America News Network
A new report suggests the U.S. is set to overtake Russia as the world’s
largest oil producer this year. Good news for all of the USA. Except Alaska depends on stable oil prices. Hope they stay where they are at now..... Politadick |
Imprimis, a Publication of
Hillsdale College
What Illegal Immigration Means for National Security
Lawbreakers must be punished, not rewarded.
Here’s why we can’t afford a lax immigration system. Facts that are know and the numbers are real, to bad the Left Wing Media has cut those numbers in half and refuse to show when Illegals have caused something to happen. Even here in Alaska they hide the fact of when a crime happens that it was done by an Illegal Immigrant. There was One last year that was just sentence for rape and the Media here keep his status quiet. Politadick |
Alaska House Majority
Coalition Video Politadick · 8:18 $9 billion dollar budget approved last year $10.6 billion has been spent. $10.8 billion dollar budget this year on the table. Why has the budget grown by $1.8 Billion Dollars from last year? Politadick · 9:47 Why is HB185 still Stuck in committees? Politadick · 10:11 Why is HJR34 still in committee? Politadick · 11:20 All bills mentioned above have been in committee twice as long as all the Budget Increase Bills you are passing. Politadick · 12:23 Why do you think Prop1 is a good Idea to have, not happen? Politadick · 13:37 Done in 90 was the promise made.... Yet with all this new spending, how do you think that will be accomplished? Politadick · 17:03 1/3 of Alaska’s Budget is now for Healthcare. What are you doing to gets this costs cut down? Are you going to place the needed caps to Medicaid? Are you going to pass the Work Requirements, that has no Exceptions for places that have no jobs in Alaska? |
Alaska KTUU 2
Sen. Dan Sullivan urges Alaskans to seize economic opportunities
U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan joined in the economic optimism, voiced last week
by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, in his annual address Monday to the Alaska
Legislature. What a waste of Alaskan taxpayers money on the LNG Gasline to Nowhere is. Still they have not provided a single number that it would ever make a profit, threats of China getting all the jobs is real, 75% of production to go to them. Only good to come out of all of this is the 1002 Area (ANWR) has been finally opened for business. Bad part is, our Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” and his Gang Of Thieves lawmakers thinks Alaska need to be paying the costs of having it get opened when the Oil Companies should be lining up to pay the costs. Just another bad Idea like the Oil Credits Program That has Alaskans owing a Billion Dollars for. Glad to see Senator Sullivan is doing his best to make sure our Nations Security and our own State is a #1 Priority in Washington. Politadick |
Breitbart Video The DOJ unveils its new Opioid Policy |
Fox News Video Vice President Mike Pence makes remarks at the Susan B. Anthony List/Life Issues Institute luncheon. |
Mat-Su Valley News
There is a Special Assembly Meeting next Tuesday Feb. 27th at 6 p.m. at the MSB building. On the Agenda are three big ticket items: the "Tax Cap and School District Funding Formula," the FERC gas line matter, and the Ferry debt. Members of the public who want to listen to the details and give their opinion about taxes and school funding can attend the meeting and speak up. However, the important FERC and Ferry matters are scheduled to be discussed behind closed doors...unless the Assembly members vote to have the discussions out in the open. Why can't the public listen to the details of the potential FERC litigation and the potential resolution of the $9 million Ferry debt? Why can't these issues be discussed and debated in the open so that the public can decide if we want to proceed with either the litigation or the debt settlement? How can we advise our Reps to vote IF we are kept in the dark about these important matters?
Read the posting below for important information about tonight’s meeting. $9,000,000Million Dollars is trying to be spent behind closed doors‼️ We should also be hearing news about the Fireplace Ban from EPA and the DEC. Assembly said last meeting they would get this for us. Link to last Assembly Meeting Video below. Link to announcement of tonight’s MSB Assembly Meeting: Link to MSB Video Fireplace Ban last month: |
Senate GOP Video Members of the Senate Republican leadership team brief the press. |
The Daily Signal Video LIVE: Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders takes questions from the media at today's White House press briefing. |
Fox News Video
Vice President Mike Pence and
HUD Secretary Ben Carson make remarks at the International Christian
Media Conference. |
Fox Business Video President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks regarding The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges & Universities. |
Fox News Video Florida Governor Rick Scott highlights his plan to make major changes to help keep Florida students safe, including a $500 million investment in school safety and mental health. |
Alaska Town Hall on
Proposed ML&P Sale
Tomorrow 6
One for the calendars..... Politadick |
Alaska Anchorage
Chamber of Commerce
Candidate Forum Here are each candidate's response to the questions asked by the Anchorage Chamber's Municipal Activities Committee. Ethan Berkowitz: Rebecca Logan: Matthew Mendonsa: Dustin Darden: Timothy Huit: Nelson Godoy: Ron Stafford: (Paul Kendall and Jacob Kern were contacted, but did not return their answers.) All you want to know about what the potential new Mayors answered to questions last night. Politadick |
Legal Group: 100K Non-U.S.Citizens are Registered to Vote in Pa. | One
America News Network
A Conservative legal group says more than 100,000 non-U.S. citizens are
registered to vote in Pennsylvania. Wow...... Politadick |
PragerU Video PragerU is live now with Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla in Phoenix on their No Safe Spaces tour. Come enjoy the show as the two discuss important topics including safe spaces, free expression, higher education, and the problematic decay of free speech! |
Alaska Senator Shelly Hughes Video Your input and questions to Senator Hughes welcome! Live in Juneau waiting to hear from you. #Telling_like_it_is #worthwatching #worthsharing |
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