February 24 at 7:41am  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Two townhall opportunities tomorrow (Saturday) for you to give input. Mat-Su Delegation 10am at Palmer Senior Center and Chugiak Eagle River Delegation at 2pm at Chugiak Senior Center. I’ll be at both! Details in flyers below.

“Two” Townhall opportunities Today for you to give input. Mat-Su Delegation 10am at Palmer Senior Center and Chugiak Eagle River Delegation at 2pm at Chugiak Senior Center. I’ll be at both! Details in flyers below.  Politadick
February 24 at 7:49am  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  I need your help to keep a bill that WILL IMPACT US ALL alive and moving through the committee process. Please share this post far and wide. Pictured is the brief summary of the bill (SB119 Alaska Healthcare Consumers Right to Shop Act) which is up this Tuesday, Feb 27. The lobbying arm of the healthcare industry is strong so I need YOUR help and that of other Alaskans including those managing household budgets, those who are employers, those from other industry sectors, those who are tired of education funding increases going to increasing healthcare costs, and those in all the other categories who get that our healthcare costs in Alaska are absolutely unsustainable (after all, they are the highest in the nation as well as in the world).  Written testimony is needed by Tuesday morning - earlier is better. Willing souls needed to call in to testify Tuesday afternoon! Call my office 907-465-3743 for the toll-free number and for Buddy to recommend to you the best time to call in as we learn more as far as how the schedule is expected to flow. Right now, we expect public testimony to be in the second half of the Senate Labor & Commerce meeting which runs from 1:30 to 3:30pm but it could begin earlier. There's also a 5pm public testimony time reserved if it's needed. 

If you're submitting written testimony, please send it to Sen.Shelley.Hughes@akleg.gov. The full language of the bill is here: http://www.legis.state.ak.us/PDF/30/Bills/SB0119A.PDF.

Thank you, Alaskans, for your help. Please spread the word - we need Alaskans from all over the state to provide testimony. Please know that I love our providers statewide - they provide essential services - and we don't want to drive them out, but they WILL be able to weather this and adjust because the cost transformation that will occur as a result of this bill's passage will be gradual over time, according to the natural forces of the market. We need your support to help unleash the free market principles in the healthcare arena in Alaska!

Have you seen this? I know I have been hearing adds all over the place for it. Big Named Lobbyist are trying hard to stop this Bill From happening.

Why you ask... Well when you hold the medical field accountable for what they are charging you for services. They don’t want that to happen. So they are telling everyone that you need to vote no on this bill, they really do like taking as much as they can without telling you what it will cost in the end.

Call Today and let ALL our Lawmakers Know to pass SB119


February 24 at 8:05am  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Video I admit this is a little long for a Capitol Quick Clip but the topic IMPACTS US ALL and I need your help. #WorthWatching #WorthSharing #ShelleysStraightScoop

How to lower Medical Services costs in Alaska

Healthcare Provider Lobbyist are trying hard to stop this from happening. They like overcharging us all for their services. Time for a change Alaska and we must all do our part to make it happen


February 24 at 9:51am  Alaska  Politadick 

Will be going Live!!

Senior Center Palmer Alaska Town Hall!

February 24 at 10:01am  Alaska  Politadick  Video

Live at Palmer Senior Center Town Hall!!

Come and join in on the conversation!  Politadick

February 24 at 12:39pm  Alaska  Politadick  Will be going live! At the Eagle River Town Hall at 2 Today!
February 24 at 12:47pm  Breitbart  Video  RIGHT NOW: Breitbart News is interviewing Chairman Devin Nunes after Schiff Memo drops... 
February 24 at 2:22pm  Alaska  Politadick  Video  Eagle River Town Hall! Live! 
February 24 at 4:21pm  Alaska  Politadick  Video 

SB91/54 Town Hall was Live....

Special Guest Speaker, "Katholyn Runnels - Alaska Asst. District Attorney General"

Please Watch the Video and Get the Cold hard "Facts" about the revolving door these Laws have really Caused....
SB91/54 Laws and the Impacts to Alaska: Rampant Theft, Vehicle Theft and Increase in Crime!


February 24 at 7:52pm  Alaska  Tee Shan 


~ by Tee Shan

Why do Democrat-Socialists believe so strongly in government control of schools? Can’t citizens be trusted? Only an insecure government believes that it is the only one trustworthy and capable enough to educate kids.

Increased access to diverse learning opportunities means that parents and kids need access to all learning opportunities, not just a mediocre government created generic one.

What purpose does limiting education opportunities serve? We know who it serves, but why?

How does a government controlled school rationalize that competition doesn’t help improve the quality of learning?

Freedom is what America thrives on. Freedom = Choice. Parents should not need a permission slip from government to educate their kids outside of the government system. Government should be ethical and moral enough to give back money that a parent has paid into the public coffer for schooling which they may have chosen not to use. Parents that choose to send their kids to a private school should not have to pay for seat space not used in the government system. In fact Alaska’s Department of Corrections has made this very argument against paying for unused beds at local Anchorage halfway houses. DOC has refused to pay for them.

So why is it that when a government entity sees unused capacity it refuses to pay for it if the unused capacity is in the private sector -BUT- that same government refuses to give back money to the private citizen when it has unused capacity of its own when a parent chooses to enroll their child outside the system? It is wrong and politicians that defend it are hypocrites.

As a parent I should be able to choose where to send my kids for the maximum opportunities possible. Repurpose existing public school structures and stop lying to ourselves that public education is effective. In Alaska it most certainly is not.

We have a societal issue and its symptoms are often revealed in our schools.

Since we cant control each others children we can only be responsible for our own and ourselves, then let us have freedom and choice to do all that we can as parents to make sure ours are safe and productive.

No matter what crazy ideas are tried the instances of violence will not change until we make radically different choices and change the model of educating our kids. It requires a pivot to a new paradigm. We are supposed to be a free people...lets act like it!

So True......  Politadick

February 24 at 9:52pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold  Cliff Cooks take on the Town Hall & Public Safety update:  What an awesome Chugiak/Eagle River Town Hall followed up by the problems of SB91 driven Public Safety meeting! Crime and drugs were the issues of the day, and you could tell all participants truly cared why they were elected and what actions they needed to accomplish, not only during current session but beyond. I’m also truly humbled by Rep Lora Reinbold’s passion and drive for public safety that can’t be matched. Finally, it was a great honor to receive a citation bestowed upon me by the State legislators. What an awesome surprise. Thank you Prime Sponsors Rep Lora Reinbold and Rep Dan Saddler for making it happen and I hope to continue supporting the community as long as they allow! I would also like to acknowledge John D. Rathert’s efforts in the community patrol endeavor. He has been a wealth of knowledge and his assistance can’t be matched! Above and beyond!!!!

Well Deserved


Link to the Video of this Awesome Moment

February 24 at 10:47pm  Alaska  Politadick  Video 

“Representative Lora Reinbold”

“Cliff Cooks take on the Town Hall & Publuc Safety update:

What an awesome Chugiak/Eagle River Town Hall followed up by the problems of SB91 driven Public Safety meeting! Crime and drugs were the issues of the day, and you could tell all participants truly cared why they were elected and what actions they needed to accomplish, not only during current session but beyond. I’m also truly humbled by Rep Lora Reinbold’s passion and drive for public safety that can’t be matched. Finally, it was a great honor to receive a citation bestowed upon me by the State legislators. What an awesome surprise. Thank you Prime Sponsors Rep Lora Reinbold and Rep Dan Saddler for making it happen and I hope to continue supporting the community as long as they allow! I would also like to acknowledge John D. Rathert’s efforts in the community patrol endeavor. He has been a wealth of knowledge and his assistance can’t be matched! Above and beyond!!!!”

Link to Group Picture at the end of the Video and statement Above:



February 24 at 10:58pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Did you make it down to the Fur Rondy fireworks? Here's a glimpse of the action from Anchorage's Fairview neighborhood. Happy Fur Rondy, everyone!
February 24 at 11:12pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Congress releases Democratic memo rebutting GOP claims of surveillance abuse.  Congress releases redacted Democratic memo pushing back on GOP claims of surveillance abuses in FBI's Russia probe  After weeks of discussions with the Justice Department, Democrats on the House intelligence committee released Saturday a classified memo that counters GOP allegations that the FBI abused U.S. government surveillance powers in its investigation into Russian election interference.

Where are all these fake Russia Leaks coming from?


See comments below..  Politadick

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