February 22 at 6:26am  SpaceX  Video  Watch live as SpaceX launches the PAZ satellite to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
February 22 at 6:33am  Fox News  Video  NRA - National Rifle Association of America CEO Wayne LaPierre addresses the Florida school shooting at CPAC 2018.
February 22 at 6:39am  Fox News  Video  Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other law enforcement officials hold a news conference to announce a significant law enforcement action.
February 22 at 6:45am  Ben Shapiro  Why are we not protecting our most vulnerable?   Daily Wire  What Percentage Of Mass Shootings Happen In 'Gun Free Zones'? The Number Is Stunning.  After dozens of warning signs and alerts from concerned citizens went unnoticed, a shooter walked into a South Florida high school and murdered… 

Wow....   Politadick
February 22 at 6:58am  Candace Owens  Video  NEW VIDEO! EVERY conservative should go see the PRO-TRUMP movie, Black Panther. SHARE to give your condolences to the race-baiting people that celebrated the movie before realizing it's message.   #Wakandaforever is #MAGA

Ohhhh, Ouch.....  Politadick
February 22 at 7:06am  WSJ  Tax Reform and IRS Resistance  Getting it through Congress was the easy part. Now come the regulations.  With all the good news about the new Republican tax law, you may be surprised to learn that the fight isn’t over. Behind the scenes, reformers face a new challenge: Navigating the IRS swamp, writes Kimberley A. Strassel.

The Swamp at IRS is extremely deep and needs a good cleaning....  Politadick
February 22 at 7:10am  OANN  Video  MS-13 Expanding Due to Obama Admin. Lax Immigration Enforcement  A new report shows the MS-13 gang is increasing its…  A new report shows the MS-13 gang is increasing its numbers amid the surge of illegal immigrants over the last few years. One America's Rachel Walker has more details.

You won’t hear this on CNN.....  Politadick
February 22 at 7:16am  Branco Cartoon - Protect  and Defend   Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 2/22/2018

98% True......  Politadick
February 22 at 8:03am  Jay Sekulow  Video  Radio: Protecting America's Schools
February 22 at 8:05am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 481  Trump meets shooting victims, CNN holds an anti-gun townhall, and the media’s gun lies continue.
February 22 at 9:04am  Alaska House Republicans  Video  Week 5 press availability. House Republicans are committed to being the voice of Alaskans and openly sharing the progress at the capitol.

Politadick · 12:53 HJR34 needs to get out of committees and on the floor for debate. Get the PFD out of the budget talks. Majority of Alaskans do not approve of you using it to fund governments budget when you all refuse to make meaningful cuts.

Politadick · 16:01 Medicaid needs to be capped along with all the levels of the budget.

Politadick · 17:58 When Alaska can give a $1.7 Million Dollar grant to Willow for a library given by a Healthcare Facility earnings. There is a clear problem with what we a paying for services.

Politadick · 20:27 Why not approve the same budget as last year and instead of trying to pass more restrictions to businesses and adding new taxes. Start cutting the budget.

Politadick · 22:31 $700,000 to pay just one person wages and travel for LNG Gasline to Nowhere. Holding secret meetings and never provide any numbers to ever prove it would ever make a profit.

Politadick · 24:28 Reform wages given to teachers that will be based on performance. Quit giving raises to teachers that perform badly and give it to teachers that have excellent performance.

Politadick · 25:31 Repeal the Medicaid Expansion before it takes all the budget just to fund it....

Politadick · 27:58 Higher earnings from oil and you are already trying to spend it. $10.8 billion dollar budget. Largest in Alaska’s History. Spending cap on all levels of the budget. Shifting funding into the non capped potion is dishonest and manipulative of the real crisis you all have created.

Politadick · 34:03 Get are national guard in the schools until you can get teachers armed and trained to prevent these things from happening.

February 22 at 10:14am  Fox News  Video  The White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah holds a briefing. 
February 22 at 10:19am  Fox Business  Video  Senator Ted Cruz speaks at CPAC 2018.
February 22 at 10:48am  US Department of State  Video  Spokesperson Heather Nauert addresses reporters at the Department Press Briefing on February 22, 2018.

Will be starting in 15 minutes  Politadick
February 22 at 10:56am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Sen. Lisa Murkowski is delivering her annual address to Alaska lawmakers at the state Capitol in Juneau.

Here we go

Politadick · 18:40 To bad you gave away the 90/10 split.

Politadick · 21:34 30% poverty. 7.8% unemployment.

Politadick · 24:09 Bill that is almost passed that pays a Billion Dollars to the minority here while the rest of us suffer.

Politadick · 26:55 Those screaming Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling time for you to move where there are jobs and face reality this has been going on for 4.5 Billion Years.

Politadick · 29:22 How about her buddy Maria Cantwell Who is the leader in suing Alaska. You know the one that our Mayor is holding a fund raiser for and Senator B here is to.

Politadick · 32:05 You are bankrupting Alaska with healthcare expansion and have receive a $50 Million payoff to reduce the overall costs, just to claim that it has been lowered.

Politadick · 34:09 2020 Alaska will be spending half our budget trying to pay for that expansion. The one our Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” made without Alaskans or our Lawmakers consent. Theft from the people who half to pay for it because we earn to much.

Politadick · 35:39 That healthcare expansion made the Opioid crisis worse with those, that for a time was getting them for free.

Politadick · 37:45 Making deals with China who is the supplier of fentanyl to the USA. Sends all our fish processing to China so that they don’t half to pay our wages her in America.

Politadick · 38:31 Put the National Guard in our schools until you can get trained and armed teachers in all our schools.

Politadick · 41:31 Free Narcan to druggies but life saving Epipins cost 5k

Politadick · 43:26 You don’t answer your phone. You don’t return reply to emails. Unless your a big money lobbies. Then you can’t answer your phone fast enough.

Politadick · 44:56 Hmmmmm.... She completely skipped over Pebble mine. Had no problem naming all the Native controlled businesses.

Politadick · 49:03 You and yours control the EPA that stops mining. Environmentalist big donors from out of state suing Alaska, costing millions to fight. Stopping job growth.

Politadick · 51:37 To answer his question. Get rid of gun free zones. 98% of all mass shootings in the USA have happen in the “Gun Free Zones”

Politadick · 53:03 Secure our border and stop MS13 and like people from entering the USA!

Politadick · 54:08 Arming teachers that are trained and certified has worked in Texas extremely well.

Politadick · 54:46 FBI allowed what happen in Florida. They failed to do their jobs.

Politadick · 56:28 You mean actually do your jobs in Washington instead of catering to big donors. What a concept.

Politadick · 57:59 40+ years we have needed a border built. Just imagine all the people who would still be alive if it was done 40 years ago.

Politadick · 59:31 There is no way universal healthcare will ever be able to pay for itself. If you think the $20 Trillion dollar debt is bad now. Double it if you pass things like that.

Politadick · 1:02:42 It hasn’t paid off. It was a stop gate money to try and hide how much it is destroying our economy. $7 Trillion Obama funneled into Obamacare making it look like it works. $100,000,000 Million this year and last that our Governor has needed to cover the expansion and has raised our budget by $2 Billion Dollars a year.

Politadick · 1:04:39 $7.6 Billion spent last year on health care here in Alaska. Explain how that is able to be maintained and on a national level be affordable?

Politadick · 1:07:52 5 year plan they come back and say we don’t want to do it anymore. Like Obama did when Shell brought their offshore rig up to explore and was shut down.

February 22 at 11:09am  Alaska  Gavel Alaska  Video  U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski addresses the Alaska State Legislature and answers questions from legislators.
February 22 at 12:07pm  Fox Business  Video  Coral Springs Police hold a press conference on Parkland, FL school shooting.
February 22 at 1:04pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Federal, state and local law enforcement officials are discussing gun crimes linked to vehicle thefts in Anchorage. STORY: http://bit.ly/2EKIQUd

Politadick · 7:56 Your big enough but due to crappy laws like SB91/54 giving criminals a revolving door, what good does arresting people really even do?

Politadick · 8:22 Crime has tripled

Politadick · 11:24 Letting people out that have guns with no bail and now don’t show up for court. What good did it do to arrest them in the first place. 500 arrests and 499 let back out in less then 24 hrs.

Politadick · 13:04 Let a person out for domestic abuse and give a ride home and he kills her once back at home. He was a repeat abuser and you still took him back.

Politadick · 15:57 Arrest two repeat vehicle thieves with more stolen vehicles in their yard and let them out the very next day. They have another stolen vehicle again in their yard now.

Politadick · 18:24 You reward the criminal with free healthcare once there let out of jail…

February 22 at 1:05pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  WATCH: Alaska law officials unveil federal charges in APD vehicle theft cases.  Tune-in at 1 p.m. Thursday, to watch KTUU's live-stream of the conference.

Politadick · 15:09 Your big enough but due to crappy laws like SB91/54 giving criminals a revolving door, what good does arresting people really even do?

Politadick · 17:00 Crime has tripled due to Governor and Mayors soft on crime bills.

Politadick · 18:42 Letting people out that have guns with no bail and now don’t show up for court. What good did it do to arrest them in the first place. 500 arrests and 499 let back out in less then 24 hrs.

Politadick · 20:59 Let a person out for domestic abuse and give a ride home and he kills her once back at home. He was a repeat abuser and you still took him back.

Politadick · 23:11 Arrest two repeat vehicle thieves with more stolen vehicles in their yard and let them out the very next day. They have another stolen vehicle again in their yard now.

February 22 at 1:31pm  Ben Shapiro  BREAKING  Daily Wire  BREAKING: Robert Mueller Files New Charges In Russia Investigation  On Thursday, special counsel Robert Mueller filed new charges in his investigation against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and… 

Uhhhhh oh........  Politadick
February 22 at 8:32pm  The Daily Signal  Why doesn’t the mainstream media talk to students like these about their thoughts on the gun control debate?

What the Left Wing Media don’t want to let you hear. It’s worth 10 Minutes to hear from people without an agenda from time to time....


February 22 at 10:40pm  Alaska  PragerU  Video   Take a stand!  Free Speech On Campus 

Welcome to Alaska’s Schools. K-12, University’s and Colleges... Sad that in all grade levels, this has become true.

My kiddo is constantly, as the school puts it. “Causing Controversy”. When an individual like my kiddo, has been taught to think outside of the box. They don’t like hearing back what they are saying, might not be right. (Usually this gets resolved without having to get involved.) Proudly though, I find that I I am defending what kiddo has said and more then willing to provide the “Facts”. Only once have I had to shake my finger saying you do not have all the “Facts” to my kiddo.

I must admit, Teachers definitely don’t like hearing they don’t know what they are talking about.

Kiddo has been taught to always look for the “Facts” on all sides of an issue and is not be intimidated to speak up. To challenge what is believed to be true, with “Facts”.

To research subjects that many find, too taboo to talk about in schools. Like Addiction, (SAGA), suicide, art, how to have a debate, politics, the list is way to long for me to continue. Suffice to say, anything others might find to offensive to discuss in a “Snowflakes” presence.

Like Prop1 and why even though kiddo supports SAGA 100%, believes that is something that should get a Yes Vote and kiddos arguments that she has, Do to researching of the ”Facts”, about everything that will do. Knows that the ones pushing it to pass, have deliberately keep the truth about all that it will do if passed, as quite as possible.

Kiddo has an easier time seeing their sides of the issues. (Old person vs young persons point of view.) Usually in the end we nearly always find the middle ground after researching the issue with “Facts”

Kiddo and I are always challenging each other to learn as much as we can about a subject. Ones that interest the other, so that we can have very passionate debates. Many subjects we don’t see eye to eye on. But we both have learned the “Facts” outweigh the “Feelings” we may have about them in the end.

I would say this is a must watch video and then Watch the “State Of the Alaska University” Address.

After watching this video and then what he says during his State U of A Address, you will hear much of what is said in this video from PragerU.


Link to the “State Of the Alaska University” Address:

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