February 17 at 9:14am  The Daily Signal  Video  The left was quick to politicize the Florida school shooting, The View's Joy Behar attacks Vice President Mike Pence, and more details emerge about corruption in the FBI.  We're counting down the top 10 stories of the week—many of which went misreported by the mainstream media.
February 17 at 9:15am  Fox Business  Video  Vice President Mike Pence delivers keynote remarks at an America First Policies event.
February 17 at 9:33am  Alaska  Yukon Quest  Video  Allen Moore is the 2018 Yukon Quest champion! 

Way Cool  Politadick
February 17 at 9:34am  Anonymous  Photo  "If the government says, "You Don't Need A Gun"  You need A Gun!"

Yup.....  Politadick
February 17 at 9:58am  Alaska House Republicans  Video  #MiningRocks! 4,400+ people are employed by Alaska mines with the average pay over $108k. Mining contributes to your PFD's and through reclamation keeps Alaska beautiful. This week resources members from the House & Senate heard an industry report. Watch some of the highlights here. #akleg #AlaskaMines #NANA#RedDogMine #KensingtonMine #GreensCreekMine #PogoMine #FortKnoxMine#UsibelliMine #Coal #Gold #Silver #Zinc Representative DeLena Johnson Rep Chris Birch Representative George Rauscher Rep. Dave Talerico Senator Cathy GiesselSenator Kevin Meyer Senator Natasha von Imhof Senator John Coghill

Did You know....  Politadick
February 17 at 10:40am  Alaska Republican Assembly 


Good Morning Governor and Senators,

First, let me thank you for your willingness to choose someone from our list ofnames. It is unfortunate that the media treated one of our choices with the same kind of distortions they do our President. I know Tom Braund personally. He told me of his personal issue (which he ended up withdrawing for) right after you picked him. You gave us hope when you picked Tom, Governor. Tom never thought you would.

It is very difficult for me to find the ‘right words’ to express to you how we feel about our Senate Seat E dilemma. Making us jump through more hoops really is not addressing the root of the issue, nor is it a real answer to the empty seat.

My concern right now is the concern of many - probably even most people in our districts and most likely the entire state. Of course many people want to be appointed. Of course none of them is perfect. What is important to us is that our wishes are respected. The further down the list of applicants you go when you choose someone, the less you are respecting us. That is a huge problem in our minds. It becomes an even larger problem when the media makes a circus out of the process or our choices.

You are ignoring our two best choices. The two who got the most votes from our combined districts. One is even a sitting legislator, and I can think of no legitimate reason to ignore him. None. The excuse given by someone in your office is lame, given Representative Rauscher’s reason for that ‘sign’ on his door. I know his personal story / reason why he put it there. I have a similar story in my life. Abuse is not acceptable. I am sure you can agree with that. Making his silent protest against abuse into a bad thing is equally unacceptable.

Someone also told me that you won’t pick Representative Rauscher, because that would leave his seat empty. I assure you, as his district chair, my district has already had that discussion and we are prepared to supply you with a replacement in the shortest time allowed by law and the rules. We welcome the opportunity to do such.

I do not know why you have rejected Todd Smoldon, so I cannot address any of your concerns regarding him.

So, if you truly respect us, you will choose from the only two who got a majority of support from our combined districts. Anything less does not truly respect us. We see that plainly. I sincerely hope you do too and will respect us. Alaska is watching to see what you do next.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and speedy action on our empty seat.

cc: Tuckerman Babcock, ARP President
bcc: District 9 Committee, Representative George Rauscher, Representative David Eastman, Todd Smoldon, Suzanne Downing

Carol Carman
Chair, ARP District 9E

Gov Walker, emailto: darwin.peterson@alaska.gov


February 17 at 11:00am  Politadick  Photo  Democrats   President Donald Trump  TWITTER  "Cannot believe how BADLY DACA recipients have been treated by the Democrats...totally abandoned!  Republicans are still working hard."

This has now been removed from my page for a second time.... The original posting was on a Fox News Article, the second time, I went to Twitter and found it and posted it again only to find it has been scrubbed off of the page, so now I’m reposting as a picture. Let’s see how long this one lasts.... Politadick

For 40+ year we have been trying to have a solution for the Illegal Alien/Immigration problem. Democrats and the Left Wing Media don’t want you to know that we have a President in office that HAS, the once and for all fix, that gives a clear pathway to Citizenship and secures our boarders once and for all.

Democrats don’t want this to happen because it will take away the very last thing they have to use as a pawn for their Agenda. ALL Illegal Immigrants/Aliens/DACA need to demand that Democrats do the right thing by them and pass what President Trump has on the table.

This is in the best interest of all of them and all 320,000,000 Million US Citizens of the United States Of America


February 17 at 11:46am  Fox News  Video  Laura Ingraham: The Only People Charged with Election Interference Are Russians "We finally have indictments in the Mueller investigation related to meddling in the 2016 election — and the only ones being charged are Russians."  On The Ingraham Angle Friday, Laura Ingraham discussed news Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein broke during a press conference that 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election. http://fxn.ws/2EK4cjL

The Truth is out there.... But the Democrats, some Rino’s and Left Wing Media don’t want you to see this.....


February 17 at 11:49am  Candace Owens  Video  Public Service Announcement to all Illegal's!!  SHARE if you agree that the left doesn't care about any of them!

Look hard enough and you will find those that are exposing the truth.... it just takes forever to filter through all the lies and half truths, to find them.....


February 17 at 12:42pm  Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman  Video  Brrrrrrrr..... Polar Plunge  Politadick
February 17 at 4:45pm  A.F. Branco Cartoon - Who You Gonna Call?  The FBI should be paying more attention to stopping school shootings than they are on the Russia/Trump Collusion investigation. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018.  Today's ((( 2nd ))) A.F. Branco Cartoon - 2/16/2018

February 17 at 4:46pm  Top Stories USA  Photo  "The More We Learn    The More I Believe This Man Is Saving America"

Yes.....    Politadick
February 17 at 5:27pm  Fox News  Video  Vice President Mike Pence delivers keynote remarks at the GOP's Reagan Day Dinner in Dallas.
February 17 at 6:09pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  This was the second video from Reformed Snowflake, in case you missed it.

Just a short Reminder how much our Mayor thinks about the people he is suppose to be representing........ Just Imagine for a moment you showed up to do your job and this is how you answered to your bosses at the meetings....

I don't think you would be employed very long....

MOA it's time for a change, April 2018, Vote for Rebecca Logan


February 17 at 6:25pm  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Save The PFD

List of all that want to cap the PFD and change the POMV.

Alaskan's must Step up and Take Action! 
33% of Alaskan's live in Poverty!

If we don't start speaking out to those in Juneau and Let our Voices be Heard. They will take the Entire PFD and spend it "ALL" on government, catering to the 1%!

What they are doing is Theft, from every Child/Women/Man living in Alaska!
This is taxation without representation, from every person that lives here!

You think to yourself... What can I do? I'm only just one person and nothing I ever said or did before, has made a difference?

Imagine for a moment.....🤔🤔🤔

You speak up send Three simple Email to those in charge. 
Next call Three Phone numbers and tell them what you think about the "PFD Theft".

Then because "You Shared" this post, more people Email and Call and because you know how "Important" this is, you tell all "Your Friends" to Share this Post.

Then they to, Email and Call, soon after, we have a "Wave of Emails and Voices" all speaking as one, telling our Legislators and Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named" to Stop the "Theft" they are doing.

There is 739,000 Alaskans living here and only 62 people in Government controlling all of our Futures, "We" should not be living in "Fear" wondering what they are going to do next to us. United we have the power to Change Alaska's Future, "Divided" like they have us now. Is why they are Winning.

So now what do you do? Here is some very easy steps to follow and "We can take back Control of Our Futures Together":

Step 1 (Copy this very easy thing to say below in an email)

Senator John Coghill,

"PASS SJR1 to protect the PFD."

(Your Name Goes Here)

Senator Mia Costello,

"PASS SJR1 to protect the PFD."

(Your Name Goes Here)

Senator Pete Kelly,

"PASS SJR1 to protect the PFD."

(Your Name Goes Here)

Next: SEND AN EMAIL TO LEGISLATORS ---Just copy Step 1 and send that Very simple message to Coghill, Costello and Kelly, LOL, don't forget to replace the bracketed part with your name.

Step 2 Addresses to Email:




Before doing step three, Please Note: Step One and Two are the important steps to be doing. Number three is an excellent way to remind them that you sent them a Email wanting SJ1 to happen.

Step 3 "Call them and read to them the simple message from Step 1"

Senator John Coghill: 907-465-3719

Senator Pete Kelly: 907-465-3709

Senator Mia Costello: 907-465-4968

Join the “Wave of Change for Alaska” and Make a Difference.

"Your Voice Does Make a Difference!"

Join the Permanent Fund Defenders on their page. Make sure to click the Like and Follow buttons. To get all the lasted updates of Rallies and Things you can do to make sure Our Children's and our Own, have a very Bright Future!


I know you are wondering what is SJ1:

It does two things.

#1 It puts it into our "Alaska Constitution"
#2 It make's sure the "POMV" does “Not” get Changed

I find it Really sad to see that a bill that is only months old, SJ12, has made it out of committee and if passed will increase government size in Alaska and cost more money needed for the Budget. But can't get SJ1 out of Committee that has been there "Ten Times" LONGER THEN IT HAS!

February 17 at 9:14pm  Eric Thrapp  Photo  Guns Protect Everyone except our Children in Schools  This was a terrible tragedy.. Ann, who is a teacher, and is trained and licensed to carry a firearm can't, on school grounds. I, myself, after 41 years of law enforcement work, can't carry a firearm on school grounds. Wolves know where the sheep are defenseless!

Yup.....  Politadick
February 17 at 9:20pm  Alaska  Representative David Eastman  The fiscal crisis has officially ended. 

Watch as Democrat legislators voted yesterday to add another million to the governor's budget.

Juneau has already increased last year's budget by more than 1.1 billion. Better check your stockings this year. Let's hope you were one of the recipients.

For the rest, it's great to know where your PFD went to...

To watch the full debate, visit: https://goo.gl/vcd5T7


Wake up Alaskans Where is your outrage over what they continue to do in Juneau


February 17 at 9:25pm  Alaska  Representative Tammy Wilson  The Commissioner of Corrections in Alaska wants to start placing sex offenders in group type homes in residential neighborhoods. There are many areas of the state that do not have zoning laws and therefore will not get a say on whether or not they think this is a good idea. Well I think it is a horrible idea and if you agree with me you should call the Governor, 907-465-3500 and tell him to please stop this from happening.

This is an Outrageous They can’t even get control of what has happen in Juneau this last year and even tried covering things up there.

I can only Imagine what problems this will cause 


February 17 at 9:34pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  In Parkland's wake, Anchorage hosts rally for stricter gun laws  Dana Dardis, among protesters in Midtown today after 17 people died in this week's Florida school shooting, said "Every country has a toxic masculinity. What they don't have is the availability of assault weapons to the public."

Teachers should be armed in schools. There is no reason that they should not Be able to protect those who are too young to do it themselves.


February 17 at 9:56pm  Alaska  ADN  A simple step toward a sustainable economy: Alaska long trails  It’s not a new idea; it’s not expensive; and much of it is already in place.  OPINION: "Millions of visitors are now traveling to trek on these trails. This is their moment. Now it can also be ours," says former Gov. Tony Knowles.

Just what we Don’t Need.... Our current park structures and trails, that are not already closed, falling apart and have no funding to fix and here’s comes an Idea that will cater to less then 1% of the tourists that would come to Alaska and end up if developed, owned by the largest of the corporations in Alaska.


February 17 at 10:25pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  February 24 at Palmer Senior Center

Mat-Su Delegation Townhall Saturday 24th at 10 AM · Palmer Senior Center · Palmer

Next Saturday Town Hall in Palmer

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