February 13 at 6:26am  Fox Business  Video  Vice President Mike Pence gives remarks at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
February 13 at 6:28am  Fox News  Video 
February 13 at 6:41am  The Daily Caller  North Korean Defector Just BLEW UP Media's Favorite Narrative About Kim Jung Un's Sister Ji Seong Ho knows better.  He made mincemeat of this narrative

The truth behind who “Little Rocket Mans” Sister.....  Politadick
February 13 at 6:45am  Alaska Policy Forum  Report: 90 percent of all voters support requiring able-bodied adults to work, train, or volunteer at least part-time in order to receive welfare. When states implemented similar reforms, able-bodied adults leaving welfare found work in more than 600 different industries and their incomes more than doubled on average. Source: https://thefga.org/poll/poll-voters-want-welfare-reform/

Alaskans need to work to qualify for Welfare/Entitlements. No matter where you live... No job, then no Welfare/Entitlements.  Politadick
February 13 at 6:50am  Fox News  Sony apologizes for controversial 'Peter Rabbit' scene  UPDATE: Sony Pictures has issued an apology over a controversial scene in its new film during which a character with an allergy to blackberries is attacked with offending foodstuff.

OMG.... People really do need to grow up...

The Left is triggered by a cartoon....

February 13 at 6:54am  ABC News  Video  We're at The White House as Pres. Donald J. Trump holds a meeting with state local officials on infrastructure. The administration is expected to call for $200 billion in new federal funds for infrastructure in its budget today.

Can’t seem to find this anywhere else... Just ignore the comments from others commenting... Uncut what President Trump said yesterday about infrastructure.  Politadick
February 13 at 7:21am  Alaska  Oil prices exceeding expectation, strong production, and a glide path to a balanced budget. What's not to love?  Must Read Alaska  Senate president: No need for taxes - Must Read Alaska  Alaska Senate President Pete Kelly today said

Wow.... Sad to see the Senate are supporting the POMV restructuring of the PFD. Never in Alaska’s history hast the ERA been used to fund government and there is no reason for that to happen now.

This is the Money that Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” was supposed to have already deposited into the investment account for the PFD, but hasn’t done since he took office. THIS SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR GOVERNMENTS SPENDING ON THE BUDGET!

There is nearly $14 Billion sitting in Slush Fund/Rainy Day Accounts that should be used long before it is.

Oh crap, didn’t mean to cuss. Gabriel LeDoux says you can’t say that no more. Effectively Silencing the truth on Alaska’s Capital Floor.


February 13 at 7:23am  Alaska  Drain The Swamp Alaska  Picture of Who needs to be Voted Out  Searching for good candidates. Lets make this happen!

After what I just posted about the Senate... Here is a list of who need to have Real Alaskans that care about all Alaskans replace these people.  Politadick
February 13 at 7:24am  Fox News  Video  Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson addresses the National Congress of American Indians Executive Council Winter Session. 

Wish I was apart of the minority....  Politadick
February 13 at 7:38am  Trump Global News  Say Goodbye to Traditional Food Stamps Thanks to THIS Trump Proposal  Food stamps as we know it will be a thing of the past.  The Department of Agriculture is referring to the proposal as "America's Harvest Box," which would provide families with food that is 100 grown and produced in the United States. Families who receive $90 or more per month in SNAP benefits would receive part of their food stamps in the form of the boxed food, "which would include items such as shelf-stable milk, ready to eat cereals pasta, peanut butter, beans and canned fruit, vegetables, and meat, poultry or fish," the proposal outlined.

 Work requirements and this will definitely make some huge changes in the USA that have been needed for a very very long time....


February 13 at 8:02am  Fox Business  Video  We’re live with "Extreme Makeover's" Ty Pennington and marketing expert Amanda Brinkman talking about the state of America’s small businesses and how they are helping revitalize local communities.
February 13 at 8:02am  Jay Sekulow  Video  "Unusual" Obama Admin. Paper Trail Discovered 
February 13 at 8:02am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 474  The Senate Judiciary Committee uncovers a very weird letter from Obama national security advisor Susan Rice, the Rob Porter fallout continues, and the media go wild for Wakanda.
February 13 at 9:02am  Alaska House Majority  Scott Kawasaki  Watch the Alaska House Majority Coalition on Facebook LIVE.

Alaska House Majority full Video can be found here:

You passed it with no funding and tried to tap the ERA to do it. Glad the republicans stopped Democrats from having that happen. Correction should have said CBR not ERA.

Putting the credits owed into bonds is just kicking the debt down the road and will be a debt that still has to be paid.

Completely eliminate the credits program. It’s draining Alaska income.

SB26 is a Theft from all Alaskans and has the biggest negative impact with Alaskans making end meet.

If HB199 was such a good deal why is there so much resistance from nearly all Alaskans?

65,000 people employed in government jobs. Time to get them into the private sector.

Raiding the ERA has the largest negative impact on all Alaskans.

You have funding. Nearly $14 Billion in the Slush/Rainy Day Accounts

Put the bill onto the floor to put the PFD into our state constitution and stop the raid. Cut the budget.

February 13 at 9:03am  Alaskan House Majority Coalition  Video 

You passed it with no funding and tried to tap the ERA to do it. Glad the republicans stopped Democrats from having that happen. Correction should have said CBR not ERA.

Putting the credits owed into bonds is just kicking the debt down the road and will be a debt that still has to be paid.

Completely eliminate the credits program. It’s draining Alaska income.

SB26 is a Theft from all Alaskans and has the biggest negative impact with Alaskans making end meet.

If HB199 was such a good deal why is there so much resistance from nearly all Alaskans?

65,000 people employed in government jobs. Time to get them into the private sector.

Raiding the ERA has the largest negative impact on all Alaskans.

You have funding. Nearly $14 Billion in the Slush/Rainy Day Accounts

Put the bill onto the floor to put the PFD into our state constitution and stop the raid. Cut the budget

February 13 at 9:56am  US Department of State  Spokesperson Heather Nauert addresses reporters at the Department Press Briefing on February 13, 2018.
February 13 at 10:16am  Senate GOP  Members of the Senate Republican leadership team brief the press.
February 13 at 10:43am  The Daily Signal  Video  LIVE: Sarah Huckabee Sanders answers questions from the media at today's White House press briefing.
February 13 at 11:08am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Captain Michael Duxbury, commander of the Troopers Statewide Drug Enforcement Unit, will speak about the challenges the unit faces including: drug trafficking and opioids
February 13 at 12:07pm  KTVA 11  Video  Anchorage fire crews are responding to a fire at Alaska Scrap and Recycling near Ship Creek. AFD is asking people in the area to stay clear -- bit.ly/2Bs8o5J
February 13 at 1:02pm  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump host a reception in honor of National African American History Month.
February 13 at 2:36pm  Fox News  Video  Emergency responders hold a procession for an off-duty Chicago police officer who was killed Tuesday. http://fxn.ws/2Ep5KjT

February 13 at 6:06pm  Alaska  Drain The Swamp Alaska  Photo  List of all that want to cap the PFD and change the POMV
February 13 at 6:31pm  Comically Incorrect  'You Bet I'm Voting Democrat Because I Want Free Stuff See'  You'll excuse me for saying this, but I have no time for whiny babies with a big case of victim mentality who want lots of stuff without lots of hard work.

February 13 at 6:35pm  Ben Starks  Photo  Unfortunately this is Obama's actual presidential portrait. Kind of fitting I guess.


Obama’s Presidential Painting....

February 13 at 6:37pm  A.F. Branco Cartoon - To Infinity and Beyond  For the sake of bipartisanship, 2018 government spending will be through the roof to its highest level yet. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018 

Looks about right...  Politadick
February 13 at 6:39pm  A.F. Branco Cartoon - Hearts Afire  The media and North Korea have a lot in common, they both hate Tump and want to see him gone. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017. 

Scarily True....  Politadick
February 13 at 6:43pm  Breitbart  Trump Administration Proposes 'Blue Apron-Style' Program to Deliver Food to SNAP Recipients - Breitbart  The USDA estimates the food stamp proposal would save taxpayers $129,200,000,000.00 over ten years, decrease food stamp fraud, and enhance the nutrition content of the program.

Wow..... If this happens, what will some people trade for their drugs when they no longer have the card to trade for them......


February 13 at 6:47pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Countdown to #Telling_it_like_it_is_Tuesday tonight at 7:00pm! Tune in for an update from Juneau and let me know your thoughts and questions. #NoFilter

7:00 Tonight.... “Telling It Like It Is” with Senator Shelly Hughes in Juneau Alaska  Politadick
February 13 at 7:01pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  #Telling_it_like_it_is Missed Live FB broadcast? Latest on Governor's appointment to Dunleavy's old seat, the supplemental budget trick, out-of-control Medicaid spending, to bond or not to bond, the education funding bill without funds, plus your questions and feedback. #NoFilter

Live from Juneau...

Politadick · 1:46 Hi Shelly Was very upset to see the Senate is planning on taking from the ERA To pay for the bloated Budget

Politadick · 6:20 Keep rejecting Governor "He Shall Not Be Named" choices and don’t confirm until he respects our choices. Nothing in the law says you half to confirm anybody and you can do this until he is gone in November’s election and we can vote someone to replace Dunleavy’s seat and Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named”

Politadick · 21:43 You open the door to the ERA we will never get that door to close again. It’s government agenda once they take it they will continue to do it. The PFD needs to be put into the Alaskan Constitution and do not understand why both the House and Senate have yet to put forward a Bill to do that.

Politadick · 24:21 $10.3 Billion spent so far and only $9 Billion was approved. Theft by keeping the budget in the shadows.

Politadick · 25:41 33% of Alaskans are getting free healthcare.

Politadick · 31:56 Here is one of the link I promised about carbon credits. http://www.naturalgasintel.com/.../112708-cost-of...

Politadick · 32:52 But you moved the credits to the production end instead.

Politadick · 33:46 Kicking the can down the road, that we will still owe later rather then sooner

Politadick · 36:51 HB287 is just a political move to make you all look good for elections this year. Why allow these political games with it?

Politadick · 43:01 Thanks for taking this time with us Shelly you RockDon’t ever stop rejecting his choices until Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named" listens to the people he is suppose to represent

February 13 at 8:29pm  Alaska  Politadick  Photo 2nd Posting


Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” needs to respect the hard work that was put into the selection of Dunleavy’s replacements for his seat and the Voices of the people he Represents.

500 hours was spent making that selection and there is not a single reason anyone of them should not have been picked.

Let’s take a moment and compare his choice against the Top 3 Candidates. His pick “Only had six votes”, the top 3 had “Rauscher 37 votes” (6 times more), “Smoldon 32 votes (5.5 times more) and “Braund 26 Votes (4.5 Times more) ”

Must emphasize The top #1 Pick has “6 Times the number of votes he had, 6 Times more votes

Now let Pretend just for a moment that there was even a make believe problem with the top three. Next in line, Warren had 4 Times” the votes he got, also Warren runs the page “Stop Valley Thieves” and next in line after that had “3.5 Times more votes then he did. (See picture for lists of people and the votes they received)

The only reason I can come up why Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” has with any of the top five picks, is not a single one of them are going to “Capitulate” the Governors Destructive Agenda He has, that is destroying the futures of all Alaskans.

Senate Members: No matter what party you belong to or where you live and represent. All Should be standing up and screaming from the roof tops that this should not be happening. What if it’s your district next that this happens to and and the Majority of your constituent Voices are being ignored to “Capitulate” this destructive agenda.

Senate Members, if you really respect the laws and rules that are in place here in Alaska and truly respect the People Of Alaska, then you will Vote No on who the Governor has picked and force him to choose from the top Three choices that We the People of Alaska have chosen If you don’t, then we really will know where your loyalty lie and it isn’t with the people of Alaska you are suppose to represent.




NEVER Stop Calling Until Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named" picks from the candidates that we have put forward. Nothing in Alaska's Laws says they half to confirm anyone that the Governor puts forward. "EVER" unless he picks from the people we have chosen to represent us The Governor Will have 10 days after the Senate rejects his choice to present another one. The Senate must be reminded to reject "ALL" presented by the Governor until he chooses from the candidates we have presented to him

Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” needs to respect the hard work that was put into the selection of Dunleavy’s replacements for his seat and the Voices of the people he Represents.

500 hours was spent making that selection and there is not a single reason anyone of them should not have been picked.

Let’s take a moment and compare his choice against the Top 3 Candidates. His pick “Only had six votes”, the top 3 had “Rauscher 37 votes” (6 times more), “Smoldon 32 votes (5.5 times more) and “Braund 26 Votes (4.5 Times more) ”

Must emphasize The top #1 Pick has “6 Times the number of votes he had, 6 Times more votes

Now let Pretend just for a moment that there was even a make believe problem with the top three. Next in line, Warren had 4 Times” the votes he got, also Warren runs the page “Stop Valley Thieves” and next in line after that had “3.5 Times more votes then he did. (See picture for lists of people and the votes they received)

The only reason I can come up why Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” has with any of the top five picks, is not a single one of them are going to “Capitulate” the Governors Destructive Agenda He has, that is destroying the futures of all Alaskans.

Senate Members: No matter what party you belong to or where you live and represent. All Should be standing up and screaming from the roof tops that this should not be happening. What if it’s your district next that this happens to and and the Majority of your constituent Voices are being ignored to “Capitulate” this destructive agenda.

Senate Members, if you really respect the laws and rules that are in place here in Alaska and truly respect the People Of Alaska, then you will Vote No on who the Governor has picked and force him to choose from the top Three choices that We the People of Alaska have chosen If you don’t, then we really will know where your loyalty lie and it isn’t with the people of Alaska you are suppose to represent.


February 13 at 8:36pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Walker to Senate Majority: I'm sticking with Kowalke - Must Read Alaska  GOVERNOR DIGS IN, SAYS SENATE NEEDS TO …  Gov. Walker says he knows what's best.

Letter from Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” to the Senate about his choice


NEVER Stop Calling Until Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named" picks from the candidates that we have put forward. Nothing in Alaska's Laws says they half to confirm anyone that the Governor puts forward. "EVER" unless he picks from the people we have chosen to represent us The Governor Will have 10 days after the Senate rejects his choice to present another one. The Senate must be reminded to reject "ALL" presented by the Governor until he chooses from the candidates we have presented to him

Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” needs to respect the hard work that was put into the selection of Dunleavy’s replacements for his seat and the Voices of the people he Represents.

500 hours was spent making that selection and there is not a single reason anyone of them should not have been picked.

Let’s take a moment and compare his choice against the Top 3 Candidates. His pick “Only had six votes”, the top 3 had “Rauscher 37 votes” (6 times more), “Smoldon 32 votes (5.5 times more) and “Braund 26 Votes (4.5 Times more) ”

Must emphasize The top #1 Pick has “6 Times the number of votes he had, 6 Times more votes

Now let Pretend just for a moment that there was even a make believe problem with the top three. Next in line, Warren had 4 Times” the votes he got, also Warren runs the page “Stop Valley Thieves” and next in line after that had “3.5 Times more votes then he did. (See picture for lists of people and the votes they received)

The only reason I can come up why Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” has with any of the top five picks, is not a single one of them are going to “Capitulate” the Governors Destructive Agenda He has, that is destroying the futures of all Alaskans.

Senate Members: No matter what party you belong to or where you live and represent. All Should be standing up and screaming from the roof tops that this should not be happening. What if it’s your district next that this happens to and and the Majority of your constituent Voices are being ignored to “Capitulate” this destructive agenda.

Senate Members, if you really respect the laws and rules that are in place here in Alaska and truly respect the People Of Alaska, then you will Vote No on who the Governor has picked and force him to choose from the top Three choices that We the People of Alaska have chosen If you don’t, then we really will know where your loyalty lie and it isn’t with the people of Alaska you are suppose to represent.


List of names and phone numbers provided in the comments below.

February 13 at 10:26pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Senate Republicans refuse to vote on Walker appointment  Senate Republicans declined to vote on Gov. Bill Walker’s choice to have Randall Kowalke fill the Senate vacancy created by Mike Dunleavy’s resignation last month.

Inside you will find the letters from “He Who Shall Not Be Named” and From the Senate.


NEVER Stop Calling Until Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named" picks from the candidates that we have put forward. Nothing in Alaska's Laws says they half to confirm anyone that the Governor puts forward. "EVER" unless he picks from the people we have chosen to represent us The Governor Will have 10 days after the Senate rejects his choice to present another one. The Senate must be reminded to reject "ALL" presented by the Governor until he chooses from the candidates we have presented to him

Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” needs to respect the hard work that was put into the selection of Dunleavy’s replacements for his seat and the Voices of the people he Represents.

500 hours was spent making that selection and there is not a single reason anyone of them should not have been picked.

Let’s take a moment and compare his choice against the Top 3 Candidates. His pick “Only had six votes”, the top 3 had “Rauscher 37 votes” (6 times more), “Smoldon 32 votes (5.5 times more) and “Braund 26 Votes (4.5 Times more) ”

Must emphasize The top #1 Pick has “6 Times the number of votes he had, 6 Times more votes

Now let Pretend just for a moment that there was even a make believe problem with the top three. Next in line, Warren had 4 Times” the votes he got, also Warren runs the page “Stop Valley Thieves” and next in line after that had “3.5 Times more votes then he did. (See picture for lists of people and the votes they received)

The only reason I can come up why Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” has with any of the top five picks, is not a single one of them are going to “Capitulate” the Governors Destructive Agenda He has, that is destroying the futures of all Alaskans.

Senate Members: No matter what party you belong to or where you live and represent. All Should be standing up and screaming from the roof tops that this should not be happening. What if it’s your district next that this happens to and and the Majority of your constituent Voices are being ignored to “Capitulate” this destructive agenda.

Senate Members, if you really respect the laws and rules that are in place here in Alaska and truly respect the People Of Alaska, then you will Vote No on who the Governor has picked and force him to choose from the top Three choices that We the People of Alaska have chosen If you don’t, then we really will know where your loyalty lie and it isn’t with the people of Alaska you are suppose to represent.


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