February 12 at 8:00am  Jay Sekulow  Video  Breaking: Iran Goes to War with Israel 

Ohhh   Politadick
February 12 at 8:03am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 473  The media fawn over an evil dictatorship, President Trump gets into hotter water over Rob Porter, and Israel prepares for war with Iran.
February 12 at 8:07am  Alaska  Time & Date.com   Walker Be Gone Countdown  Countdown to Dec 3, 2018 12:00 noon. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds ticking down to 0 

Days until Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named is gone”

Can’t Wait  Politadick

February 12 at 8:10am  Fox Business  Video  David L. Norquist and Army Lt. Gen. Anthony R. Ierardi brief the media on President Donald J. Trump's fiscal 2019 defense budget.
February 12 at 8:16am  Branco Cartoon - Quicksand  Knee Deep  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 2/12/2018

February 12 at 8:42am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Schools across Anchorage and the Mat-Su are closed due to freezing rain and road conditions. Here's a LIVE look near the Rabbit Creek and Elmore Road intersection 

Stay Safe and Stay Home  Politadick
February 12 at 9:36am  Fox News  Video  Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivers remarks at The Abraham Lincoln Foundation of the Union League of Philadelphia's Annual Lincoln Day Celebration.
February 12 at 10:19am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  It's an icy start, but temperatures are dropping and snow is on the way. Melissa Frey has the latest forecast from the KTVA Weather Center

Weather Update....  Politadick
February 12 at 11:02am  Alaska  Somebody Else Can Do It  Contributed by Jessica Wright - First of all, I want to “thank” Governor Walker for waking me up. 

Why Alaska is in such bad shape... the ending reveals it all....


February 12 at 11:03am  US Department of State  Video  Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan and USAID Administrator Mark Green address the President’s FY 2019 Budget Request, followed by Q&A with Douglas Pitkin, Director, Bureau of Budget and Planning, U.S. Department of State, Hari Sastry, Director, Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources, U.S. Department of State, and Peter A. Wiebler, Acting Director, Office of Budget and Resource Management, U.S. Agency for International Development.
February 12 at 11:52am  Secretary Ryan Zinke's   10 Infrastructure Needs Across Public Lands  Rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure -- including public lands and Indian schools -- is an investment in our future. Public lands infrastructure is essential to providing world-class experiences to hundreds of millions of park visitors a…  Today President Trump and I laid out a historic plan to rebuild our National Park Service, U.S. Indian Affairs Tribal schools, and USFWS National Wildlife Refuge System. The fund authorizes $18 billion to address the $16 billion backlog in maintenance. All the money is derived from revenue generated from energy production. Should Congress take up our legislative proposal, this fund will fix everything from crumbling bridges and rotting historic buildings in National Parks to fixing broken windows and heating systems in schools.

This Rocks Needs to be addressed and approved

For far to long the USA has suffered as the money gets sent overseas rebuilding others instead of where it should be going.



February 12 at 11:53am  Fox Business  Video  White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing following President Donald J. Trump's unveiling of a $4 trillion-plus budget plan aimed at fixing America’s infrastructure.
February 12 at 12:10pm  Fox News  Video  A wreath is laid at the Lincoln Memorial to mark Abraham Lincoln's birthday. 
February 12 at 2:17pm  Fox Business  Video  GOP Senators hold a press conference on the proposed immigration/border security bill
February 12 at 3:08pm  OANN  Picture  Would you hang this on your wall?
February 12 at 3:21pm  OANN  Video  WATCH: 2018 GOP Senate Primary Preview | One America News Network

“2018 GOP senate primary preview republicans look to build on their 51-49 Senate Majority”

Let’s see if we can make that a 65-35 this coming up November

A Few extra to counter the Rino’s like Senator Lisa Murkowski.....  Politadick

February 12 at 3:28pm  OANN  Video  Judicial Watch Uncovers SECOND Trump Dossier Compiled by Obama State Department 

Wow.... A second Dossier was created and guess who this one comes from.....

Politically motivated Russia Investigation since day one....

“Plot with a Twist” is growing bigger

#Obamagate   Politadick

February 12 at 3:59pm  Fox News  Video  "The best way to give people more of their money back is to cut spending, not increase spending."   The "Special Report" panel discusses the federal budget and President Donald J. Trump's infrastructure plan.

Democrats for the last 9 years had no problem spending $10 Trillion Dollars on Obamacare and feel good programs with nothing to show for it in the end.

Why is there such a pushback now that the money will help all Americans and have something to show for it in the end?


February 12 at 4:13pm  OANN  Video  House Budget Director: Tax Cuts Will Help Lower Deficit Down the Road | One America News Network  White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney warns this year’s increased budget deficit could cause interest rates to rise.

Still waiting for all of these people to report on the GDP Growth and how that will increase well above the $4 Trillion they have collect each year. I’m expecting a $6 Trillion report to come out at the end of 2018.....


February 12 at 5:01pm  Alaska  Representative David Eastman Choosing Dunleavy's Replacement: Who Decides?  When the news hit that my senator, Mike Dunleavy, was resigning from the legislature to run for governor, I immediately began getting phone calls asking if I would consider allowing my name to go forward to finish the final year of his…  Alaska's Constitution permits the people, the governor and the legislature the flexibility to work together to fill a senate vacancy.  But it also makes clear that "All government originates with the people, is founded upon their will only".

Well said  Politadick
February 12 at 5:16pm  Alaskan Republican Party

Subject: Governor Appointment to Senate Seat E

Dear Senators,

The Governor has inexplicably chosen to ignore the three nominations forwarded by the Alaska Republican Party (ARP) with respect to the vacancy in Senate District E.

When we learned of the resignation of Senator Dunleavy, the ARP moved with alacrity to solicit applicants, schedule a joint meeting of the 45-50 District Officers, and select three applicants to forward to the Governor. This was all accomplished by Tuesday, January 16.

We are now 24 days later, and without so much as a whisper of communication, the Governor has unilaterally picked a name out of the hat.

This "fly by the seat of your pants" approach to governing is certainly one of the reasons so many of his policies and initiatives fail.

If all three names submitted by the ARP were unacceptable to Governor Walker, there was an obvious alternative. Simply ask the ARP to reconsider and send some additional nominees.

At this point, we see no alternative to the strange action of the Governor but to stand firm with the people who have been elected to represent their Districts, the volunteers who serve in Senate District E.

I am absolutely confident the Republican members of the Alaska State Senate will reject the Governor's high-handed, arrogant action.

My letter to you is to assure you that we remain ready to go back to the drawing board in light of the fact that the Governor has rejected our nominees: Rep. George Rauscher, Todd Smoldon and Thomas Braund.

This does give me a bit of an appreciation for the difficulty you must have with this Governor in developing legislation and policy. It is hard to move forward together when he operates in such an arbitrary and unilateral manner.

This Senate Seat does not belong personally to Governor Bill Walker.

It belongs to the people of the District. The people who elected a Republican Senator. Those people are represented by the 45-50 members of their District Committees. The Governor makes a choice (traditionally from that list) and the Republicans of the State Senate ensure the choice truly represents the people of the District.

The Governor has utterly failed in his duty, I am absolutely confidant the Republican members of the State Senate will not.


Tuckerman Babcock 
Alaska Republican Party

Sen. Click Bishop <Sen.Click.Bishop@akleg.gov>; Sen. John Coghill <Sen.John.Coghill@akleg.gov>; Sen. Mia Costello <Sen.Mia.Costello@akleg.gov>; Sen. Cathy Giessel <Sen.Cathy.Giessel@akleg.gov>; Sen. Shelley Hughes <sen.shelley.hughes@akleg.gov>; Sen. Pete Kelly <Sen.Pete.Kelly@akleg.gov>; Sen. Anna MacKinnon <Sen.Anna.MacKinnon@akleg.gov>; Sen. Kevin Meyer <Sen.Kevin.Meyer@akleg.gov>; Sen. Peter Micciche <Sen.Peter.Micciche@akleg.gov>; Sen. Bert Stedman <Sen.Bert.Stedman@akleg.gov>; Sen. Gary Stevens <Sen.Gary.Stevens@akleg.gov>; Sen. Natasha Von Imhof <Sen.Natasha.VonImhof@akleg.gov>; Sen. David Wilson <Sen.David.Wilson@akleg.gov>


Now that’s what the people of Alaska you represent expected to hearWell Done

Really disappointed that the Democrats will not show bipartisan support for the issue at hand. Just empathizes the point that they don’t have all Alaskans futures at heart. One day they to will face an issue like this one and would expect all party’s to stand up as “ONE”


February 12 at 6:45pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Appeals Court: Arctic ringed seals are threatened species  The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday overturned a District Court decision and said the National Marine Fisheries Service acted properly in…  The court ruled that Arctic ringed seals should be protected as a "threatened" species.

The Ninth Circuit Court, one of the most overturned court we have.

“The judges said the listing decision based on climate models was proper because it's the best available science.”

Wow, are these the same climate change models that Al Gore predicted by the year 2013 the North Pole would be Ice Free?

Can’t wait for this to go to the higher courts and be rejected as failed theories once again…

Maybe they should look at what is happening with the court case in California being sued by Exxon for using fake climate models...


Link to Exxon case:

February 12 at 7:34pm  Forbes  Jeff Sessions Slams GOP Senator Over Marijuana  Attorney General Jeff Sessions is accusing a Republican senator of prioritizing marijuana legalization ahead of national security concerns.

Wow… Just imagine if Senator Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan did the same thing…

I don’t think Senator Cory Gardner is right about how to deal with it though..... If you don’t like the law, then get them changed. Our national security is nothing to be playing with.


February 12 at 7:57pm  Fox News  Video  Hannity: Evidence is coming that will rock DC's foundation  The facts will make the American people question how this…

Let’s rap the #Obamagate all up into one quick explanation…

“Plot with a Twist”

February 12 at 10:41pm  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Alaska's Government

If you live in the area, this I think should be a must attend meeting to be at They need to convince all of you to allow them to put the LNG Gasline to Nowhere thru your properties will be my guess.

See my comments below for additional Local Contact Information.

Link to this Flyer:

February 12 at 11:21pm  Sputnik  Video  Russian Soyuz rocket launches Progress Spacecraft to International Space Station
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