February 11 at 9:48am  Alaska  Politadick Photo  Who to call in the Senate and Never Stop Calling Until Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named" picks from the candidates that we have put forward.  Nothing in Alaska's Laws says they half to confirm anyone that the Governor puts forward.  "EVER" unless he picks from the people we have chosen to represent us  The Governor Will have 10 days after the Senate rejects his choice to present another one.  The Senate must be reminded to reject "ALL" presented by the Governor until he chooses from the candidates we have presented to him


Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” needs to respect the hard work that was put into the selection of Dunleavy’s replacements for his seat and the Voices of the people he Represents.

500 hours was spent making that selection and there is not a single reason anyone of them should not have been picked.

Let’s take a moment and compare his choice against the Top 3 Candidates. His pick “Only had six votes”, the top 3 had “Rauscher 37 votes” (6 times more), “Smoldon 32 votes (5.5 times more) and “Braund 26 Votes (4.5 Times more) ”

Must emphasize The top #1 Pick has “6 Times the number of votes he had, 6 Times more votes

Now let Pretend just for a moment that there was even a make believe problem with the top three. Next in line, Warren had 4 Times” the votes he got, also Warren runs the page “Stop Valley Thieves” and next in line after that had “3.5 Times more votes then he did. (See picture for lists of people and the votes they received)

The only reason I can come up why Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” has with any of the top five picks, is not a single one of them are going to “Capitulate” the Governors Destructive Agenda He has, that is destroying the futures of all Alaskans.

Senate Members: No matter what party you belong to or where you live and represent. All Should be standing up and screaming from the roof tops that this should not be happening. What if it’s your district next that this happens to and and the Majority of your constituent Voices are being ignored to “Capitulate” this destructive agenda.

Senate Members, if you really respect the laws and rules that are in place here in Alaska and truly respect the People Of Alaska, then you will Vote No on who the Governor has picked and force him to choose from the top Three choices that We the People of Alaska have chosen If you don’t, then we really will know where your loyalty lie and it isn’t with the people of Alaska you are suppose to represent.


February 11 at 10:33am  Fox News  Video  "Please continue to be there for the families of Eric and Tony.”  During a vigil for two slain officers, a tearful police officer from the Westerville Police Department asked for the communty's continued support for the victim's families and their department. 

February 11 at 12:34pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Lawmakers get initial briefing on oil tax credit bill  State lawmakers this week received a briefing on how Gov. Bill Walker wants to pay off $800 million in tax credits owed to the oil industry.

“The Alaska Support Industry Alliance” posted.

“It’s an issue that we want to settle,” said Senate Resources Chair Cathy Giessel, (R). “We want to continue to attract that investment to Alaska that companies are always wanting to do. Investors are always wanting to invest in Alaska, but right now we haven’t proven to be dependable partners.”

My take on it all:

Another bad and disastrous idea by the Governor. Shifting the debt for another, doesn’t resolve the problem and only kicks the can down the road for a later date when he won’t be around to deal with it.

Credits Program should have been completely eliminated last year instead of moving it to the other end and it’s still not to late to make that happen.

Even if they were to do a buy back into Bonds. Oil Companies will still receive more credits as with what they get into production will apply brand new credits they will get to cash in on, in the future.

They are already buying the credits from other oil companies at a reduced cost and applying them to the oil they have in production today. Reducing the amount of taxes they will half to pay into the state.

Senator Cathy Giessel needs to stop Legislators from messing with the oil companies revenue and pay structure. In the last 12 years it has been changed 7 times. This year will make 8 if they get their way.


And if you are paying attention. Another person has suggested that the PFD reserves pay for the credits, shortfall of the budget, wiping out everything that the PFD Reserves was NEVER suppose to pay for EVER.

February 11 at 12:41pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  50 shades of death in an Anchorage homeless camp - Must Read Alaska  THE QUICK AND THE DEAD Fifty Shades …  Not something for the kids.

Wow.... This is not for the faint of Heart to Read.....


February 11 at 3:03pm  Energy in Dept  #Climatechange hypocrisy may have opened CA municipalities up to a costly legal battle…and #taxpayers will pick up the tab. #ExxonKnew http://bit.ly/2CSTV4G

Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling is just another way to take money away for government profits.

What is said in here shows a clear path to what it’s really all about...

Show me the money


February 11 at 3:05pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Alaska Permanent Fund reports strong returns, value of $64B  The Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. has reported strong returns and a total value of $64 billion in the first half of the 2018 fiscal year. 

When you hear current Lawmakers and “He Who Shall Not Be Named” say the POMV Needs to be changed.... Take note, that is code words for, they plan on “Stealing” more of the PFD Funds to pay for their bloated budget that they refuse to cut.

Why you ask are they saying it’s to protect it from a volatile stock market like we are seeing now? Because they want to scare you into thinking it will disappear if they don’t.

Inside KTUU 2 article clearly points out that there is no reason to change the way the POMV is currently being done. That it’s not affected by the market fluctuations.


February 11 at 3:11pm  Wanna LOL  The Problem With Illegal Immigration  The Problem With Illegal Immigration - Let's turn that frown upside down ! 

What the Left Wing Media doesn’t want you to understand.....  Politadick
February 11 at 4:38pm  Fox News  Video  Wife of Ohio cop shooting suspect told 911 operator: 'My husband shot the police officers'  "My husband shot the police officers."  Disturbing new details reveal a 911 operator took a phone call after two Ohio officers were killed from a woman who claimed her husband did it. 

Deatails about the shooting of the two police officers....   Politadick
February 11 at 8:15pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Murkowski: Bill would create new Native corporations  Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski says a proposed bill would give 100,000 acres of federal land in total to Native groups in five Southeast…  Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski says a proposed bill would give 100,000 acres of federal land in total to Native groups in five Southeast Alaska towns.

Talk bout helping the minority at the expense of the majority once again.

Seems like they are going to give things in the name of Climate Change, convey large amounts of land over and add nearly a Billion Dollars into the Natives pocket books....

Though I do understand some of what is being done is good to right certain wrongs that may have happen.... Yet why are the people who are not native just hearing about this..... It’s even been stated inside the article in the linkprovided below, there is no clear answer why these supposed things were not done nearly 50 years ago...

Seems that there needs to be more transparency on the issues with details being given to justify what they are trying to do here.

At the moment it looks like padding the pockets of special interests in Alaska at the taxpayers expense and some of the listed corporations, to gain something out of this, already have Multi-Billions in revenue flowing through their corporations from the settlements done in the beginning.


Link to the bill they are talking about here:

Link to article explaining with some detail what they are to get:

February 11 at 9:28pm  Alaska  Democrats

Alaska Democrats are pushing this across their FB Pages, but if you share it, it will only post the video from FAIR so I’m providing a picture so that you see the truth.

Here is what FAIR says:

“Backers of Proposition 1 claim they want to protect women?! In our new ad, Anchorage women set the record straight and speak out forcefully against Proposition 1. These women are united by one simple, powerful message: Do not harm transgender people in the name of women!”

The video itself does nothing to explain what this bill is about but emphasizes that you need to vote “NO”. Go to FAIR’s page if you wish to watch the video and see what I mean or take my word for it.

This bill will allow men who identify as women and women who identify as men to use facility’s that they “Feel” they identify with.

Voting “NO” means that you want this to happen. Again they do not tell you this. The way they talk in the video makes it seem like they don’t want this to happen. It is a very deceiving thing that they are doing there and many who will Vote “NO” thinking that this will prevent it from happening.

This bill will allow the above stated into High School Locker Rooms, Gym Locker Rooms (Alaska Club), Bar Bathrooms, Women’s/Men’s Changing rooms at stores, Walmart, Fred Meyers. The list is endless. Target allowed it to already happen and look what has happen to them Nation Wide.

Can you just imagine your child being forced to change with someone of the opposite sex at school or at the Alaska Club?

In the second link provided below is what FAIR in Alaska don’t want you to see... Why you ask? Well this is a part of the Prop1 Bathroom Bill that will be voted on this April and how it has affected their schools there.

How to stop this from happening. Vote “Yes” on Prop1 and stop this disastrous Bill or our children will be facing this, this year, if it passes.... FAIR Doesn’t want you to know the truth about what that bill will do, to cater to less then 1% of Alaska’s population.


If it was to pass, this would cost Alaskans nearly $500,000,000 Million for our state to become compliant for the less then 1%.

 Just Imagine for a moment if that money was to be used on our Pioneer Homes... 

Here is a link to what happen last Summer at the Bear Paw Festival in Eagle River when FAIR was trying to stop people from getting signatures for PROP1....

Link to a battle going on in another state that is dealing with their own Prop1 Bill that was passed and what their children are now having to face:


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