February 5 at 6:31am  Alaska  The Tom Anderson Show  Good. End such an insulting, archaic rule.  NY Times  Compulsory Veils? Half of Iranians Say ‘No’ to Pillar of Revolution  A government study found that 49.8 percent of Iranians consider the Islamic veil a private matter. The report pits President Hassan Rouhani against…

To all the Alaskan Women who participated in the “Women’s March” last month or should I be saying the “Hate Trump March” since that is what most were there for anyways.

I share this below to truly show you what the March once stood for and what real oppression of Women’s Rights look like. The true bravery of these women and what they did in the face of oppression and even facing death at the hands of the oppressor to gain the freedoms that we here in America now take for granted.

To those Women in the story below are truly what the “Women’s March” is meant to be all about.... May one day they to have the freedoms that Americans now take for granted.


February 5 at 6:32am  Fox News  Video  "We cannot and should not forget the Syrian people."  U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley delivers remarks.
February 5 at 6:37am  Ben Shapiro  An illegal reportedly killed Jackson in a DUI accident  Daily Wire  Colts Linebacker Killed In DUI Accident By Mexican National Wanted For Deportation, Had No License, Report Says

“Build the Wall”  Politadick
February 5 at 6:42am  Branco Cartoon - Firestorm  "Duck and Cover"  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 2/05/2018

2018 will be a year of change that the Democrats will never recover from...

If you don’t believe me go to the Alaska Democrats page and take a look at what they are doing there or for an even better example go to Matsu Democrats page.....  Politadick

February 5 at 6:45am  The Declaration Presents  Video  MSNBC Asks Sarah Sanders If Trump Is a 'Racist' — She Points Finger Right Back at NBC

In case you missed it last month.....  Politadick
February 5 at 6:47am  Conservative Daily  Video  They have something to say.

February 5 at 6:53am  Alaska  Politadick

Karen Perry, puts out the following. It's good to know how things work (at some level) in Juneau... 
When a Bill leaves a committee it comes with “Recommendations” that are carried with it and recorded in the journal. There are 4 recommendation options:
Do Pass (DP)
Do Not Pass (DNP)
No Recommendation (NR)
Amend (AM)
1) Any bill can move out of committee as long as there is a motion and NO objection.
2) If there is an objection, a roll call vote is taken and there must be a majority vote for it to move out of committee.
*Note: Roll call votes in committee are NOT documented in the official journal. To know if a roll call vote was taken, one would need to look in the “Committee” meeting documentation under the audio/video recordings.
3) If it is the LAST committee before going to the floor, there must be at least “1” Do Pass. (DP).
***Note: A legislator can vote “Yes” to move a bill out of committee and still recommend “No Recommendation” (NR). 
Accountability of bad policy being passed, and/or wasting the peoples time and money, is held at every opportunity, not strictly on the final floor vote.
February 5 at 7:00am  Destroy Deep State  Video  James Clapper Caught Lying Again (Trump FISA) - YouTube  Back in March of 2017 when the deep state henchmen needed to attack Trump for his Twitter claim that Obama "wiretapped" Trump tower, dragged out this lying s... 

Another one worth sharing to your friends who say the “Intel Memo” proves nothing...  Politadick
February 5 at 7:12am  Alaska  ADN  Permanent Fund dividend is yours. Demand its constitutional protection.  Protection of the Alaska Permanent Fund dividend is essential to both the survival of the fund and the strength of Alaska's economy. 

Here is what you need to know about the PFD and why it is so Important for us to get it protected in Alaska’s Constitution.

Also what “POMV” means every time you will hear it this year.....


February 5 at 7:29am  Alaska Freedom 49er's  Hey Governor, the Alaskan people want jobs not your economic people screaming the "End is Near". 

According to high paid economic professionals the Alaskan poor and middle class are in for another decade of a piss poor Alaskan economy.

I have an idea State of Alaska; hire better economic professionals who have possible solutions instead of screaming the sky is falling.

Only about 9 more months of the worst Governor and Lt. Governor the state of AK has ever seen.

“Economists have been predicting the downturn will continue for several more years and, barring unforeseen developments, will plateau out at that bottom level for at least a decade to come.” ~ Bristol Bay Times

Reference: http://www.thebristolbaytimes.com/…/1805the_states_recessio…

Yup.....  Politadick

February 5 at 8:02am  Jay Sekulow  Video  Palestinian Authority to US Ambassador: “Shut Up!”
February 5 at 8:36am  Alaska  PragerU  Video  Small government is better government.

This video from PragerU clearly points out the problem that plagues Alaska. Did you know that nearly half of Alaska’s $11,000,000,000 Billion Dollar Budget this year was spent on Entitlement/Welfare programs?

Let that sink in for just a moment....

Alaskans hard earned money that we pay in taxes goes to areas where there are no jobs, which instantly qualifies them for the programs and they have been doing it as a way of life for generations. In Alaska they call this “Subsistence Living” and “Cultural Preservation.”


February 5 at 9:02am  Alaska  KTUU 2  ConocoPhillips reports huge gains in Alaska oil for 2017, invests further in the state  In a report issued by oil giant ConocoPhillips, summarizing their economic outlook following the end of 2017, Alaska stood out as a large profit center,…  "Alaska has been one of our legacy areas for a long time for the company."

What a big turn for the price per barrel has made for oil companies here in Alaska.

I remember just last year our Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” said that production was -12 percent and taxes were needed because they are no longer paying for the bloated budget he had.

By the The time the last Special session was to start he finally produced the real numbers and there was an 14 percent change from the beginning of the year numbers 2% gain in production meaning, $1.5 billion dollars more available for the states budget.

Then by the end of the year the final numbers came out and showed that production went from -12%“fictitious” number he provided to an 18% percent Change. 6% increase of production for the year.

Where has all that money gone to? Hmmmm... Started out last years budget with $9 billion approved and now has been reported that the budget has hit $11 Billion and all the numbers have yet to be tallied for the year.

Just some facts for you all to chew on when deciding who to vote for come November 2018.


February 5 at 9:04am  Daily Wire  Video  Andrew Klavan  Episode 556  The House memo reveals two scandals at once. Plus Michael Knowles reviews the Super Bowl ads.
February 5 at 10:02am  Fox News  Video  The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department homicide detectives hold a news conference to discuss the most recent details of the Natalie Wood death investigation. 
February 5 at 10:14am  Ben Shapiro  Another Amtrak accident.  Daily Wire  Amtrak Collision In South Carolina Leaves Two Dead, Seventy Injured  An Amtrak train collided with a CSX freight train early Sunday in South Carolina, leaving two dead and at least 70 injured. The incident marks… 

Update for the Amtrak accident yesterday.  Politadick
February 5 at 10:25am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 468  Ben goes to the Super Bowl, late night television goes radical, and we break down all the memo chaos!
February 5 at 10:33am  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump delivers remarks on tax reform. 
February 5 at 11:03am  Fox Business  Video  The Dow drops over 1,000 points, as volatility, measured by the VIX Index, spiked to a reading of 29, the highest since February 2016. 

Democrats and the left are getting more and more desperate that they are next....

Selling off as fast as they can before the long arm of the law comes after them.....

February 5 at 1:45pm  Judicial Watch  Video  Inside Judicial Watch: The Deep State's War on Donald Trump  JW President Tom Fitton discusses the challenges and obstacles Judicial Watch faces in its many battles against the Deep State, including getting to the truth about the targeting and spying on Team Trump during the 2016 election
February 5 at 1:58pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Look, up in the sky! It's Air Force Two! - Must Read Alaska  TWO CHANCES TO SEE SIGNATURE AIRCRAFT Vice …  Our very own air show!

Way Cool  Politadick
February 5 at 2:20pm  Alaska House Republicans  Alaska State Legislature  This web site is the place to track bills, locate and contact your legislators (session) (interim), and access committee information. Questions? Try our help wizard or call 907-465-4648.  Nearly 2 dozen bills have public testimony opportunities this week. Check out this link for the full list http://akleg.gov/pages/testify.php

Chance to put your two cents in this week. Here is a list of bills taking public testimony.....  Politadick
February 5 at 2:21pm  Alaska House Republicans  “There can be no free pass for assault in the workplace” - @rep.chuck.kopp explains why #HB312 will help medical professionals. Public testimony on the bill opening up now.
February 5 at 3:27pm  Alaska  ADN  Cash for super PAC backing Dunleavy for Alaska governor comes mostly from his brother in Texas  Francis Dunleavy, a former investment banker in Houston, donated $100,000 of the $110,000 the super PAC has raised so far, according to state campaign…  Francis Dunleavy, reached by phone Monday, wouldn't answer questions from a reporter and hung up.

The Democrats and the Left Wing Media Are desperate to discredit Dunleavy and his run for Governor.

Really enjoying watching them meltdown and trying to stop him.

This is almost as good as watching them trying to stop President Trump


February 5 at 6:46pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  WATCH NOW: Vice President Mike Pence speaks to media at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage.
February 5 at 7:37pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  Vice President Mike Pence is talking with Alaska journalists now.
February 5 at 8:18pm  Ben Shapiro  Video  Democrats voted down a bill that would have prevented abortion after 20 weeks - that's 5 months. Here's what I have to say about it: 

Back on the second I posted a list of who Voted not to pass the 20 weeks, link provided below and I had said most of the Modern places in the world only allow up to 12 Weeks.... This video gives the names of those modern places...


February 5 at 9:43pm Alaska  Politadick

Update: I have now been blocked from leaving comments on ADN and all comments that have been made are hidden. This happen directly after posting on an article on their page about Dunleavy (Link Below). The Left Wing Media is doing what they do best and making sure that all conservative views are being shut down. I'm not surprise that this happen, they will do everything they can to make sure our comments will not be heard.

This is the second Left Wing Media outlet in the past week that has banned me for being able to post to their page.... The Midnight Sun is the other one.....

Link to the post that got me banned:



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