February 4 at 3:47am  Fox News  Video  Officials give an update on the Amtrak passenger train that collided with a CSX freight train in South Carolina.
February 4 at 8:26am  Fox News  Video  Governor Henry McMaster and officials give an update on the Amtrak passenger train that collided with a CSX freight train in South Carolina. Two Amtrak employees were killed and another 116 people were taken to the hospital.
February 4 at 9:39am  OANN  Video  7 news stories the MSM refused to tell you this week

Nearly all but two if these I reported to you all, but how many have you seen reported anywhere else?


February 4 at 9:54am  Alaska Permanent Fund Defenders  Chirbit [PFDAlaska] Save the PFD - Join Permanent Fund Defenders  Audio: - social audio 

Click on this Chirbit link TO LISTEN ----> https://chirb.it/DFNItb 
Dr. Hickel is from a pioneer family in Alaska and the Vice President of the Permanent Fund Defenders. He is a physician in Anchorage (and started a clinic to help the Sudanese in Africa) volunteering to help Alaskans stop the theft of the PFD. It will take a huge number of Alaskans getting involved to stop the PFD theft. All funds raised go to ads and outreach to call voters to action to defend the PFD in the Alaska Constitution. Contact your legislators to demand your vote for protecting the full PFD in the Alaska Constitution. Help get this ad to Alaskans

It takes only 1 One Minute Of your time to listen to this very Important Message by Mr. Hickel.

All Alaskans Futures depend on our voices being heard!

Please contact your legislators to demand YOUR VOTE for the PFD constitutional amendment.

The bill in the legislature to pass is called “SJR1”

EMAIL THEM. Plus Senator.John.Cognill@akleg.gov - the Chair of the committee holding the bill for passage.


February 4 at 10:02am  Alaska   Representative Colleen Sullivan Leonard  Our second request to hear our legislative session move bill (HB185) is in! Alaskans have asked for the move and understand the savings potential. It's a positive way to connect with the highest concentration of constituency in the state, provide transparency and allow effective participation. 

Please Provide us with Email Addresses of Who is in charge of this bill and email address to send in our support for the passage of HB185. Many have shown support on my page and are wanting to get more involved in its passage.

Thank You,


Good Morning, HB185's first stop is State Affairs. Rep. Kreiss-Tompkins is the Chair and here is a link to his legislative information page:http://bit.ly/2EbhvcX Thank you for supporting Rep. Sullivan-Leonard in this legislation!

February 4 at 10:08am  Alaska   Representative Colleen Sullivan Leonard  Budget Review Underway! Muscular Dystrophy Association's 4th Annual Ice Fishing Derby For a Cure February 3, 2018, 9-2 p.m. Register: 8:00am @Elks Lodge/Finger Lake Tickets: Adult $10, Children $5, Children age 4 & under are Free  Read my latest newsletter here!

Worth it to read what is said inside. Many issues covered and links to current Bills on the Capital Floor Right Now


February 4 at 10:17am  Alaska Freedom 49er's  Hey lower 48 Environmentalists leave Alaska the hell alone! Last week it took several environmentalist groups from the lower 48 to stop the install of a dirt road that most all Alaskans of a certain small town in Alaska wanted. Now we Alaskans have another 3 environmentalist groups from the lower 48 along with 2 Alaskan environment groups heavily financed by lower 48’ers who without hesitation want to stop the job creating harvesting of oil in Alaska.  These environmentalist groups from the lower 48 and the Alaskan environmentalists funded heavily by lower 48’ers will use the legal system to stall and break the bank accounts of all they disgree. Are these environmentalist groups from the lower 48 hate groups or just expensive nosy bodies. 

ABC News  Groups sue to overturn Alaska petroleum reserve lease sale  Two lawsuits filed Friday claim the federal government conducted petroleum lease sales without proper environmental review in a part of northern Alaska… 

Did you know? Those who don’t live here or even care about Real Alaskans are actively trying to stop our Children and our own futures here from ever getting better.

I must ask. Are we in Alaska going to put up with this BS or are We Real Alaskans going to do what we are good at and Fight Back....


February 4 at 10:26am  Ben Shapiro  Definitely watch this.  Daily Wire  Video  WATCH: People Trash Quotes From Obama’s SOTU When They Think It’s Trump’s  On Friday, Campus Reform uploaded a video in which Cabot Phillips catches people in their biases. 

Ouch....   Politadick
February 4 at 11:07am  Alaska  Scott Hawkins for Governor 2018  Video  A couple weeks back, Josh Verhagen and I did a LIveStream from Nenana. We invited everyone to submit questions. Today, I am responding to those questions. Joshua Kenneth Verhagen, Scott Hawkins, Trevor Shaw, Suzanne Downing, Toby L. Foster

I asked two questions during this FB Live and they were not answered. I will patiently wait to see if they will be addressed and answered before I weigh in more on what he had to say. Not impressed with the second on nor what was said about LNG in the Video....

What say you Alaskans?

Update: We have answers...

I asked two questions during this FB Live and they were not answered. I waited patiently to see if they will be addressed and answered before I weigh in more on what he had to say.

First Question:


What do you think about using the State Pensions that is $25 Billion and using the PFD investments to fund the LNG Gasline to Nowhere?




Governor has said he wanted to use the state pension fund as something they could invest into the LNG Gasline and has hinted that the PFD fund would also be a good investment for it. What is your take on that happening?


I see. Yes, he has indeed suggested and hinted that. In my mind, it is a terrible idea. Way too risky for a pension system. And setting the precedent of pressuring the AK Perm Fund to invest in in-state projects would be the beginning of the Fund's demise.

Second Question:


What are your Feelings about the attempt to restructure the POMV of the PFD?


POMV and PFD are two very separate subjects. The only relationship between the two is that a POMV management system would stabilize the earnings available to fund the PFD. Market volatility -- like we are seeing this week -- would have far less impact on realized earnings.

The source of widespread confusion on this is Senate Bill 26, which in one section proposes a POMV management approach and in another section proposes arbitrary caps on the PFD. As a result, many observers have the mistaken impression that POMV means capping the PFD. I have advised the Senate majority that they should restructure the bill to drop the PFD capping component - the arbitrary political cap was a mistake to begin with.

February 4 at 12:39pm  News2Share  Live experiment: Aaron Traywick performs first ever attempt at DIY herpes vaccine and cure in front of a live audience.  Livestream by Ford Fischer. Part of our coverage for Transhuman: Biohackers and Immortalists 

February 4 at 1:05pm  Alaska  KTVF Fairbanks  Fairbanks marijuana store shut down by state for alleged major violations  The first marijuana shop to receive approval for its state retail license has now become the first to lose it. 

Ohhhhhh....  Politadick
February 4 at 1:21pm  Minion Jokes  Photo  "The World is Getting To Sensitive"

So very true  Politadick
February 4 at 1:38pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Walker needs $92 million more for Medicaid expansion - Must Read Alaska  The Walker Administration needs an additional $92 …  Every year he needs $100 million more than the year before to keep Medicaid expansion expanding.


Thanks to Must Read Alaska it is very clear the level of depth that “He Who Shall Not Be Named” is willing to keep Alaskans living in poverty and pass the costs onto hard working Alaskans.

Rural areas are the worst offenders of this with the same excuse that is given by them all the time. “We live an Substance Lifestyle”, That is just another way of saying they don’t have no jobs where they live and our families have been living off of Welfare for generations and we don’t wish to move as long as you continue to give us all the money we want to live our Subsistence Lifestyle”


Alaska’s Corruption in Government is very real and it runs very deep into the system

February 4 at 1:48pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  He's out: Zach Fansler resigns - Must Read Alaska   Rep. Zach Fansler of Bethel had one … 

Maybe you weren’t aware of what happen last weekend and the full story behind it all.

Must Read Alaska has a very good breakdown inside. Also Bryce Egdmon and Chris Tuck had no problem covering up what Westlakes had done and what they have had to say about this inside is clear they hate having to let Fransler go, but do regret his leaving because he is one of them that was helping to “capitulate” their agenda.


February 4 at 2:28pm  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump view the Florida Atlantic University band.
February 4 at 2:45pm  Alaska  Politadick

Dear Alaskan Republican Committees/Party’s/Districts,

I write to you today to ask why do I constantly see nothing coming from you on FB for events in our areas? Daily I receive updates from the Democrats and clearly they are pushing a very destructive agenda for 2018.

Message me if you truly want to change the things that are not being done that will give you all the advantage this year and the years to come.


Update: I know there are more out there that follow my page..... Have your district Reps contact me and let’s get Alaska moving in the right direction.....

February 4 at 3:01pm  Alaska  Republican Party Dear Representatives LeDoux, Seaton and Stutes,

Pursuant to Article I, Section 4(f)(4) of the Rules of the Alaska Republican Party (ARP), and confirmed by a vote of the State Central Committee of the ARP, you are hereby notified of the following:

You are not eligible for any financial or other support from the ARP, its affiliates, or subordinates and we do not recognize you as a legitimate Republican primary candidate in 2018.

The ARP, its affiliates and subordinates are authorized to recruit candidates for the office you now hold and to campaign actively for your defeat.

You have engaged in actions detrimental to the ARP values and goals. Specifically, by forming a coalition in which Democrats hold the majority when a Republican majority has been elected. Alaskans elected 21 Republicans to the State House - a majority. You abandoned that Republican majority and created a Democrat majority organization.

We respectfully insist that if you run for reelection, have the dignity and honesty to do so as a representative of some entity other than the Alaska Republican Party.

The ARP sees no legitimate reason you should seek to cling to identification as a "Republican" during your reelection after you have chosen to place the Democrats in command of the agenda of the State House.

We do not begrudge you your freedom to align with the Democrats and the goals and political objectives of that Party. We all recognize this is America, the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave."

While you have every right to abandon your old team and align with another political party, your old team has every right to abandon you and align with another candidate.

We wish you well in the path you have chosen.

Tuckerman Babcock
Alaska Republican Party

Well said and I concur


Re-sharing because not enough Alaskans Know the Truth about the "Muskox Three".....

February 4 at 3:49pm  Jay Sekulow FISA MEMO RELEASED AND FRAUD ON THE FISA COURT REVEALED | American Center for Law and Justice  The shocking memo of deep state abuse has just been released. Here's what you need to know.

When your Democrat friends or the Left try to tell you The Intel Memo means nothing, just Share this with them....


February 4 at 4:34pm  Alaska Telegraph  THE REST OF THE WESTLAKE/LEDOUX STORY 

Recently Representative Dean Westlake was forced to step down from his position as state representative for district 40. The primary election was embroiled in controversy from the moment the votes started coming in. There was evidence that the election was filled with substantial questionable anomalies. Continuous public testimony revealed that many voters within the district were given the option of voting on both ballots which is a direct violation of state election laws. The result was the closest race in the state between incumbent Ben Nagaek and Dean Westlake. Lt. Governor Byron Mallott certified the election. He chose to ignore the apparent violations.

Not long after Representative Westlake was seated as a House representative, allegations began to circulate about his history regarding serious sexual misconduct. It appeared that many within the democrat party and the current administration were aware of his background but chose to ignore his record of allegations for political expediency. Ben Nagaek caucused with the Republican Majority, so it was advantageous to both the reformulated House majority and the current administration to seat Dean Westlake to push their tax and spend agenda.

In March of 2017, a former staffer known to the public only as "Olivia" contacted the leadership of the House and filed a complaint of sexual misconduct regarding Representative Dean Westlake's inappropriate physical activity from multiple occasions. Speaker of the House, Bryce Edgemon, House Rules Chair, Gabrielle LeDoux and House Majority Leader Chris Tuck received and reviewed these complaints. The only thing that can be determined is that these House leaders sent Westlake a letter informing him that they received a complaint. From that point on, it appears this issue was swept under the rug. After all, they had a tax-and-spend agenda to promote, and they knew they had Westlake's support.

Now, the representative has stepped down from his office, but what about the House majority leadership who covered this sexual misconduct up? Are we to believe that this issue was appropriately addressed just because the Rules Chair, Gabrielle LeDoux has issued a mandatory sexual abuse training session? Or is this a CYA issue?

Representative Tammie Wilson has taken the lead and has presented an open letter demanding the resignation of Gabrielle LeDoux for directing the cover-up and requesting an investigation conducted by a third party. Representative LeDoux has refused to step down and is adamant in stating that she will not support a third-party investigation into widespread sexual allegations floating throughout the Juneau legislative environment. Is this issue going to quietly slide into the night so the House and Governor can focus on a tax and spend session? It will be interesting to evaluate who the governor selects to take Westlake's seat. The upcoming 2018 legislative session should be an exciting session indeed. Stay tuned.

Let’s also add on Representative Fransler to this article below......  Politadick

February 4 at 7:31pm  Alaska   Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District  Matsu Valley School Budget  Feb 6  Feb 8  Feb 13  Feb 15  FB Live

Some important dates to put on your calendars...

Also FB Live February 15th

February 4 at 7:47pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold  Lets hope Alaska Airlines and the DOT marine highway system help our law enforcement and the use of K9 dogs in our airports and ferries. I have heard multiple complaints that Alaska airlines is not cooperative and DOT has not been cooperative in investigations to help control the drug epidemic in our state. SB91 is bad enough--we need to repeal that and then get Gov Walkers administration and those doing business in Alaska to help keep our state as safe as possible.

KTUU 2  Anchorage airport police get first ever narcotics K9  The Ted Stevens Airport Police Department recently brought on their first ever narcotics K9 in an effort to clamp down on drug trafficking at the airport. 

Another Awesome step in stopping the drugs at the Airport....

Now imagine if the Post Office, Fed Ex, UPS, Ferry System and smaller Comercial Airfields in Alaska was to use these K9’s......

But before any of this is to become effective. SB/91/54 need to be repealed and real laws need to be passed that will make sure the revolving door for criminals is closed forever...

February 4 at 7:52pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Dunleavy first Alaska gov candidate with Super Bowl ad - Must Read Alaska  Never before has a gubernatorial candidate in …  The 30-second ad spot is an historic first for a governor's race in Alaska. And it was a good game, too.

Have you heard the News

Since I didn’t participate in this years Football Season I missed it


February 4 at 8:22pm  Alaska  Dunleavy for Alaska Governor 2018  Stand Tall with Mike Dunleavy and let's fight for a bright future in Alaska 

Longer Version of the Ad that was Run During the Third Quarter of the Super Bowl Today>>>>> Way Cool!!!!!


February 4 at 9:14pm  Legal Insurrection  Journalists justify their purchase of Twitter followers  #FakeFollowers to go with the #FakeNews. 

Did you know that if you feel unwanted and not loved on Twitter they have a cure for you...

Buy yourself “Fake Followers” That will Love Your “Fake News” your sharing....


February 4 at 10:40pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold  Its a waste of time to have our judges learn this foolish new pre trial system that they "had no opnion on" when SB 91 passed that created this foolish expensive new pre trial agency. If public safety is your goal this system of catch and release will never keep the public safe. Too many lobbyists are getting paid to big of money to repeal SB 91 like Kent Dawson (and Denali Daniels). Pew is funding 4 lobbyists I think again this year so they can keep this foolish social experiment alive in Alaska at the expense of our business, safety at home and in the community. Rep Claman and Sen Coghill are head of the House & Senate Judiciary and are fighting to keep SB 91 on the books....Gov Walker has proudly got our public safety officials, prosecutors and state troopers to stand down and sadly they have to implement this stupidity. Berkowitz and the APD leaders are upholding this pro criminal policy ---I feel bad for the rank and file troopers and police who have leaders like the Mayor and Gov that do not put public safety first!

ADN  Judges, attorneys, defendants face learning curve in Alaska’s new bail system  Though officials say the rollout of the new system has been fairly smooth, there's been some confusion and glitches, and disparities between urban… 

Well said Representative Lora Reinbold, well said  Politadick
February 4 at 10:42pm  Ben Shapiro  Check out the latest from Walter Williams:  Daily Wire  WILLIAMS: Immigration Lies And Hypocrisy  President Donald Trump reportedly asked why the U.S. is "having all these people from sh**hole countries come here." I think he could have used better language, but it's a question that should be asked and answered. I have a…

Immigrants of the past VS Immigrants of today.

.......  Politadick

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