OANN Video
Everything you need to know about the House Intelligence Committee memo
& what's in it It’s amazing to see people who continue to think after all that has come out in this Intel Memo and they are still trying to Defend those corrupt people in power. The level of dept they went to keep this Memo from coming out and learning how the very first FISA Warrant was signed to begin with...... The repercussions will be earth shattering when more supporting documents get declassified and released. Politadick |
Gotta LOL Video
credit: Mike the Cop Politadick |
Alaska KTVF Fairbanks Video Sled Dog Race |
PragerU Video
Take a Stand "Why America Must Lead" Why the USA should always take the lead in all matters affecting the world... Politadick |
Alaska KTVF Fairbanks Video Sled Dog Race |
True Pundit
EXCLUSIVE: Six U.S Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump;
British Intel Used as NSA Front to Spy on Campaign – True Pundit
Interesting..... Much that is covered inside has been widely reported, but was buried almost as quick as it came out...... If this is confirmed to be true.... The Intel Memo just released is only the tip of the iceberg.... “Plot with a Twist” |
Alaska Senator Shelly
I'd rather not have to post this but clarification of the standards for this page are in order. Many people who viewed my last Facebook Live video have contacted me this past week concerned about the disruption by one of the viewers/commenters who attempted to dominate the conversation, distracted participants, made unsubstantiated accusations, name-called, yelled repeatedly (using caps and exclamation points), and was disrespectful to other participants. They indicated that it impacted their ability to follow and participate in the online forum. Although I have and will always highly value our right to the freedom of speech because it is core and fundamental to our representative republic form of government, when someone’s speech and behavior infringes on others, I cannot idly stand by. Before our next Facebook Live, I want to bring to your attention our policy for this legislative Facebook page in the “About” section which I will also paste below for your convenience. Please note that due to this policy, some comments under the January 30 Facebook Live video were deleted. (FROM THE “ABOUT” SECTION) Comment Policy: This is an informational and legislative site managed by the state office of Senator Shelley Hughes. Accordingly, although Sen. Hughes values all responsible feedback - including those that convey opposition to her positions - and each person’s right to freedom of speech, if comments are vulgar, abusive, disrespectful, or of a harassing nature, her office reserves the right to remove them. Please also note that because this site is managed from a state legislative office, comments that are election-related are not permitted and will be deleted. Comment Policy Specific to Facebook Lives with Senator Hughes: Senator Hughes welcomes respectful and responsible input and questions, including those that convey opposition to her positions, during her Facebook Live #Telling_it_like_it_is just like she does when she holds town halls and coffee chats. Whether at an in-person or online forum, if an individual resorts to yelling, name calling, unsubstantiated accusations, disrespectful statements, disruptive and repeated outbursts, comments of a harassing nature, and/or attempts to dominate the conversation, the state office of Senator Shelley Hughes reserves the right to ask the individual to stop and/or to exit the forum. If the forum is Facebook Live, the state office of Senator Shelley Hughes also reserves the right to block the individual to allow other viewers a better opportunity to participate in and follow the discussion. I would like to take a moment here and say that Senator Shelly Hughes does her weekly FB Live and is one of the “ONLY” lawmakers we have that currently does this. For people like me who thrive on learning and getting to know the Facts of what is going on in Juneau, I truly appreciate what she does each week‼️ Giving me a chance to ask the hard questions that have no clear answers. I find it very unfortunate that because of one bad apple that showed up last week and did what they did. That Senator Shelley Hughes has to now provide guidelines to follow and contribute on her “Tell It Like It Is” that she does. Politadick |
Alaska Senator Shelly
Hughes doa.alaska.gov
A little light reading and transparency for you this weekend. Do at least take a glance. I look forward to your comments. Do you think departments are still too top heavy? Should a 4-day trip to Boston by a commissioner cost $5800? Guess who spent $139,000 on travel last year and has a salary of $546,000? How do the salaries plus per diem and travel of legislators in the legislative branch compare to that of leadership in the executive (governor's) branch - that of the many directors, assistant and deputy commissioners, commissioners and others in leadership in the multiple departments and state agencies? If you're quick to say legislators work part-time, please know that is not the case for many of us (possibly even most of us) - we work full-time year round. I am posting this because the media often only reports on the legislators - and that's fine that they do - but you deserve to know too that the executive branch is costing us a tremendous amount in these areas - far, far more. Don't get me wrong: we need good people in many of these positions and competitive salaries are necessary. But I'm not convinced all these positions are necessary nor am I sure that all of these salaries need to be as high as they are to be competitive. Only one thumbnail will show up but I'll post both links. Here's the executive branch report: http://doa.alaska.gov/…/r…/resource/ctep/2017_fullreport.pdf. Here's the legislative branch report: http://akleg.gov/docs/pdf/2017Report.pdf Senator Shelly Hughes has some information about Travel Costs and Salary’s that our local government doesn’t want you to know and what Mainstream Media is not reporting on, to “Capitulate” their current leftist agenda. Take the time to go through both links and see what the real costs us Alaskans are footing, with our taxpayers money that many of our lawmakers and “He Who Shall Not Be Named” never wanted you to know. The Corruption in Alaska’s Government is very real and deeply entrench in our current Budget problems Alaska is facing. Politadick |
doa.alaska.gov State of Alaska Compensation and Travel Report Of Executive Positions For 2017 Politadick |
Alaska akleg.gov Alaska Legislature 2017 Salary and Business Expense Report Politadick |
Alaska Representative
Colleen Sullivan Leonard
Our second request to hear our legislative session move bill (HB185) is
in! Alaskans have asked for the move and understand the savings
potential. It's a positive
way to connect with the highest concentration of constituency in the
state, provide transparency and allow effective participation. Ok, I know all Alaskans can get behind this Bill and Needs A Show Of Our Support HB185 is asking to move all Legislative Sessions Into Anchorage This Bill does not, I repeat Does Not Move The Capital, it will remain in Juneau. PLEASE SHARE SHARE SHARE THIS POST This is what ALL ALASKANS HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR AS FAR BACK AS I CAN REMEMBER Politadick Link to more information about HB185 and what you can do... |
Can President Trump take credit for strong economy? Why or why not? Interesting that people commenting there think that Obama has anything to do with our strong economy. 8 years of stagnation and decline under him should be evidence enough to say otherwise... Politadick |
Alaska Drain The Swamp Alaska Photo ""Looking for a viable Republican or Nonpartisan candidate to run against Rep Leboux in District 15 which is the northern Muldoon Area. If you would consider or know someone you would recommend, please comment or instant messenger on Facebook at: Drain The Swamp Alaska |
Alaska We The People
Of Alaska Photo PFD Fund Growth since it started..... Wake Up Alaska What they are trying to do in Juneau is Theft from “We the People of Alaska” The lies they are telling us to try and justify restructuring the POMV IS JUST THAT, A BIG BUNCH OF LIES Politadick |
Alaska Politadick
Photo "Who Voted to take the PFD" Here is the list of your elected officials in Juneau that voted to pass the latest budget and slash the PFD checks. Take a look and remember these names next time you vote. If they voted "yes" they approved the budget and voted to take your money. These same people are also working hard trying to restructure the PFD “POMV” to completely take the fund away in the future from all Alaskans. Never forget Alaskans gave up all Mineral Rights to become the 49th State and the PFD Was created so that we could share in the wealth that we gave up Time to vote people into office that care about what we gave up to become the Greatest State in the United States of America. Politadick |
Conservative Daily
The NFL didn't want to show it. Here's your chance to make sure America
sees it. For those who have Sacrificed everything for all our Freedoms We Have.... I STAND Politadick |
Alaska Politadick Photo "What is POMV" Explained Knowledge is power... Educate yourself on the issues.... |
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