December 30, 2018 at 8:47 AM  Fox News Update  Video  Rudy Giuliani responds to the latest on the Mueller probe in an exclusive interview. 

Here’s to 2019.....  Politadick 
December 30, 2018 at 8:55 AM  PragerU  Video  These 10 statements are the way to a sustainable and good society.
December 30, 2018 at 9:04 AM  Fox News  Video  The Times Square New Year's Eve Philips Ball Test takes place a day before the big night. 

Happy New Year!!  Politadick
December 30, 2018 at 9:08 AM  Donald Trump for President  Photo  Women should have the same rights as guns. The world would be a lot safer. 

December 30, 2018 at 9:15 AM  Donald Trump for President  News you need to know  Trump Just Fought For The U.S. Coast Guard And Won  Thank you President Trump!

I have to laugh at Alaska’s MSM for making a big nothing burger out of their paychecks.  Politadick
December 30, 2018 at 9:38 AM  The Snarky Conservative 2  Photo  "I am the MOST HATED MAN...   ...of the MOST HATED COLOR ....  ...of the MOST HATED RELIGION....   ....of the MOST HATED PARTY....   ....of the MOST HATED COUNTRY....   .... of the MOST HATED CIVILIZATION IN THE WORLD."      "And I don't give a DAMN!"

Awesome!!  Politadick
December 30, 2018 at 9:39 AM  Happy Hayride  Photo  "We have no issue arresting parents who leave their children in hot cars but liberals glorify parents who drag their children hundreds of miles to cross our border illegally."

Sadly fact checks true  Politadick
December 30, 2018 at 10:16 AM  DCNF Presents the Facts  Video  An Immigrant Dies In US Custody, Is It Trump's Fault?  The media criticized the Trump administration for not taking responsibility for the death of an immigrant child. These are The Facts.  Special Note: Updated Reports Show The Girl Died of Sepsis Shock 

The Facts that MSM are not telling you about the timeline of turning themselves into border patrol and how quickly the child died. This father is 100% responsible for his child’s death and should be brought up on charges for murder and child abuse. Not be suing for $60 million dollars like he is.

December 30, 2018 at 10:32 AM  DCNF Presents the Facts  Video  Cashier Allegedly 'Misgenders' Transgender Woman - She Responds With a Public Meltdown  A cashier misgenders a trans woman. She then throws an abhorrent tantrum throughout the store. 

This “Man” needs to be arrested! As soon as he hit those games on the floor I “feel” he took it to a criminal level.....  Politadick
December 30, 2018 at 2:26 PM  Candace Owens  Video  BLEXIT Rally Los Angeles  BLEXIT RALLY Los Angeles 

DEVASTATING to hear that the Woman's March—known to most of us as the Crazy White Liberal Suburban Lady whine— will be cancelling their upcoming Los Angeles march due to too many white participants, and not enough minorities.

In honor: I would like to announce the first ever BLEXIT rally in Los Angeles on January 20th. It's time for the minority community to come together and discuss how leftist ideology has harmed our communities.

Sign up using this link— and share!


Heard they couldn’t find anybody that wasn’t a transgender this year and going Black Faced is Racist...

Join Candace Owens and really start the New Year out right......  Politadick

December 30, 2018 at 4:03 PM  Fox News  Women's March event canceled over concerns of being 'overwhelmingly white'  Organizers of a Women’s March rally slated for Northern California next month have canceled the event, saying they were concerned that participants would have been “overwhelmingly white."  “Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” the news release stated.

The truth behind the women’s march is coming out and for once it is having the correct reaction to the news.  Politadick
December 30, 2018 at 5:02 PM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Encore Performance of Jay Sekulow Band Year-End Concert 

Happy New Year!!!  Politadick
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