December 10 at 6:42 AM  Fox News Update  Video  President Trump reignites his feud with James Comey, a migrant mother is caught pushing her 8-month-old baby through a hole under the border wall, & Kid Rock picks up the tab on an entire Walmart layaway section! 

Conspiracy or reality....  Politadick
December 10 at 6:44 AM Fox Business  Video  U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May gives remarks on Brexit in the House of Commons. 

What can they do to pretend Brexit doesn’t exist....  Politadick
December 10 at 7:04 AM  Fox News  Jimmy Hoffa FBI files should be released now  The U.S. government should order the immediate release –un-redacted and in full – of the FBI's secret files that the bureau has compiled on the Hoffa's case, and also order the re-testing of the blood evidence that Fox News found on the floorboards of the Detroit house where a major suspect told...  OPINION: "The U.S. government should order the immediate release – un-redacted and in full – of the FBI's secret files that the bureau has compiled on the Hoffa's case, and also order the re-testing of the blood evidence that Fox News found on the floorboards of the Detroit house where a major suspect told me that he murdered Hoffa," Eric Shawn wrote. 

Where is Jimmy Hoffa?  Politadick
December 10 at 8:06 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Pres. Trump looking at several candidates for chief of staff  President Donald Trump is weighing at least four people to serve as his next chief of staff, after plans for an orderly succession for departing John Kelly fell through.  President Donald Trump is weighing at least four people to serve as his next chief of staff, after plans for an orderly succession for departing John Kelly fell through.
MORE: https://bit.ly/2PrpNit 

MSM is in total chaos once again as they cannot figure out who will come next.

Cris Kringle says he is available, but insists he gets Christmas Off.  Politadick

December 10 at 8:07 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  Public Schools Force Buddhist Meditation Practices 

Wow..... Christianity isn't allowed in schools but Buddhist Meditation and Islam are more then welcomed..... Welcome to insanity....  Politadick
December 10 at 9:02 AM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Double homicide in Anchorage was gun deal gone bad; two men shot each other, police say  Early Monday morning, Anchorage police issued a statement stating that Sunday's double homicide was, in fact, two single homicides, where the suspects reportedly shot and killed one another in a dispute.  The incident began as a gun sale transaction between the two men. They met inside a truck to make the deal, which then went bad, APD said.  MORE: https://bit.ly/2QnJi0z

Wow!! Since the police can’t seem to keep the riff raff off of the streets. They decided to do it for themselves.  Politadick
December 10 at 9:04 AM  Branco Cartoon - Much Ado  About Nothing  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 12/10/2018 

Freedom..... Wait for it..... Wait for it.... Nope  Politadick
December 10 at 10:11 AM  Fox Business  Video  President Macron of France speaks following riots over high taxes. 

Socialism in all its glory. This is what happens when you Tax your Citizens to death.  Politadick
December 10 at 10:12 AM  NASA  Video  NASA's Kennedy Space Center was live.
December 10 at 12:24 PM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 676  The Left celebrates as federal prosecutors look at indicting Trump, Trump swivels and clocks James Comey, and White House chief of staff John Kelly is out.
December 10 at 5:55 PM  Must Read Alaska  Video  Dunleavy to meet with Trump this week - Must Read Alaska  Gov. Mike Dunleavy will travel to Washington …  Alaska's Paul Bunyan is going to meet The Donald. The two could not be more different. Chemistry test.

Awesome!!! I think these two will get along just fine together.  Politadick
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