December 6 at 6:50 AM  Fox News Update  Video  Bush 41 will be laid to rest today, GM workers are fighting back to keep their jobs, and a North Carolina sheriff just ended his department’s cooperation with ICE…on his first day! 

Everything in Washington is Flakey.....  Politadick
December 6 at 7:03 AM  Donald J Trump  Elitist federal judges are trying to reverse the policies of my administration, especially when it comes to illegal immigration, all against the will of the people!  NY Daily News  Judges vs. the people: Federal jurists are thwarting the will of voters - NY Daily News  Presidents generally enjoy broad deference over their implementation of federal policy. President George W. Bush, for example, enjoyed broad latitude over the war on terror, despite harsh criticism from civil libertarians and progressives over how he handled surveillance of citizens and interrogat 

63,000,000 million people plus insist our government start following the law....  Politadick
December 6 at 7:51 AM  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 674  Washington DC gathers to mourn Bush 41, we explore Bush 41’s political legacy, and the radical Left gains steam among the Democratic intelligentsia.
December 6 at 8:00 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  BREAKING: U.N. Prepared to Condemn Hamas Today
December 6 at 8:24 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  LIST: Closures, cancellations, resources following major Anchorage quake  Here’s a look at where southcentral Alaska services stand after the Nov. 30 earthquake.  THURSDAY UPDATE: How to apply for state assistance, updated road closure information, free clean-up supplies from the Red Cross, and more.

All the latest on the recovery....  Politadick
December 6 at 8:32 AM  Judicial Watch  Gitmo Terrorists Obama Traded for Army Deserter “Reinforce” Taliban in Qatar - Judicial Watch  The Guantanamo terrorists released by Barack Obama in exchange for a U.S. Army deserter have joined the Taliban’s “political” office in Qatar. The move reinforces the terrorist group’s operations, according to the Spanish international news agency that broke the story this week. The five men... 

The Guantanamo Bay terrorists released by Barack Obama in exchange for U.S. Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl have joined the Taliban’s “political” office in Qatar. The move reinforces the terrorist group’s operations, according to the international news agency that broke the story this week. The five men were incarcerated at the U.S. military prison in southeast Cuba because they held positions of great importance with the terrorist group, including Chief of Staff of the Taliban Army and the Taliban Deputy Minister of Intelligence. One U.S. Senator referred to the freed jihadists as the “Taliban Dream Team.”

Bowe Bergdahl left his post and was held captive by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in Afghanistan from June 2009 until May 2014. The circumstances surrounding Bergdahl’s disappearance and subsequent capture have become the subject intense controversy. He was released on May 31, 2014 in exchange for the five terrorists, Mullah Muhammad Fazel Mazlum, Mullah Noorullah Noori, Mullah Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa and Maulavi Muhammad Nabi Omari. All of them held high-ranking positions with the Taliban before going to Gitmo…

Obumer legacy was always to help the terrorists remain in power. This is a prime example of just one of his accomplishments in doing that.....


December 6 at 8:36 AM  Alaska  Big Lake Lions Recreational Facility  Please help and share to help also! Spread the word to help us do the work!  Click here to support Help Big Lake Fix Our Rec/Rink/Community Center organized by Big Lake Lions Rec Center Team  The Big Lake Lions Recreation Center was badly damaged in the recent 7.0 earthquake here in Alaska! We have sustained about $75,000.00 worth of damage! Please help us recover from this terrible disaster! We were fortunate that our ice sheet needs just minimal repair , to be a-ok but some of t... 

What hasn’t found its way into the news cycle...  Politadick
December 6 at 8:47 AM  Alaska  Matsu Valley News  Someone asked SNOPES if this was real 😜 #AlaskaStrong  FACT CHECK: Is This 'Before and After' Image of an Earthquake-Damaged Alaskan Road Real?   Sometimes much smaller road maintenance issues languish for years in an unfixed state, and then there's this. 

Alaskans don’t sit around with their thumbs up their a$$es waiting for assistance. We get out and roll up our sleeves and get the job done.  Politadick
December 6 at 8:58 AM  Branco Cartoon - French Fries  Man-made-warming  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 12/06/2018 

Let’s just keep robbing any chance that people will ever have to get out of poverty all in an effort to combat something that doesn’t have a prayer in hell of stopping or even making a foreseeable difference.  Politadick
December 6 at 9:09 AM  Real Clear Policy  A Tale of Two 5G Cities: San Jose and Indianapolis | RealClearPolicy  San Jose, California and Indianapolis, Indiana, are examples of the polar opposite results that can emerge depending on how you tax something. Indianapolis has cultivated a 5G-friendly culture and...  "A city can only become smart if it stops being dumb with its regulatory policies first." 

Looks allot like what Alaska keeps doing. There are many reasons why Alaska seems to always be last when it comes to technologies. Our government won’t allow it to happen unless they make a profit from it.  Politadick
December 6 at 9:24 AM  Blaze TV  Video  Here's the Deal  HYPOCRISY ALERT: Climate Change Rules Don’t Apply to The Elite  The UN Climate Change Conference isn’t really about the climate - it's about having a Woodstock type rally for the elites to talk AND talk AND talk. 

Show us the money as we pollute the world to get it....  Politadick
December 6 at 9:30 AM  Turning Point USA  Photo  HA! Too Good...   "(Scarcrow to Dorthy) How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?  (Dorthy)  Some people without brains do an awful-lot of talking"  Next picture is of the hosts of the Five
December 6 at 10:59 AM  Fox News  Honduran woman, 19, in migrant caravan scales border wall to give birth in US after 2,000-mile trip  Maryury Elizabeth Serrano-Hernandez is believed to be the first member of the migrant caravan to have a child after crossing the border to seek asylum.  After climbing the border wall, the young Honduran family were met by three border patrol agents who demanded they return to Tijuana. The family refused and asked for asylum. They were taken to the Imperial Beach Station in San Diego County for processing.

Another anchor baby born due to illegally crossing the border. These policy’s need to be change now that they no longer mean what they were intended for.  Politadick
December 6 at 11:25 AM  Fox Business  Video  Michigan lawmakers and General Motors CEO Mary Barra speak to reporters following a meeting. 

Wages for the workers is the bottom line behind the cuts....  Politadick
December 6 at 12:08 PM  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump delivers remarks at an afternoon Hanukkah reception. 

Merry Christmas!!  Politadick
December 6 at 12:18 PM  Alaska  Governor Dunleavy  Photo 

Governor Dunleavy's Inauguration Celebrations 
• Dec 4 - Wasilla 
• Dec 6 - Kenai Peninsula
• Dec 8 - Anchorage 
• Dec 11 - Juneau 
• Dec 16 - Fairbanks

NOTE: It is my understanding these are all free and all are welcome to attend. Come help celebrate and bring the family!

December 6 at 12:28 PM  OANN  Liz Wheeler  Video  While they obsessed over Melania Trump's Christmas trees, here's what was really going on 

Wow... What a week!

I only caught one of the stories last week that MSM refuses to talk about.  Politadick

December 6 at 1:10 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  4.7 Earthquake 

Rocking good times.....  Politadick
December 6 at 1:29 PM  Breitbart  Nolte: Classy Bush Funeral Reminds Us of Just How Awful the McCain Family Is  Nolte: "Too soon? Is it too soon to tell the truth about the McCains? You know what, I don’t care if it is too soon. I am sick and tired of being told what I can and cannot say, and I am really sick and tired of being emotionally blackmailed into not telling the truth...May God bless and keep President George H.W. Bush and his family. And may God forgive John McCain and his."

Class VS Trash  Politadick
December 6 at 1:38 PM  Daily Wire  EMBARRASSING: Europeans Realizing Trump Was Right About Iran  It must be murder for them to admit it, but suddenly Western European leaders are realizing President Trump was right about ditching the Iran nuclear treaty.  It must be murder for them to admit it.

Looks like the rest of the world is finally acknowledging that President Trump was right.

I wonder if it was a red or was it a blue color....  Politadick

December 6 at 3:32 PM  The Daily Signal  Media Misses  Media Exploits Bush’s Death to Express Their Hatred of Trump  Media partisans callously used the passing of George H.W. Bush to get in their digs at the current commander in chief. 

Blink, Blink  Politadick
December 6 at 3:51 PM  Smosh  Video  Oh no.   Racist Coffee Machine......

Hmmmmm......  Politadick
December 6 at 4:22 PM  Fox News  Trump to announce Heather Nauert as pick for UN Ambassador Friday, sources tell Fox News  President Trump will tweet Friday morning that he is nominating State Department Spokeswoman Heather Nauert to be UN Ambassador, replacing outgoing official Nikki Haley, multiple sources tell Fox News. 

That would Rock!!!

But who will fill her current position?  Politadick

December 6 at 4:49 PM  Alaska  Anchorage Police Department 


Natural disasters are on a level of scary all their own. But if we have to go through one, then we want to go through it right here in Alaska with all of you. BECAUSE THIS COMMUNITY IS AMAZING! Neighbors helping neighbors, Alaskans helping Alaskans. People who would normally wait in the store check-out line in silence instead spent the time chatting with the stranger next to them like life-long friends. Mother Nature literally rocked our world last Friday, and has continued to test our nerves with *!#%! aftershocks ever since. But here we are - standing strong as one.

The earthquake is no joking matter. Some people lost their entire homes. Roadways split in half. Folks who were driving in their cars when it hit thought they either blew a tire or their vehicle was experiencing some type of mechanical failure. Those inside buildings were trying to find something to either crawl under or hang on to for dear life while everything came crashing down around them.

Just about everyone is still experiencing some form of mental, emotional, and/or physical exhaustion. While we do not make light of any of these things, in true WNTDW fashion, we hope a couple of the following observations can put at least a small smile on your face. We’ll even settle for a smirk.

➡️ You know that one closet where you shove stuff you don’t know what to do with? And you’ve been meaning to go through it? Well - you’re going through it now - because it’s all on your floor.
➡️ Ditto for the pantry. That being said, this is the perfect opportunity to throw away everything that’s been expired for literally years. Oh look - green beans from 2003. Yummy.
➡️ You own at least seven flashlights. You could only find two. Both had dead batteries.
➡️ You know that breakable thing (whatever it happens to be for you) that your in-laws gave you that you hate but you can’t throw away because it will start a family fight? It survived the quake. Not a scratch on it. But all those Christmas decorations you already put out? All broken.
➡️ You did not know that the earth could shake so hard that water comes out of the toilet, pianos relocate to the other side of the room, and light bulbs in chandeliers that did NOT fall from the ceiling still break. You do now.
➡️ There’s that one particular item that you knew you owned, but could not find, and it’s been driving you crazy because you’ve been looking for it for months. You found it. Ironically it’s a little easier to see what you have when ALL OF IT becomes visible to you. Everywhere. All at once.
➡️ You are learning how to walk around on six legs. Two belong to you and four belong to your fur child who refuses to leave your side.
➡️ Watching national media describe Alaska is hilarious. No, Anchorage is not the state capitol. No, Minnesota Drive does not extend from Tok to the Aleutian Chain. No road does this, actually.
➡️ Never before did you really think about how many bridges you drive over/under every day. Or how many places are only accessible via those bridges. 
➡️ Every Friday morning you have always laid in bed, after the alarm has gone off, wondering if there was any type of excuse you could come up with that would allow you to stay home from work. The universe heard you. You’re now wishing you had been a tad bit more specific with your request.
➡️ Whatever... you needed new dishes anyway.

Use your inside voice (not applicable while you believe the world is ending), play well with others (we are - because we’re freaking awesome), and remember we’re all in this together (heck yeah). 💙

Hmmmm...... 🙃🙂   Politadick 

December 6 at 5:59 PM  The Daily Caller  American Voices  Video  Give Up Your Social Media Passwords If You Want To Buy A Gun??    Tucker Carlson debates a New York lawmaker who is trying to introduce a bill that would require potential gun buyers to turn over their social media passwords. What do you think, is this a sensible approach to curbing gun violence? 

Here’s an idea. Let’s just arm all criminals and take away the law abiding citizens guns to do it.

Because the only ones that will have guns when the Left get done, will be the criminals.  Politadick

December 6 at 9:06 PM  Alaska  Your Alaska Link  Video  Shooting reports on Arctic and 29th..

Looks like the mayor needs to revise the times it is safe to be outside.  Politadick
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