August 19 at 8:43 AM  Breitbart  50 Tons of Methamphetamine Seized in Drug Lab Raid in Mexico  50 TONS?!

I bet my last dollar that this won’t make Mainstream News, due to the fact that it emphasizes “The Wall” needs to be built!  Politadick
August 19 at 8:56 AM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Merrick accuses man of stalking children - Must Read Alaska   UNION BOSS AND HIS WIFE CALL JAMIE …  Straight Outta Eagle River, the Merrick campaign goes thug ugly.

“False accusations of child stalking. False accusations of financial mismanagement. Misrepresentation of NRA grades. If this is what it means to be represented by the Merricks, Eagle River voters will want to think long and hard about opposing Kelly Merrick on any of her votes, should she be elected.”  Politadick
August 19 at 12:31 PM  Two Dumb Ass Farmers  Video  Farmers response to liberal snowflake complaint

LOL... We are all lost if this is what we want running the USA! Leftist liberals have to go!

#WalkAway  Politadick

August 19 at 12:40 PM  Ben Shapiro  Incredible story.  Daily Wire  Baby With Brain Tumor Make Miraculous Recovery After Kiss From Pope Francis  Miracles really do happen. 

Do you believe in miracles?


I’m sure that the surgery and chemo therapy didn’t have anything to do with this.....  Politadick

August 19 at 12:54 PM  Alaska  Pam Goode for House District 9 

Why are voting records, sponsorships, and co-sponsorships important?

These tell you most of what you need to know about the principles of your incumbent candidate. This by-passes what you have been told and focuses on “what they have done”.

There is a tremendous amount of pressure on legislators when they get to Juneau and it starts from their own colleagues within their own party. If they have not been engaged in the legislative sessions then they look for guidance from those before them who have more experience and are more “established” and those career politicians are more than eager to provide it.

No one wants to be disliked for taking a stand but isn't that what has brought us to where we are today with the PFD cuts, Crime and the discussion of an income tax? The draining of over 18 billion in our reserves did not occur over night but it occurred during the past 6-years one bloated unsustainable budget at a time. Also continuing to fund the cash oil credit program when Alaska was deficit spending over 3-billion a year. Then they add insult to injury with a $1 billion bond package (constitutionally questionable) to pay off the cash credits above statutory minimums while PFDs are being paid below statutory minimums. This is blatant fiscal negligence and one I have referred to as the "Crime of the Century" against the people.

The power of the caucus is strong and it takes a strong person to stand up and say, “this is wrong!”. This violates my oath of office, this violates law, this works against the freedoms of the people, this works against the constituents in my district, etc.

Voting records show this. 
Do they stand for power or principles? I've met many legislators and they are good people, but they have contributed either directly or indirectly to where Alaska is today. And Yes, it only takes one term to be the problem or apart of the problem.

Many of us have lived long enough to see so many liberties destroyed by nice conservative legislators. Most of the time they are re-elected because no one “better” will run against them. Often times when someone does, they are unknown, not good enough or their campaign is not funded enough. The bottom line is, We, the voters, do not know how these “nice” legislators have voted. Had we'd of known, the outcome may have been different.

At the end of the day, the government we have is the government we chose. It is that simple. If we want to truly preserve and restore the freedoms for our generation and future generations, we must vote accordingly. If not, we have only ourselves to blame. Lukewarm is destroying our state and country.

Elections are Important! It's the opportunity for “the people” to determine the direction of their future, good or bad. If the people want change, they must vote for it!

I'm Pam Goode and I'm running for House in District 9. I don't have a legislative voting record but I have a history of being principled with the same message for a very long time. I have not wavered off my fiscally conservative stand or principles of life, liberty, property or privacy. I've fought harder and longer for those principles than anyone other candidate. The reason I know legislators is because they hear from me often and I encourage others to do the same. Accountability is the key and it's our job as Alaskans and Americans to make it happen.

I would be honored for your vote on August 21. As you can see I'm Goode2Go and ready to work for you and be apart of the leadership with solutions to get this state back on track.

Paid for by Fiscally Conservative Alaskans for Pam Goode | PO Box 1544 Delta Junction AK 99737


My Pick!

I have one big question that I already have the answer for.

Which of the two candidates below are working for the Caucus and which one working for Alaskan's?  Politadick

August 19 at 12:58 PM  Alaskans Against Gov Walker PFD Theft  General Election Candidates List  State of Alaska Official web site for Alaska Election 

Hey folks, look what I found today!

Judge William Morse, the Superior Court Judge who ruled against our keeping the full PFD calculation against Gov. Walker's veto in 2016, is up for retention (every 10 years) in this fall's general election. Only the voters in the Third Judicial District (Anchorage area) can vote on this retention.

Keep that in mind this November: To VOTE HIM OUT !!!

Vote Him Out this coming November!  Politadick
August 19 at 5:20 PM  Fox Business Voices  Video  "Why did Brennan have a security clearance to begin with? Because that is how the swamp works."  Lou Dobbs discussed the White House revoking the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan.

What’s not being said about this.  Politadick
August 19 at 5:43 PM  Alaska  The Alaska Landmine  Photo  Caption this! Winner gets an Alaska Landmine bumper sticker.

Hey Right ****. Hey Left ****. Who is the ***** in the middle?  Politadick
August 19 at 8:04 PM  Fox News Insider  Video  'Bob, Are You Stupid?': Judge Jeanine Rips Mueller for Lack of Investigation Into Bruce Ohr   In her Opening Statement, Judge Jeanine Pirro said that the intentions behind Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele's relationship was to tee up an investigation by the special counsel.  "So here we have Bruce Ohr, who's not just violating the law. He's not even disclosing his wife is working for the agency paying for the fake dossier. Bob, are you stupid?" - Judge Jeanine Pirro


“Plot with a Twist”  Politadick

August 19 at 8:11 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Video 

Right to Life Rally Juneau Capital January 22, 2018

Here is a link that gives true meaning to the Right to Life movement and below this is a link to those who don’t seem to even care and who they are:

Attached below is a link that truly spells out where the values of people who are suppose to Represent all Alaskans Stand and those who only represent the minority by taking a knee.

Link to Story of those that just don’t care about all Alaskans:


Just for a bit of ammo against their claims at AKRTL (Alaska Right to Life) attacking all legislators to include Sullivan Leonard, Cathy Tilton and they are pro life!

The video below was shot by Rep. Cathy Tilton at the time.

How many Lawmakers can you see that showed up to this in Juneau?  Politadick

August 19 at 8:19 PM America Working.Org  America's Great Wall Documentary Film  Educating American's about the threats to our national borders and the future of our freedom.  America's Great Wall Documentary

August 19 at 9:06 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Sitka Sentinel reports misinformation about Republican ballot - Must Read Alaska  A DIRECTIVE TO READERS THAT HURTS REPUBLICANS …  Somehow the newspaper decided that only Republicans could vote the Republican ballot, and that's what they've told the readers.

So was this done on purpose on nearly the Eve of the Primary Vote?

The way this political cycle in Alaska is going. It sure does make this very suspicious coming from old time veterans like them.

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