August 18 at 9:24 AM  The Daily Caller  Video  CNN Unfairly Covers Me Too Issues When Republicans Are Involved  CNN cares mostly about the Me Too movement when Republicans are to blame. Although the media outlet covered allegations against Rep. Jim Jordan extensively, it gave barely any attention to evidence that the allegations were false and similarly ignores credible allegations against Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison

How Biased is CNN when comparing a Democrat and witnesses accused by the #MeToo and a Republican with no witnesses and found it is made up?

Let’s find out......  Politadick

August 18 at 9:51 AM  Alaska  Mike Shower for Senate  Alaska Division Of Elections  State of Alaska Official Web Site for Alaskan Election Information

Sample ballot for your district. District E is the senate seat I'm in for this primary and that includes House District 9 and 10 which are the house districts in senate district E. Please get out and vote!


See what your ballot will look like before you go and Vote and know who the are!

Be an informed Voter and not one of those that just fills in a circle because you recognize the name!

August 18 at 10:01 AM  OANN  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Defends Decision to Ban Press from Public Town Hall - One America News Network  Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defends her decision to ban press from covering a public town hall meeting with voters. Ocasio-Cortez responded to a Washington Post reporter's tweet on Friday claiming "the town hall was designed for residents to feel safe discussing sensi...  Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defends her decision to ban press from covering a public town hall meeting with voters.


“So let me get this straight, the Trump Administration doesn't want one of CNN’s Reporters, but still let’s CNN replace that person with another one at an event. Wishing they could ban ALL CNN reporters for their fake news.

The Press goes nuts saying that Trump is trampling all over the First Amendment. But this little nit wit blocks all media coverage and you could hear a pin drop.”

August 18 at 10:44 AM  Alaska  Rep. David Eastman  I Was Betrayed—Maybe You Were Too  If you want to fight crime, protect the dividend and end Alaska’s ongoing recession, it’s important to know where to invest your time and money—and where not to. Unfortunately, some of us learn that lesson the hard way. I hope you will do better. When legislators returned from Juneau this summ... 

If you want to fight crime, protect the dividend and end Alaska’s ongoing recession, it’s important to know where to invest your time and money—and where not to. Unfortunately, some of us learn that lesson the hard way. I hope you will do better.

When legislators returned from Juneau this summer, I was asked to join all Mat-Su Republican legislators and others in co-hosting a fundraiser. I agreed. The fundraiser was to a specific purpose—to win a Republican Majority in the Alaska State House of Representatives. Invitations to the event bore my name and the name of thirteen other House Republican legislators, with funds going to the Republican House Majority Fund. Counting all fundraising efforts, the Alaska Republican Party took in more than $10,000 that day.

I agreed to permit my name to be used. I now regret that decision. Here’s why:

I recently learned what happened to some of the money raised that day. It went to defeat some of the very conservatives I am supporting and who will actually change things in Juneau. If you gave to the Republican Party expecting the money to help Republicans win back a majority in the house, you may be in for a rude awakening.

Of the nearly $50,000 the Republican Party recently gave to candidates in the legislature, some have gone to the type of races you would expect. But more than half went to candidates who are currently competing with other Republican candidates in the August 21st election, some of whom will have no opponent after that. No opposition. Their only opposition is a new Republican candidate who has filed to serve in the legislature.

In other words, the money spent in those races will have absolutely no impact on whether Republicans or Democrats or independents win a majority in the house or the senate. The funds are being spent instead to help some Republican legislators hold on to their seats against new Republican candidates.

Unfortunately, I noticed the same has already taken place in the race for Lieutenant Governor, with the Republican Party already giving $8,000 to a former legislator running against other Republican candidates. Some may excuse these donations by saying that incumbents and past legislators are stronger candidates to win office. Perhaps in some cases. Certainly not in others.

If an incumbent needs help from their party to beat a new candidate in the primary, perhaps that particular incumbent isn’t one of the strong ones. Does anyone truly believe that simply supporting incumbents in all races will help us fight crime? Protect the dividend? Fix the economy? Surely not.

To cite but one example, I have talked to no one who believes that incumbent legislator Charisse Millett will be a more formidable candidate in the general election than her Republican opponent. That is not to say whether she or her opponent will be better for Alaska, but it is a race in a district that may actually impact whether Republican legislators have a majority in the legislature. Even so, she received $4,000 from the party to help her beat her Republican opponent in next week’s election. Why?

The answer to that question is straight forward, and it’s the same whether you are talking about political parties or other nonprofit groups. It is the way it is today because donors to that particular fund have not required better use of their donations. Hopefully, with more information available to them, they will.

I know where my constituents stand on this issue. Time and again they have told me that they don’t want the political parties stepping in and putting their finger on the scale of who wins in a primary election. They want to decide for themselves. I think it makes for good policy for parties to be neutral in most primary elections. Yes, there are exceptions, but I and many others would like to see the default be neutrality rather than simply supporting whoever the incumbent happens to be.

Will it get us to stronger and safer communities, 100% of our dividend, and a stronger economy? That’s what I want to know. I look forward to a day when the Republican House Majority Fund, and others like it, are used as they are supposed to be used, to further the values of the Republican Platform. That is something I can get excited about. The other stuff, not so much.

On a related topic, some have questioned whether legislators should be allowed to hold leadership positions in political groups and funds. I think the question mistakes the reality of what takes place.

Incumbents already have funds they can turn to, like the Majority Funds that each party keeps. The question isn’t whether these types of funds will exist, they always will. The only question is whether there will be funds available for new candidates who aren’t already backed by one of the parties.

Are you one of the Caucus or are you someone who represents the people who voted you into office?  Politadick

August 18 at 11:40 AM  Fox News Insider  Colorado University Professor Assigns Anti-Trump Material as Required Class Reading  A professor at a university in Colorado has assigned books that criticize President Trump as required reading material for her class.  The material reportedly claims that people should challenge the “Trump effect" and also label the president's supporters as prejudiced against minority groups.

It is only a matter of time before they do this in Alaska. Why are people getting away with this?  Politadick
August 18 at 1:48 PM  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Progressive elite call on Begich to drop, but will he? - Must Read Alaska  A PETITION EMERGES AT MOVEON.ORG TO FORCE … The elite Democrats are putting the pressure on Begich to drop. It's not going to be that easy.

Have you heard of the group MoveOn?

I have and they are now taking an active roll into Alaska’s politics. Was more of a shadow campaign here until now. You know who they are.... The same ones who pop up every time the Leftists Agenda is being challenged. Soros funded Democrats far left organization.

You could almost call them ANTIFA, but are better funded by the people that want the USA to have open borders, DACA, Murkowski puppeteer on many issues facing Alaska.

Sickening how much outside money this year, is into Alaska’s political arena.  Politadick

August 18 at 2:27 PM  Grimnews Reaper STUDY FINDS- Forming Opinions from Headlines Results in Russian Interference!  A recent study by the New England Journal of Political Science finds that people who form an opinion from reading just the headline of a news or entertainment article have been and are being influe… 

Wut......  Politadick
August 18 at 2:52 PM  The DC  American Voices  Video  The Immigrant who forcefully defended Trump's border wall on 'The View' speaks.   Antonio Sabato JR: I'm An Immigrant And I Support Trump's Wall 

Wish people would listen....  Politadick
August 18 at 2:54 PM  Veterans Party of Alaska  Disabled Veterans will soon be able to fly military Space-A  100 percent disabled veterans can begin to enjoy this new benefit, once the NDAA is singed into law.  http://connectingvets.com/…/veterans-100-percent-disability… If you or you know someone who is already using this new benefit we’d like to hear from you.

Alaskan Vets!

August 18 at 3:12 PM  CRTV  White House Brief  Video  Dear NYT, ‘White Guilt’ Is a Myth. Get Over It!  A person suffering from illusions of "white guilt" wrote to the NYT for advice on how to deal with feeling like his or her “literal existence hurts people,” and the response was LUDICROUS.  Since the designated advice gurus at the NYT are utterly USELESS, Jon Miller offers “Whitey” some of his own advice on how to deal with “white guilt."

Do you suffer from “Diversity Privilege”?


Do you take responsibility for who you are and not blame others?  Politadick

August 18 at 4:11 PM  The Daily Signal  Video   On the Street: The Daily Signal  How Biased is the Media?  200+ newspapers across the nation are teaming up to write anti-Trump editorials.  The first amendment is all about freedom of speech—but shouldn’t it be for everyone, including President Trump? 

Facts Matter! To bad 200+ Newspapers don’t think so and our own local Papers all “Feel” the same way.  Politadick
August 18 at 4:20 PM  Young Americans Foundation  Video  WOW: This is the EXACT MOMENT at a Ben Shapiro lecture that led to the Wisconsin State Legislature passing AB299 to protect the free speech rights of students on campuses across Wisconsin.  STOP SCROLLING AND WATCH NOW 

LOL!  Politadick
August 18 at 4:28 PM  Fox News Insider  'A Very Real Problem': Candace Owens Reacts to Conservatives Being Censored on Social Media  Candace Owens criticized Facebook after the social media giant censored a number of videos from conservative site PragerU, only to subsequently claim they were “mistakenly” removed.  Candace Owens criticized Facebook after the social media giant censored a number of videos from conservative site PragerU, only to subsequently claim they were “mistakenly” removed.

Truly an inspirational person here!  Politadick
August 18 at 5:10 PM  Alaska  PragerU  Video  What exactly is white privilege? Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz finds out as he interviews attendees at the White Privilege Conference in Kansas City.  Please consider donating to PragerU, so that we can help undo the left's damage. Donate today! http://l.prageru.com/2oyCoqU

Can someone please explain to me what is “White Privilege”?  Politadick
August 18 at 6:04 PM  Breitbart  Deported Child Sex Offender Arrested After Re-Entering Arizona  Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a previously deported child sex offender after he illegally re-entered the U.S.

He just walked himself right back across the border again!  Politadick
August 18 at 6:09 PM  Alaska  RGA.ORG  Out-of-Touch With Reality, Alaska Gov. Bill Walker Tries To Hide His Failed Record  During his State of the State address last night, Embattled Alaska Governor Bill Walker demonstrated once again how out-of-touch he is with every day Alaskans. He attempted to paint a rosy picture of the state, but wasn’t able to hide from Alaska’s growing problems. Here are just a few examples ... 

Meanwhile in Never Never Land....  Politadick
August 18 at 6:59 PM  The Patriot Picket  Video  A few minutes with Elizabeth Najjar.

She nails it here!  Politadick
August 18 at 7:51 PM  Intellectual Froglegs  Video   FUN WATCH "The Media that cried Trump" NEW Intellectual Froglegs  Crazy is as crazy does....350 newspapers launched a coordinated attack against Trump to prove they don’t do things like coordinate attacks on Trump. See how that works? And that pretty much summarizes where we are. LOL 

Don’t miss out on the greatest leftist liberal roast you might ever see!

Facebook does a good job making the video crash, so don’t be afraid to go to the alternative links provided above the video to watch it all the way through!  Politadick

August 18 at 8:05 PM  Alaska  Joe Riggs for State House  I have heard from a number of veterans today who reiterated their support for me after Albert Fogle accused me of breaking the law. I didn’t create this group and I had nothing to do with this ad in the ADN. Those who know me know that I would never disparage veterans by pretending to have support I didn’t have.

Veterans healthcare, specifically as it relates to chronic pain, has always been close to my heart. My father is a disabled Vietnam Veteran and his courage in dealing with his injuries is one of the reasons I went into healthcare. So, when you see my dad pounding in more “Veterans for Joe” signs tomorrow and Monday, I hope you’ll honk and wave. And hopefully you’ll see the signs before one of my opponents takes them. Again.

And a very specific thank you to the five veterans on fixed incomes (you know who you are) who saved up resources to print these “Veterans For Joe” signs. I’m so proud to have your support and I won’t let you down.

KTVA 11  Group behind campaign ad doesn't exist in state records  It's a mystery the state now says it's working to solve --who is behind a political ad paid for by a group that doesn't exist in state records? 

Good to hear!  Politadick
August 18 at 8:24 PM  Alaska  Make A Scene Alaska  The Peoples Paper  There Is One Question You Must Ask This Election Season: I Asked It  Contributed by Rep. David Eastman - This past week, I sent the following message to each candidate running for the Alaska Legislature… "Now is the time to end this terrible practice. Now is when the candidates are listening to the public. We can end this terrible practice in 2018, if you raise your voice and make sure these candidates hear it." Contributed by Rep. David Eastman 

Where does your favorite candidates stand?

For the Caucus?
For the people who voted them into office!

Nearly every name listed inside is facing extreme pressure and smear campaigns due to the fact they will not join the Caucuses they have here in Alaska.

Unions and organizations like Unite and MoveOn are funneling millions into the campaigns that will join the Caucus and push the high paid lobbyist and Leftist agenda. Pushing Alaska further into debt to force their agenda onto the Majority for the benefit of the Minority.

Time for Alaskans to wake up and #WalkAway!

Time for Alaskans to get the right people into Government that care about Alaskans and not the special interest slipping money into their pockets to vote their way!  Politadick

August 18 at 8:26 PM  Alaska  Vote Lora Reinbold  2018 for Senate  TRUTH ALERT: here is the 2017 KTUU per diem report. I served on 5 committees including the difficult Judiciary. Straddler only sat on 2 committees taking it easy, while staying in his relatives house being one of the top per diem recipients in the state!!! Dan took over $8000 in per diem more and missed nearly twice the votes I did according to the Official records! 

KTUU 2 Alaska legislators are getting $295 in per diem payments a day  Every day, lawmakers in session are eligible to receive a tax free per diem payment, which is intended to help offset the cost of living between Juneau and their home districts. The rate right now, is $295 a day. 

Vote #LoraReinbold2018  Politadick
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