August 17 at 6:38 AM  Alaska  KTOO  Last-minute entries join crowded Assembly race  There are a dozen people running for four contested seats on the Juneau Assembly. Here's a quick introduction to some of the eleventh hour entrants.  The Juneau municipal election is on Oct. 2

The Assembly races and mayor races that nobody seems to be talking about… The municipal election is Oct. 2.   Politadick
August 17 at 6:41 AM  Alaska  Reinbold for Alaska  Video  My establishment "go along to get along Juneau Club boy" opponent has resorted to dishonestly smearing me ......so I had a little fun setting the record straight and revealing a few dirty secrets about my mud slinging opponent!
August 17 at 6:45 AM  Donald J. Trump  There is nothing that I would want more for our country than true FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.
August 17 at 6:56 AM  Fox News  12 ex-intel officials slam Trump for 'ill-considered and unprecedented' action against Brennan  Twelve former senior intelligence officials issued a statement late Thursday criticizing President Trump’s “ill-considered and unprecedented” decision to strip former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance.  “The president’s action regarding John Brennan and the threats of similar action against other former officials has nothing to do with who should and should not hold security clearances — and everything to do with an attempt to stifle free speech,” the statement reads.

Stifle Free Speech? Seems they have no problem opening their mouths and letting  fly out after it’s happen, obviously!  Politadick
August 17 at 7:00 AM  ABC News  Video  We're at The White House as Pres. Donald J. Trump speaks to reporters on the South Lawn after cancelling proposed military parade. https://abcn.ws/2BrbnwK
August 17 at 7:10 AM  Ben Shapiro  That's a new one!  Daily Wire  Wives In Uganda Use New Tactic Against Their Cheating Husbands  Ugandan women fed up with the irresponsible and licentious behavior of their husbands have decided en masse to use a new tactic in response: make them pay for sex with their wives. 

Crickets from the Women’s March in the USA over real injustices happening in the world!  Politadick
August 17 at 8:00 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  President Trump tweets Message to Pastor Brunson
August 17 at 8:32 AM  Ben Shapiro  Knowles does not mince words:  Daily Wire  The Devil Resides In The Vatican  Before his death in 2016, the Vatican’s chief exorcist for over a quarter century, Father Gabriele Amorth, observed, “The Devil resides in the Vatican, and yo 

Sick! Even more disturbing to read is how prevalent these things are happening within the USA’s school system currently.  Politadick
August 17 at 8:50 AM  Alaska  Linda A Combs  All predictions are for a low voter turnout and I can not figure out why. There were plenty of folks at the legislative town halls registering their dissatisfaction.And a great deal of noise generated on social media.Where will they be now ? Look if you think that it might be iffy to go vote next Tuesday for any reason take advantage of early voting like my husband John and I did today. There are wonderful folks ready to help you at the Division of Elections on Bogard Rd or the Borough building here in Palmer. Come on less than five minutes out of your day ? Let's get out and vote and surprise everyone with higher than ever turnout numbers !!

Republicans need to be out in record numbers this August Primary and in November if Alaska is going to change!  Politadick
August 17 at 8:55 AM  Alaska  Mike Dunleavy for Governor  Alaskans are well-aware that our state’s crime rates are among the highest in the nation. But perhaps some of us thought: with things this bad, could they possibly get any worse? Unfortunately, we learned that under Governor Walker’s watch, they can and they have. A new report released by the state yesterday shows that in 2017, the rate of property crime went up by 6 percent, and violent crime by 7 percent.

This is what Mainstream News is sugar coating as not as bad as it really is under our current Governor.

Crime uptick happen right after he Unilaterally passed the Expansion of Healthcare and doubled with the passage of SB91 and the Dems claim there is no correlation from it! Politadick

August 17 at 9:06 AM   Fox News Insider  NY GOP Buys Cuomo One-Way Ticket to Canada After America 'Never Great' Remark  The New York Republican State Committee had a humorous response after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared that America “was never that great.”  "Chip in for a one-way ticket to Canada for @andrewcuomo."

Will he be on that bus today?  Politadick
August 17 at 9:08 AM  Alaska  Senator Dan Sullivan  Looking forward to welcoming so many of you today for the Alaska Wellness Summit #ConfrontingAKCrimeWave -- an important gathering of local,state and federal stakeholders focused on the issues of crime impacting our state & so many of our communities. If you haven't pre-registered, you are still welcome to attend on a space available basis.  If you can't attend in person, we will be live streaming the event on Facebook and on my website www.sullivan.senate.gov. In addition, the Wellness Summit will be broadcast live on GCI statewide cable Channel 907 (1 SD or 907 HD) or at https://www.youtube.com/c/CBS11News/live

Today!  Politadick
August 17 at 9:23 AM  Alaska  Drain The Swamp Alaska  Video  Kissing up to Walker....

Truth Matters!  Politadick
August 17 at 9:28 AM  Alaska  Michael Chambers  Photo  "Well there you go.  Mead Treadwell finally admitted on Constitutional protection of the PFD.  How is that working now Alaska?"

Treadwell responds to this with his favorite pronoun: I, I, I, I, I

I have promised to grow government and I will steal your dividend to do it!  Politadick

August 17 at 9:50 AM  Allen West Republic  Photo  Socialism  How does it work?   Stick a for into a plugin and find out for yourself. 
August 17 at 9:51 AM  Voters for Equality  Let that sink in: 108,856,312 NON-voters in our country. 

Your vote WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Poliadick
August 17 at 10:06 AM  Alaska Policy Forum  In 2018, 61% of bills passed by the Alaska Legislature restricted your freedom. See the breakdown here: https://www.billtrack50.com/…/Legisl…/-5715qZXQ0mvs8YF-xVKNg

Facts Matter!  Politadick
August 17 at 10:10 AM  Judicial Watch  Video  Tom Fitton's Video Weekly Update: New Clinton Classified Email Crimes? Trump Pulls Brennan’s Security Clearance, More to Come? JW Legal Battle for Clean Elections in California
August 17 at 10:12 AM  Alaska  Permanent Fund Defenders  Who are the Permanent Fund Defenders? ALL ALASKANS who want to save the PFD and $65 billion Fund from mismanagement by government. Every voter is needed in this fight. Leaders of this group include former AK Senators who worked with Gov. Hammond to design and protect the Fund. Tillion told the Permanent Fund’s Board of Trustees on May 23,2018, that the PFD group is organizing a push for a constitutional amendment that would place the current state law setting out the method of determining the annual PFD into the state constitution along with a requirement that an “inflation proofing” injection of earnings back into the Fund’s principle be made ahead of any other distribution. VOTE FOR CANDIDATES WHO SUPPORT THIS CONSTITUTIONAL PFD! Visit us at Permanent Fund Defenders and www.pfdak.com

Frontiersman  The PFD war isn’t going away Just before they adjourned their 2018 session, Alaska legislators passed a bill changing the way income from Alaska’s $64 billion Permanent Fund is managed, essentially allowing the Legislature to set 

Wake Up Alaskans and get out and vote Tuesday. Alaska’s future depends on Us to Vote these liars and thieves out of office!  Politadick
August 17 at 11:02 AM  Alaska Republican Assembly  George Rauscher For Alaska State House

My Pick! ?  Politadick
August 17 at 1:09 PM  Alaska  The Alaska Landmine  BREAKING: Check out this rare footage of a high level meeting between three members of the Alaska House of Representatives at the Alaska Zoo.

The Alaska Landmine Nailed it on this One!

The Muskox Three that should not make it passed Primary’s if we can help it!  Politadick

August 17 at 2:52 PM  Alaska  Josh Revak for House  It is always great to see my Young former boss, #DonYoung! He has always treated my family like his own and I could never thank him enough for that. I stopped by his annual Taste of Alaska social to say hi. It was great to see so many friendly faces there. Then, we went back out to continue our #AbbottLoop landscape makeover. We have the best neighbors on the planet!  Days are certainly getting busier and busier. Please #voteEarly at 2525 Gambell St. Or, at your polling place on Aug 21st. When you do, please vote for me. #RevakForHouse #Anchorage.
August 17 at 3:07 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Reality

Somebody in India just tried to Hack Me!

Glad to see someone cared enough to try!  Politadick

August 17 at 3:33 PM  The DC  Video  The Most UnderReported Stories Of The Week  The DC's Stephanie Hamill covers the stories the legacy media won't ....

#MeToo only applies as long as your not a Democrat about ready to win an election.....  Politadick
August 17 at 3:45 PM  Fox News  All Star Panel  Video  "We do have to start realizing that China really is the next great super power, and that their goals are expanding their influence, not just in Asia, but around the world."  The "Special Report" Panel discusses China's growing influence after the release of a new Pentagon report warning of the communist nation's growing military threat. https://fxn.ws/2w7mULY

Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” wants to give 75% of Alaska’s LNG to China!

What he fails to tell you is that it could take a 100 years at today’s current market prices to pay them back.

Is Alaska ready to become a communist state? Have what we say, censored by them, like they do their own people? What is said in this report should worry all Alaskans and the deal he is making with them!  Politadick

August 17 at 3:50 PM  OANN  Trump Pulls $230M in Funding for Syrian Efforts - One America News Network  President Trump is saving U.S. taxpayers another $230 million dollars a year by pulling funding for ongoing programs in Syria.  President Trump is saving U.S. taxpayers another $230 million dollars a year by pulling funding for ongoing programs in Syria.

I see the fireworks exploding in the sky!

Let the leftist tears begin......

August 17 at 4:46 PM Fox 32 Chicago   Heavy metals found in common baby foods  Consumer Reports, a non-profit consumer protection organization, released a study Thursday saying they found heavy metals in all 50 packaged baby food items they tested for lead, cadmium or inorganic arsenic. 

This explained why we have so many brain dead leftist running around in the world!  Mystery has been solved!  Politadick
August 17 at 5:03 PM  Alaska Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named"  Video 

Governor Walker's 2018 Public Safety Update: Every Alaskan deserves to feel safe. To address increasing crime, I called a special session last year to pass Senate Bill 54, which gives discretion back to judges to impose jail time for larceny, vehicle theft, and other offenses.

After years of cuts to our public safety agencies – including prosecutors and trooper posts – we said no more. We prioritized funding for public safety in this year’s budget and got $30 million in additional public safety funding from the legislature to hire more prosecutors, investigators, and invest in treatment.

People were fed up with seeing people commit a crime, get arrested, and immediately released. So we worked with the legislature to fix it: now mandatory release is gone, judges have discretion to set appropriate bail using out of state criminal history.

Read the 60 ongoing or completed public safety initiatives in our Public Safety Action Plan here: https://gov.alaska.gov/publicsafetyactionplan-pdf/

Timing of this was to put the Elections in real focus why he needs not to be voted for come November.  Politadick

August 17 at 5:14 PM  CNS News  Transgender Gubernatorial Candidate: 'I'm Not Sure I Even Know What Socialism Is'   Christine Hallquist easily won Tuesday's Democrat primary election in Vermont and will now face incumbent Republican Gov. Phil Scott in November.  "I just don't have the background to answer that question," the TRANSGENDER DEMOCRAT candidate for governor says.

Wow... Wants socialism and that’s the platform running on.... But has no clue what that is...? These are the Democrats with no clue about the job they are running for, that we want running our country?

Wow we are lost..... 

Best comment I found someone make for this:

“When I was a child, this sort of stuff cost me two tickets at the circus, now I get to see it for free. What a country!”  Politadick

August 17 at 5:29 PM  Allen West Republic  BOMBSHELL: MUSLIM COMPOUND SUSPECT Lived Illegally In U.S. For 20 Years * 100PercentFedUp.com  It’s been one excruciating week catching up with the news on the squalid New Mexico compound ran by extremist Muslims who were keeping children living as if they were hostages or prisoners, malnourished and even learning how to become school shooters. After authorities were tipped off on, or aroun... 

I am sure you have heard all about this.

You know, because Mainstream Media has been giving all the non-stop coverage about 11 Starving Abused Children, that were being trained to do school shootings inside of a Muslim Extremist Compound, wearing rags, living in third world conditions, with a dead child found in Compound that they believe is The missing child, the father of, kidnaped to do an exorcism on.

Right?  Politadick

August 17 at 6:42 PM  Breitbart  Nearly All Criminal Foreigners in U.S. are from Central, South America  FACT: According to the latest GAO report, 91% of all criminal illegal and legal immigrants in federal U.S. prisons are nationals from Central and South America.

Sad facts to see.... If only that Wall was built 40 years ago!  Politadick
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