August 15 at 7:16 AM  Fox Business  Video  MARKET SELLOFF: U.S. stocks tumbled Wednesday with the Dow falling by triple digits on the escalating trade feud between the U.S. and Turkey. https://fxn.ws/2ML588d

Go, go, go.....  Politadick
August 15 at 7:21 AM  Empire State Building  Video  Live from our 86th floor Observatory are American Idol winners Maddie Poppe & Caleb Lee Hutchinson Music with an acoustic performance of “You’ve Got a Friend” and “Going Going Gone”!
August 15 at 7:51 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11 S. Anchorage candidates discuss dividend checks, crime  Three Republicans hoping south Anchorage voters propel them to the November ballot for House District 26. But, either Laddie Shaw, Albert Fogle and Joe Riggs must first emerge the winner in the Aug. 21 primary.

Joe Riggs for Primary all the way!  Politadick
August 15 at 7:56 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11  Sullivan closes out week-long meetings with military leaders  U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan closed out a week of hosting military leaders before heading back to Washington D.C. on Tuesday. But he won't be gone long. 

Alaska! Everyone else’s first line of Defense! Hope we get the funding to make these things happen.  Politadick
August 15 at 8:03 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11 TSA admin says domestic surveillance program 'makes an awful lot of sense'  The 'Quiet Skies' program has been criticized for tracking American citizens not suspected of any crimes. 

I would rather we have a proactive Air Marshals, than to have ones trying to stop another 9/11 after it has started.  Politadick
August 15 at 8:07 AM  Alaska  KTVA 11 Cellphone seizure, statements spotlighted at Johnson's evidentiary hearing  Dominic Johnson is one of four people accused of killing David Grunwald in November 2016.

Trying to suppress evidence that clearly shows he is guilty. Clearly if the justice system in Alaska is working. This shouldn’t be allowed to happen.

August 15 at 8:07 AM  Jay Sekulow  Video  In Tweetstorm, The Ayatollah Admits Iran’s Weakness 
August 15 at 8:09 AM  Alaska Truth  Photo  "After they had accustomed themselves in Juneau to the slaughter of our State Budget, it was much easier to proceed to slaughter the citizens of the PFD.    Now the citizens await the outcome of the Senate.  Will they embrace the citizen or the slaughter?"

Vote them Out!  Politadick
August 15 at 8:21 AM  Alaska Freedom 49er's  Photo  Yes, finally some of the Washington DC "Swamp Monsters" are being thrown out with the trash (lol). Live free. Peace, Jim

One by one, the Swamp is draining....  Politadick
August 15 at 8:43 AM  Energy in Depth    David Bookbinder has been trying to defend his role in #climatechange lawsuits, but his claims don’t line up with the facts. Learn more: bit.ly/2KUOOju

Climate Change? From the way this reads... It is all about the money and how much can they get. Major blow to the movement happening here!

August 15 at 8:54 AM  Alaska  Vote  Edie Grunwald--Lieutenant governor  Where am I on some of the issues? I don’t hide behind politico speak the way some candidates do. Straight answers, that’s what you get with me. Read the Fairbanks Daily News Miner Q and A!  http://www.newsminer.com/…/article_db4cc46a-a00a-11e8-b265-…

What is said inside is why she has been my choice since day One!  Politadick
August 15 at 8:57 AM  Alaska  Politadick


Magnitude 4.3 - 18 miles SE of Talkeetna

August 15 at 9:45 AM  The Daily Signal  Colorado Targets Christian Baker Again Despite His Wedding Cake Victory  "The state is doubling down on its hostility against my beliefs, even though that’s what the Supreme Court said they couldn’t do,” Jack Phillips says.  “The state is doubling down on its hostility against my beliefs, even though that’s what the Supreme Court said they couldn’t do.”

The Gender Derangement Syndrome is getting worse. This lawsuit is frivolous as it can get and It’s only just the icing on the cake for what is to come.

August 15 at 10:34 AM  Alaska Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named"  Video  PRESS CONFERENCE: Attorney General Jahna Lindemuth and Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan comment on the Uniform Crime Report and ongoing efforts by the Walker Administration to address crime, and OSMAP Director Jones addresses the recent DHSS Epidemiology Bulletin showing progress in the fight against opioid abuse in Alaska.  What are we doing to turn the tide on rising crime? We have over 60 ongoing and completed public safety initiatives. Read our updated Public Safety Action Plan here: http://law.alaska.gov/…/…/PublicSafetyActionPlan-update2.pdf

Liar and Chief try’s to explain why his policy’s have done nothing to fix this problem Alaskans face.  Politadick

Politadick · 20:51 Gov “ He Who Shall Not Be Named” Unilateral decision to expand healthcare gave addicts easy access to the Opioids that the never would of had before that happen and his overwhelming support for SB91 let’s them continue to walk free with no consequences.
August 15 at 10:35 AM  Fox News  Video  Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a White House press briefing. https://fxn.ws/2wakfkv
August 15 at 10:52 AM  Fox Business  Video  Vice President Mike Pence delivers keynote remarks at an America First Policies "Tax Cuts to put America First" event.
August 15 at 10:55 AM  US Department of State  Video  August 15, 2018 (3:00PM EST): Spokesperson Heather Nauert holds a Department Press Briefing, at the Department of State.
August 15 at 11:00 AM  Alaska  Drain The Swamp Alaska  Photo  "How many skunks can you serve up before things start stinking?"  "Deadwell for Governor"

Only good skunk is a dead skunk.....  Let’s make sure they are Not Voted in and prevent the stench before it happens!  Politadick 
August 15 at 11:18 AM  Alaska  The Dave Stieren Show  Yep.    Slate.com  There Is Nothing Omarosa Can Say or Do That Could Possibly Matter  Her grievances and interests are personal, not political. 

This is one worth reading, that has nailed this BS right on the head!  Politadick
August 15 at 11:41 AM  Alaska  Mike Shower for Senate  Come down and have a cup of coffee and a donut Saturday morning from 9-11am at the Donut King in Wasilla. Chance to meet your state senator and ask the hard questions! Love to see you! Mike 

Hope to see you there. My Pick for Alaska’s Senate!  Politadick
August 15 at 11:51 AM  Alaska  Mike Shower for Senate  Video  Explaining the caucus and why it matters if your legislator joins or not. What do you think?

This needs to be shared over and over again!

The Muskox Three used it to their advantage over and over again throughout the years!

Remember last year when one of them on the Senate Floor threatens to take it all away when some in the caucus refused to vote Her way? I sure do!

August 15 at 2:24 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  Bethel school district to use taxis to transport students  A western Alaska school district is turning to taxis after scrambling to find transportation for students before the school year starts this week.  The district's new fleet of buses is expected to arrive in about six weeks.

The bleeding of Alaska’s school system continues on. No wonder we are Nearly #1 for school spending in all 50 states.  Politadick
August 15 at 2:36 PM  Alaska  KTUU 2  New drug treatment facility aims to help women in Anchorage  The Salvation Army of Alaska is working to extend more substance abuse treatment services to women in Anchorage. Channel 2 visited its new 15-bed facility for women on Tuesday, and saw examples of how trust, family and a desire to beat addiction can be just as powerful as the facility itself.  According to a national survey, more than 60,000 Alaskan adults need substance abuse treatment, but in Fiscal Year 2016, state-funded programs were only able to treat about 7,800. This facility hopes to increase that number:

60,000 addicts, 7,800 can get help and only 15 new beds are being added? What a sad joke this must be.

Governors cure for this.... Here’s your free healthcare that doesn’t cover addiction and treatment for it. But it will give you free needles and drugs to help them out instead.

August 15 at 2:48 PM  Alaska  Congressman Don Young  Alaska is a state that is rich in natural resources and they are some of our greatest assets. For many years, the Alaska delegation helped facilitate the land transfer by working with multiple federal and state agencies to extend the use of the Fort Knox mine. Today, I joined in the first of the two scheduled groundbreaking expansion efforts which will create jobs and economic growth for both the region and the state.

Winning for Alaska!  Politadick
August 15 at 3:12 PM  Fox Business   Video  The CAL FIRE Honor Guard escorts the body of Battalion Chief Matt Burchett, as he is returned to his home state of Utah. Burchett was killed while helping to battle the Mendocino Complex Fire, the largest wildfire in California history. 

August 15 at 5:15 PM  Alaska  Amy Demboski  Video  Rep DeLena Johnson stopped by today to talk about her bid for reelection to the AK State House to represent Palmer District 11.
August 15 at 5:16 PM  Alaska  Allard for Alaska  Hi I'm Jamie Allard- your conservative District 14 House Candidate. My opponent is putting out false Information about my voting record and PFD. While serving our country against enemies foreign and domestic being able to vote isn’t always available. One of my campaign goals is to not only make voting a verified process, but also make it failsafe for the military and those who travel. Let's Restore The Alaskan Dream! ....... 

My Pick!  Politadick
August 15 at 7:53 PM  Ben Shapiro  Reprehensible.  Daily Wire  Weekly Rate Of Acid Attacks In U.K. Hits Staggering Number, Khan's London Hit Hardest  New police figures reveal that the U.K. is averaging at least 15 barbaric acid attacks a week. 

Welcome to London! Odds are you won’t be shot here. But you may have acid thrown in your face instead.
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