August 12 at 8:33 AM  Joey Beck  Video  Here’s the audio of the air traffic controllers talking to the guy who stole an airplane from the Sea-Tac airport. It’s worth the watch, he sounds like a nice guy, he didn’t want to hurt anyone. He just wanted to go out with the ride of his life.
(I posted as a screen recording instead of sharing because nobody would watch it otherwise) 

August 12 at 8:41 AM  Blue Lives Matter  Railroad PD Apologizes For Catching Thieves With Bait Truck After Viral Outrage - Blue Lives Matter  Police launched a sting operation to catch people stealing guns and ammunition.  In a city being torn apart by gun violence, the railroad PD took proactive action to try to catch thieves stealing guns from their freight. Now they are apologizing for catching the thieves and all charges have been dropped.

Wow! Unbelievable!  Politadick
August 12 at 8:47 AM  Alaska  Mike Shower for Senate  This sign is apparently such a distraction that it was "tagged" to be removed. Really catches your eye doesn't it? 
Spent much of the last 2 days moving or removing signs from all over the valley that we've spent thousands of donated dollars to buy and dozens of hours putting up. I should be spending this time meeting voters. DOT enforcing this policy less than 2 weeks from the primary, when the Governor is behind in the polls? Quite the coincidence.

Alaska’s corruption in politics on full display this year!

Vote Mike Shower for Senate 2018!  Politadick

August 12 at 9:04 AM  Fox News Insider  Video  'Give Up Your Phony Investigation': Pirro Rips Mueller After Reports of Ohr, Steele Meetings  In her Opening Statement, Judge Jeanine Pirro said that she that actually wants the special counsel's Russia probe to go on.  Judge Jeanine Pirro said that she actually wants the special counsel's Russia probe to continue because it will prove of collusion between the Kremlin and former President Obama's administration. 

When will this Faux investigation come to an end?  Politadick
August 12 at 9:18 AM  Alaska  Edie Grunwald for Lt. Governor 2018  Video  Vote Edie Grunwald for Lt. Governor on August 21st!  Paid for by "Vote Edie Grunwald" P.O. Box 896, Palmer, AK 99645  Neither the military information nor the photographs imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or their particular Military Department (or the Department of Homeland Security for members of the Coast Guard). 

My Pick since Day One!  Politadick
August 12 at 9:37 AM  O4ANEWS  Video  95% of Ocean Plastic Pollution Comes From 10 Rivers, NONE From America #Environment #plastic #pollution - Overpasses For America   95% of Ocean Plastic Pollution Comes From 10 Rivers, NONE From America 

Facts that the Mainstream Media and Environmentalists don’t want you to know.  Politadick
August 12 at 9:40 AM  Alaska  Craig Christenson for Alaska House District 13  Early voting begins Monday, Aug 13 at the Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center! 8:30 - 5:00. Elect Craig Christenson. www.craig2018.com  Paid for by Friends of Craig Christenson, 21136 Jayhawk Dr, Chugiak, AK 99567

My Pick for House Seat!  Politadick
August 12 at 9:57 AM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  "You can create the straw equivalent of a bump stock with a 3D printer.  Now ou entire cup is a straw.  Checkmate Commies."

The fix is in for California.  Poliatdick
August 12 at 10:10 AM  Fox News Update  Video  President Trump revs it up with bikers, activists confront police in riot gear in Charlottesville, and the White House seeks volunteers for Christmas.

Just another week in Paradise.  Politadick
August 12 at 10:19 AM  IJR Red  Intense footage...  Video  Antifa Marchers in Charlottesville Force Hospital Lock Down, Assault Police & Journalists  "Protesters very aggressive with media." 

Wow! I’ll bet you won’t see this on Alaska’s news stations!  Politadick
August 12 at 10:40 AM  Fox News Insider  Video Gregg Jarrett: Bruce Ohr's Role as 'Conduit' Between DOJ, Steele, Fusion GPS 'The Definition of Corruption'   Gregg Jarrett and Judge Jeanine Pirro reacted to news that top DOJ official Bruce Ohr was used as a "conduit" between the department and ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele even after the FBI cut ties with Steele over alleged untruths. 

Facts Matter!  Politadick
August 12 at 10:50 AM  Fox News Insider  Video  Charlie Kirk: 'The Intolerance of the Left Never Ceases to Amaze Me'  Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens were ambushed by a group of liberal protesters outside a Philadelphia restaurant Monday morning. 

The Left are taking the Trump Derangement Syndrome to new levels bordering insanity.  Politadick
August 12 at 10:59 AM  MRCTV  Video  Protesters and media wait for "Unite The Right 2" to exit Foggy Bottom Metro Station in Washington, D.C. 

This is what Democracy Looks Like and Not the Republic that OUR Country is Built On!  Politadick
August 12 at 11:00 AM  Fox News Insider  Video  'We Have Run Out of Patience': Gowdy Warns of Possible Subpoenas in Trump Dossier Investigation   Trey Gowdy said he is not afraid to issue subpoenas if the Justice Department ignores his committee's request to question former FBI official Bruce Ohr and others about the infamous anti-Trump dossier. 

Facts Mainstream Media wants you to never hear!  Politadick
August 12 at 11:08 AM  Daily Wire  Food Donated To Puerto Rico Hurricane Victims Found Rotting In Parking Lot  Ten shipping containers, filled with food, baby products, and over the counter medications like Tylenol -- all supplies desperately needed in the days and weeks following Hurricane Maria -- were found rotting in a Puerto Rico parking lot last week, never distributed.  The New York Times reports that a local Puerto Rican radio station found the goods, melted, spoiled, and covered in rat droppings.

More government corruption uncovered in Puerto Rico.  Politadick
August 12 at 12:02 PM  The Daily Caller  Video  White nationalists and Antifa clash in front of the White House at the “Unite the Right” rally. 

What a Disgrace....  Politadick
August 12 at 12:06 PM  MRCTV  Video  Protesters and media wait for "Unite The Right 2" to exit Foggy Bottom Metro Station in Washington, D.C. 
August 12 at 12:28 PM  The Daily Caller  Video  White nationalists and Antifa clash in front of the White House at the “Unite the Right” rally. 

Democratic Party here!  Politadick
August 12 at 12:41 PM  The Daily Caller  Video  Antifa shows up in front of White House to clash with white supremacist

More from the frontlines.....  Politadick
August 12 at 4:30 PM  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  "There are more than 326,400 Alaskans living with a pre-existing condition, whose coverage could be at risk with Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.  Call Lisa Murkowski and ask her to vote NO on....."

Wow! Wasn’t aware that over half of Alaska’s population had pre-existing conditions....

Oh wait a second.... They must be talking about all the ones suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome also.

Hard to believe in such a short video they could pack in that many Lies.  Politadick

August 12 at 4:47 PM  Alaska  Permanent Fund Defenders  The oil curse and Alaska. Stop government spending without accountability!

ADN  The oil boom made Alaskans richer, right? An economist says no.  A study by an economist at UAA shows that Alaska incomes declined compared to what would have happened without Prudhoe Bay. 

Notice throughout this whole piece the word Democracy is used to describe how the USA works.

This reads like someone trying to sugar coat Welfare Programs and expanding government control and spending.

The USA is setup as a Republic for a reason and that was to try and prevent failed Governments that are run as a Democracy.

Link to a video that explains the difference.

https://www.facebook.com/1347784265282591/posts/1856095641118115/  Politadick

August 12 at 4:52 PM  Alaska Public Media  Magnitude 6.4 quake recorded southwest of Kaktovik, breaking record for area  A large earthquake was recorded on the North Slope, 52 miles southwest of Kaktovik, at around 7 a.m. Sunday morning.  So far, there are no reports of any major impacts to communities or infrastructure.

Climate Change! You just have to love everything happening this year.

4.5 Billion Years building and tearing things down. Wonder what the next 4.5 Billion Years will bring?  Politadick

August 12 at 5:03 PM  Alaska  Mike Shower for Senate 2018  The Alaska GOP supports an open caucus. Most states won't allow a binding caucus - why do we? We must do better! Time to end the binding caucus in Alaska politics.

Wish we had more like him running for positions this year.

Senator Shelley Hughes and a few others have paid the price for going against the Caucus on issues. Staff and positions on committees stripped away for trying to do as the people who elected them into office asked them do!

Stand Strong Mike Shower for Senate. You had a taste of what they dish out this last year in a very short time. It only gets bumpier from here on out!


August 12 at 5:09 PM  Blue Lives Matter  VIDEO: Antifa Attacks DC Police, Secret Service - Blue Lives Matter  Antifa attacked police at the Unite The Right 2 white supremacist rally.  VIDEO: Even the Secret Service got into it. Video from today's events:

Highlights of the Terroists events today. Multiple Video’s inside.  Politadick
August 12 at 5:18 PM  Forbes  Yosemite Closed Indefinitely As California Fires Grow To Largest In History: Map And Update  The scope of California's fires is unprecedented.

Real life Human Caused Disaster here and Alaska could be next. Nearly all of this could have been prevented, if they allowed logging, with replanting to have continued instead of what Environmentalists and Leftist Democrats stopped Humans from doing.

And they have the gal to blame Climate Change for this Disaster!

August 12 at 5:28 PM  PBS News Hour  Video  An 11-year-old changed election results on a replica Florida state website in under 10 minutes  An 11-year-old on Friday was able to hack into a replica of the Florida state election website and change voting results found there in under 10 minutes.  At the annual cybersecurity conference, DEFCON, an 11-year-old boy on Friday accessed a replica of the Florida secretary of state’s website. He was one of about 30 children who were able to hack into imitation websites linked to voting in presidential battleground states in under a half hour.

Hold onto your hats or they will get blown off by this report!

Just think.... Alaska was hacked in 2016 and the Valleys Governments run computers have just been hacked by a virus that has them completely shut down.

This is a strong recommendation for going back to paper Ballots and State ID!

August 12 at 6:39 PM  Boycott the NFL 2018  Video  Get the OFFICIAL shirt of the NFL Boycott Movement here: 

I heard Crickets! How about you?  Politadick
August 12 at 7:58 PM  Alaska  Pam Goode for House 2018  Why are voting records, sponsorships, and co-sponsorships important? 

These tell you most of what you need to know about the principles of your incumbent candidate. This by-passes what you have been told and focuses on “what they have done”.

There is a tremendous amount of pressure on legislators when they get to Juneau and it starts from their own colleagues within their own party. If they have not been engaged in the legislative sessions then they look for guidance from those before them who have more experience and are more “established” and those career politicians are more than eager to provide it.

No one wants to be disliked for taking a stand but isn't that what has brought us to where we are today with the PFD cuts, Crime and the discussion of an income tax? The draining of over 18 billion in our reserves did not occur over night but it occurred during the past 6-years one bloated unsustainable budget at a time. Also continuing to fund the cash oil credit program when Alaska was deficit spending over 3-billion a year. Then they add insult to injury with a $1 billion bond package (constitutionally questionable) to pay off the cash credits above statutory minimums while PFDs are being paid below statutory minimums. This is blatant fiscal negligence and one I have referred to as the "Crime of the Century" against the people.

The power of the caucus is strong and it takes a strong person to stand up and say, “this is wrong!”. This violates my oath of office, this violates law, this works against the freedoms of the people, this works against the constituents in my district, etc.

Voting records show this. 
Do they stand for power or principles? I've met many legislators and they are good people, but they have contributed either directly or indirectly to where Alaska is today. And Yes, it only takes one term to be the problem or apart of the problem.

Many of us have lived long enough to see so many liberties destroyed by nice conservative legislators. Most of the time they are re-elected because no one “better” will run against them. Often times when someone does, they are unknown, not good enough or their campaign is not funded enough. The bottom line is, We, the voters, do not know how these “nice” legislators have voted. Had we'd of known, the outcome may have been different.

At the end of the day, the government we have is the government we chose. It is that simple. If we want to truly preserve and restore the freedoms for our generation and future generations, we must vote accordingly. If not, we have only ourselves to blame. Lukewarm is destroying our state and country.

Elections are Important! It's the opportunity for “the people” to determine the direction of their future, good or bad. If the people want change, they must vote for it!

I'm Pam Goode and I'm running for House in District 9. I don't have a legislative voting record but I have a history of being principled with the same message for a very long time. I have not wavered off my fiscally conservative stand or principles of life, liberty, property or privacy. I've fought harder and longer for those principles than anyone other candidate. The reason I know legislators is because they hear from me often and I encourage others to do the same. Accountability is the key and it's our job as Alaskans and Americans to make it happen.

I would be honored for your vote on August 21. As you can see I'm Goode2Go and ready to work for you and be apart of the leadership with solutions to get this state back on track.

Paid for by Fiscally Conservative Alaskans for Pam Goode | PO Box 1544 Delta Junction AK 99737

She makes it clear here why she hit My Pick List this year!  Politadick
August 12 at 8:54 PM  Alaskan's Against Gov Walker PFD Theft  General Election Candidates List  State of Alaska Official web site for Alaska Election Information.   Hey folks, look what I found today!  Judge William Morse, the Superior Court Judge who ruled against our keeping the full PFD calculation against Gov. Walker's veto in 2016, is up for retention (every 10 years) in this fall's general election. Only the voters in the Third Judicial District (Anchorage area) can vote on this retention.  Keep that in mind this November: To VOTE HIM OUT !!! 

Seems the Judge who helped Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” is up for re-election this year and only Anchorage gets to vote on this.

Wake Up Alaska and vote this person OUT!  Politadick

August 12 at 9:40 PM  Alaska  David Eastman for House 2018  Caucus Reform Resolution | Web Survey Tools   Whereas, the Alaska Legislature’s Binding Caucus Rule obligates legislators to vote with the majority caucus on certain votes regardless of what their constituents want, or suffer a loss of capacity in representing their constituents; 

I emailed a copy of this resolution to each person running for the Alaska Legislature and invited them to take a public stand against this terrible practice of binding legislators to vote against their conscience and against the will of their constituents.

I have received positive responses from the following candidates. Is your candidate on the list below?

Ronald D “Ron” Gillham 
Kenny “Karl” Skaflestad
Bekah Halat
Shawn A. Butler
Andy E. Cizek
Craig J. Christenson
Ceezar X. Martinson
Dennis P. Harris
Donald W. Jones
Forrest J. McDonald
William W. Weatherby
Greg Madden
Sarah L. Vance
Henry F. “Hank” Kroll
Pamela Goode
John R. Cox
Michael K. Shower

These are the candidates who have had the courage to take a stand against this terrible practice even before winning their first election.

To this list, I would add the legislators who have recently stood on behalf of their constituents and been openly attacked by the fraternity in Juneau for doing so:

Sen. Shelley Hughes
Sen. Mike Dunleavy 
Rep. Lora Reinbold

And while I believe that every candidate for the legislature should take a similar stand, there are some candidates who have offered no support for reform and will continue to oppose this change unless they hear from you. Please let them know how important it is that we stand against bullying and any attempt to enforce a binding caucus vote on fellow legislators:

Rep. Chuck Kopp (koppforhouse@gmail.com; 907-952-0189)
Rep. Chris Birch (chris@chrisbirch.com; 907-280-7537)
Rep. Dan Saddler (dan@dansaddler.com; 907-277-8484)
Sen. Pete Kelly (perrilynn@msn.com; 907-452-2654)
Rep. Jim Colver (jim.colver.statehouse@gmail.com; 907-746-5300)

Now is the time to end this terrible practice. Now is when the candidates are listening to the voters and adjusting their positions accordingly. We can end this terrible practice in 2018 if you raise your voice and make sure these candidates hear it.

Members of the public who wish to sign this resolution can do so here: http://caucus.ialaska.org/

No surprise here not to see the Muskox Three and their supporters on either list.  Politadick
August 12 at 10:02 PM  Fox News  Video  A live look from Huntsville, Alabama, to catch the Perseid meteor shower, which, according to NASA, is "often considered to be one of the best meteor showers of the year due to its high rates and pleasant late-summer temperatures."

Cool!  Politadick
August 12 at 10:46 PM  Alaska  KTVA 11 Education advocate aiming to unseat longtime Alaska rep  When Alyse Galvin ran into resistance from some state legislators in a fight over school funding, she didn't give up. She got a loudspeaker. 

If Alaska wants to guarantee it goes down in a giant ball of flames then vote for her.

Just like all the other DemoRats running this year wanting to give healthcare for free, she has yet to explain how to pay for it.

She also supports the Idea of Sanctuary City’s and open borders.

No surprise to hear that she was the spearhead of the PFD ERA raid to early fund Alaska’s schools.

Also no Surprise to see our local Mainstream Media attacking conservatives overs and over again and keep giving these DemoRats glowing reviews.

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