April 24 at 5:07am  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE the official arrival ceremony of the President of France and Mrs. Macron.
April 24 at 6:47am  Fox News  Video  “It just made sense for me to go to church.”  On "Fox & Friends," James Shaw Jr., a man who was hailed a hero after he seized the opportunity to wrestle the gun away from the Waffle House shooter, recalled what happened on Sunday. https://bit.ly/2Jm9q3P

Definition of a True Hero, James Shaw Jr.  Politadick
April 24 at 6:58am  Fox News  Video  Toronto van attack driver charged with first-degree murder  JUST IN: Alek Minassian, 25, the driver in the van attack, was charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder in a brief court appearance Tuesday.

Another Mass Killing happen..... All vehicles need to be Banned! David Hogg where is your outcry to take away all the vehicles? More mass murders caused by vehicles then by guns each year.....

Using the Lefts logic the Vehicle and Manufacture are to blame for this and they need to be Banned and Boycotted. Because it’s not the person drivings fault......


April 24 at 7:09am  Ben Shapiro  More chaos to come at the border  Daily Wire  THEY'RE COMING: 600 More Refugees In 'Caravan' Nearing U.S.-Mexico Border  Hundreds of refugees from Central American are still making their way in a caravan to the U.S.-Mexican border, although they're stuck in the northern… 

Democrats and those on the Left are responsible for this disaster to come to our border..... When can we Deport them? You know in the interest of national security.


April 24 at 7:19am  Branco Cartoon  Cartoon: A ‘mountain’ of evidence – Daily Torch  By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution image.  Today's A.F. Branco Cartoon - 4/24/2018

Will it ever end....?


April 24 at 7:35am  Fox News  Gorka: Trump Election 'Scandal' 'Should Be Renamed ObamaGate'  Former White House adviser Dr. Sebastian Gorka said the federal investigation into collusion and other alleged untoward behavior during the 2016…  Gorka said former President Obama was likely concerned that if Clinton was prosecuted in the case, he may have been too.

Obamagate.....  Politadick
April 24 at 8:03am  Alaska  Bristol Bay Times  Troopers intercept 56 grams of heroin in Togiak  Alaska State Troopers contacted Patrick Einhellig, 32, of Dillingham when he arrived at the Togiak airport on Friday. Investigation revealed that he was  Alaska State Troopers contacted Patrick Einhellig, 32, of Dillingham when he arrived at the Togiak airport on Friday. Investigation revealed that he was carrying heroin worth at least $56,000 in Bristol Bay.  http://kdlg.org/…/troopers-intercept-56-grams-heroin-togiak…

Alaskan Natives are making sure to keep their towns High.... Good thing to hear this has been taken off of the streets.....

This is why they have Lobbyist in Juneau keeping SB91/54 going.....


Anybody else would be rotting in jail right about now...... Hmmmmm...... Wonder what makes him so special....?

April 24 at 8:04am  Jay Sekulow  Video  Keeping The Pressure On For Pastor Andrew Brunson
April 24 at 8:04am  Judicial Watch  Video  Judicial Watch is hosting a special educational panel on Tuesday, April 24, from noon to 1 pm ET to discuss “The Deep State Update.” The expert panelists currently include:    Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)  -Committee on the Judiciary  -Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  Vince Coglianese  -Host “Mornings on the Mall” WMAL Radio  -Editorial Director, Daily Caller  Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer  -Vice President for Strategic Coordination and Operations  -London Center for Policy Research  Michael Bekesha  -Attorney, Judicial Watch  Moderator:  Tom Fitton  -President, Judicial Watch 
April 24 at 8:49am  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump participates in a joint press availability with the President of France.
April 24 at 9:59am  Senate GOP  Video  Tune in now as members of the Senate GOP leadership team brief the press.

The next set of Obstruction is now in place...  Politadick
April 24 at 10:11am  US Department of State  Video  Acting Secretary Sullivan and Vice President Mike Pence host a State Luncheon in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Macron 
April 24 at 10:11am  Fox Business  Video  MARKET SELLOFF: The Dow Jones Industrial Average has tumbled 500+ points as surging bond yields sent investors stampeding out of equities. https://fxn.ws/2JlVeIc

Go Go Go!  Politadick
April 24 at 11:03am  Fox News  Video  Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall provides updates on the Tennessee Waffle House shooting suspect . https://fxn.ws/2Jiem9V
April 24 at 11:06am  Fox News  Video  Toronto Police Service provides an update on the investigation into yesterday's incident where a driver ran down pedestrians. https://fxn.ws/2HooEJb
April 24 at 12:11pm  Fox Business Voices  Video  "Socialism is morally reprehensible, it is something for nothing. It is divisive, and if you want prosperity for all, socialism just doesn't work." —Varney & Co.

Sad knowing what he is saying here is true...


April 24 at 1:30pm  Alaska  KTVA 11 Video  KTVA's Liz Raines is live from Sidorof Lane on Anchorage's Upper Hillside, which has been blocked by debris from roof damage to a home amid high winds today. STORY: http://bit.ly/2HrzvSM

Sure don’t build them like they used to  Politadick
April 24 at 2:54pm  Alaska  The latest language immersion program for Anchorage students: Yup’ik  It's the first immersion in an Alaska Native language offered to public school students in Alaska’s largest city. 

Multi-Million Dollar Profits each year in the Native Corporations, yet they are forcing Alaskans taxpayers to pay for it....


April 24 at 2:55pm  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE the arrival of the President of France and Mrs. Macron to the State Dinner.
April 24 at 3:35pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  WATCH: Check out this wind-shaken view from our Glen Alps camera. Chugach Electric reports 9000 customers scattered throughout Anchorage are without power. Sustained high winds 50 to 65 mph. Gusts to 80 mph. bit.ly/2HYKHTU

Governor must be giving a speech today.... Blowing on allot of people right now.....


April 24 at 4:05pm  Fox Business  Video  President Donald J. Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron walk down the Grand Staircase to take an official photo before the White House State Dinner.
April 24 at 4:42pm  Fox News  Video  Authorities give an update on the search for the suspect who shot two officers from the Dallas Police Department and a civilian near a Home Depot this afternoon. https://fxn.ws/2HoliWC 
April 24 at 4:52pm  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump attend the State Dinner Reception at The White House with French President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Brigitte Macron. President Trump and President Macron are each expected to deliver a toast.
April 24 at 5:45pm  Ben Shapiro  Insane.  Daily Wire  WALSH: U.K. Courts Sentence Another Baby To Death, Again Showing Why Socialized Medicine Is Evil 

Welcome to the “FUTURE OF THE USA...”

Update: This is what Universal Health Care will be like in the USA. Taxes to cover it will increase from 25% to 65% depending on how much you make. This will be on top of what you already pay in taxes now.

In 2020 Alaskan's will need to decide on what they are willing to do as what our portion of what is to be paid of the Expansion to Healthcare Increases. Estimated they will need to raise taxes 7% more then what they are now, to cover the future costs of it.

Did you know that 20% of the School Districts Budget is Just to cover Healthcare....?

Did you know that over 1/3 of Alaska's Budget goes to paying Welfare/Entitlements and Healthcare each year....?

Did you know with this $13 Billion Dollar Budget Alaska has its estimated $4.8 Billion Dollars of the Budget will be paid on Healthcare/Welfare/Entitlements...?


April 24 at 7:12pm  Fox News  Video  Authorities in Dallas, Texas, give an update on a shooting that critically injured two Dallas Police Department officers and a civilian. A person of interest is currently in custody. https://fxn.ws/2HoliWC
April 24 at 7:34pm  Alaska  Tomorrow April 25th Veterans Town Hall! 5-6:30 pm. One for the calendar..... This is in Anchorage on Muldoon!  Politadick


April 24 at 8:05pm  Turning Point USA  Video  WATCH LIVE AT UC Berkeley! Live with Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, & Dave Rubin

In case you missed it....  Politadick
April 24 at 9:46pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Scandal: Edwardson knew about Parish's sexual harassment problem - Must Read Alaska  DID NOT REPORT IT, BUT FILED FOR …  They covered it up for as long as they could, but the gig's up.

Democrats seem to keep showing there true colors here in Alaska and the same Cockroaches in charge have tried covering it up once again....

Democrats have perfected the art of making false claims of being Alaska’s SJW and making a big show of it and definitely have mastered the art of being the biggest Cockroaches in Juneau...


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