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Alaska Representative Lora Reinbold
HEADS UP: Another very sad day on the house floor-my heart is
aching...almost unanimously the House passed another massive data
collecting bill by Sponsor Harriet
Drummond. I worked tirelessly to defund the ANSWERS INVASIVE database
under ACPE (Ak Commission on Post Sec Ed)--there was no opt out & our
data was linked to the PFD info database. Sadly HB 221 renewed the
database that violates our constitution ART 1 sec 22 "the peoples right
to privacy shall (not may) be recognized and shall NOT be infringed! The
Legislature SHALL implement this section" of the Constitution. The
absolute worst part of my job is watching those who swear to defend the
Constitution, yet roll over with a soft sale pitch. Remember the Answers
Data base was the precursor to controversial common core educational
debacle that even a prominent Superintendent expressed recently
"everyone hates common core". Warning look out for round ?100 of failed
fed ed policy with SB104 that just passed Senate--looks like it will
include EVERY student resident in the district! The House Finance &
Education members should have recognized HB221 as dejavu massive
government data mining program in disguise as a sales pitch "help" our
students. They claim to decode personal info etc but with today's
programs it is easily decoded. They claim they don't share the data but
it was discovered the feds have "access" to the date in the previous
program-they are crafty in how they try to deceive the people. Votes on
on Last photo in series Never fails to happen..... Those in Alaska’s Government clearly don’t care that we have a constitution to follow..... It means nothing to them in the House.... Common Core has been proven over and over again not to work and yet here they are locking Alaska into it again...... Have you seen the study’s put out? Alaska Ranks 47th in education. Clearly those lawmakers have an Alaskan education, because it’s clear they are dumber then a box of rocks...... Politadick |
Alaska Politadick Photo
Vote's in Government Alaska Thank You for the opportunity to take more money and put it into Alaska’s education system that is ranked 47th for Quality and 2nd for per student spending. Again, Thank You for the opportunity to spend more money on Alaska’s students, it truly hasn’t made a difference in the past and I don’t expect any changes for this increase we have made now. Sincerely, Rep. Les Gara |
A.F. Branco Cartoon - Iron Fistbook Zuckerburg plays dumb
during the congressional hearings while his company, Facebook, works to
silence conservatives on its social media platform. Political cartoon by
A.F. Branco ©2018
Friday's A.F. Branco Cartoon - 4/13/2018 Sums things up quite nicely.... Politadick |
Comically Incorrect
A.F. Branco Notice how the investigation keeps changing?
Deep State Investigation Morphs Until They Find Something! All
of the investigation should give us citizens pause: if the Deep State
can do this to the president who happens to be a billionaire business
man with a… Since they have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt about what this investigation is all started for to be false/fake/bogus..:: Why is it still happening? Politadick |
Alaska Politadick Photo We, The Democratic Party of Alaska, are extremely proud of being the first Lawmakers in Alaska’s History to spend money from the ERA (PFD). We have successfully raised the budget from last years $9 Billion Dollars and have jumped it to $13 Billion. If only we had stayed at last years budget levels. We would never had needed to tap into that and could have given you all a full PFD this year. Instead we jacked the budget up as high as we could, to guarantee we get to steal from the ERA.... Sincerely, The Democratic Party of Alaska/Independents/Rino’s (Muskox Three) PS We are so proud of this fact, that we pinned it to the top of our page.... |
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