April 14 at 6:33am  Fox Business  Video  Pentagon officials hold a press briefing to update the strikes on Syria. https://fxn.ws/2quXEx9
April 14 at 7:27am  Fox Business  Video  The UN Security Council has an emergency meeting meeting in reaction to airstrikes on Syria.  Tune in to Fox News Channel for continuing live coverage. fxn.ws/2JLFNdA
April 14 at 4:01pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  We're live from the Slush Cup at Girdwood's Alyeska Resort, where skiers and snowboarders cross a stretch of open water -- or take a dive trying.

April 14 at 10:11pm  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  One Year Anniversary....

Happy Birthday Politadick!

You are officially an one year old today!

Hope Everyone in Alaska had a chance to get out and enjoy this beautiful day we all had today.......

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