April 10 at 6:43am  Fox News  Video  A news conference is held outside Salisbury hospital after reports that Yulia Skripal, one of two Russians poisoned by nerve agent, has been released from the hospital.
April 10 at 7:05am  OANN  Video  CBO Report: Trumponomics to Boost Economic Growth Through 2028  The Congressional Budget Office is expecting higher…  The Congressional Budget Office is expecting higher deficits and quicker economic growth in the coming decade. However, a key fiscal measure suggests an improved budget performance by 2028. One America's Kristian Rouz explains.

3.3% GDP...... Nice!  Poliadick
April 10 at 7:09am  Alaska  KTUU 2  An ugly spring tradition reveals used needles and liquor bottles  As the snow begins to melt, the ugly secrets of Anchorage are slowly being revealed. That includes old liquor bottles, human waste as well as used…  "If somebody was maybe to have had Hepatitis C or HIV and was activity using needle, you want to be really careful because that one stick could lead potentially to that transmission."

Welcome to Alaska!

Where every Spring our epidemic Heroin and Meth problems comes out on full display...


April 10 at 7:11am  Alaska  KTUU 2  DHSS: AK most sexually diseased state  The department of health and social services says Alaska has the country's highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases per capita.  This article was updated to include an interactive map – ranking the most sexually diseased states in America. Use the map to see how Alaska (Rank No. 1) compares to others.

Alaska keeps Ranking #1 for all the wrong reasons....


April 10 at 7:14am  Fox Business  Video  Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg administers the Oath of Allegiance to 200 candidates for U.S. citizenship from 59 countries at a naturalization ceremony.
April 10 at 8:03am  Jay Sekulow  Video  ACLJ Uncovers Unprecedented Political Bias by Unmaskers
April 10 at 8:05am  Ben Shapiro  Rolling back Obama era policies  Daily Wire  PUSHING BACK: DACA Recipients No Longer Will Get In-State College Tuition Rates In Arizona  On Monday, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the state’s colleges must not offer in-state tuition to immigrants co 

One down 49 more to go.....


April 10 at 8:17am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 514  The FBI raids the offices of Trump’s lawyer, Trump considers war in Syria, and the Left rushes to Teddy Kennedy’s defense.
April 10 at 8:21am  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes 

UPDATE: The resolution is being redrafted and was not ready for review in time for the hearing today. Apologies by the chair for those who have called in and patiently waited to testify. If it gets re-scheduled, we'll be sure to let you know.

OLD INFO: New time for testimony! Senate Judiciary starts in 1 hour! Call in to testify on SJR14 Constitution Amendment: Parental Consent.

Call in by phone:
Anchorage: 907-563-9085
Juneau: 907-589-9085
Toll-Free: 1-844-586-9085


Submit written testimony to

UPDATE: “The resolution is being redrafted and was not ready for review in time for the hearing today. Apologies by the chair for those who have called in and patiently waited to testify. If it gets re-scheduled, we'll be sure to let you know.”

Call in by phone:
Anchorage: 907-563-9085
Juneau: 907-589-9085
Toll-Free: 1-844-586-9085


Submit written testimony to

Prior to update:

Red ALLERT!! This bill will return the Right to know, that was taken away from Parents!! Children shouldn’t be allowed to have abortions without a parent knowledge...

We are responsible for them until they turn 18...

Call and give them your two cents.....


April 10 at 8:29am  Fox News  Border Patrol agents in Santa Teresa, New Mexico were on horseback during the first day of construction for the newest installment of President Donald J. Trump’s border wall. Installation of this 20-mile section replaces a vehicle barrier, and the new bollard style wall is one of three going up this year along the U.S.-Mexican border. https://fxn.ws/2EydFqk

One Brick at a time....  Politadick
April 10 at 9:08am  Alaska House Majority Coalition   Video  Press Briefing 

Let take you money....  Politadick
April 10 at 9:20am  Alaska House Majority Coalition   Video  Press Briefing

Politadick · 9:57 One Day May we have people in office that will cater to the Majority instead of Special Interests and the Minority...

Politadick · 12:40 Repeal SB91/54 and write laws that work..... Your laws have only made things worse....

Politadick · 13:56 $13 Billion Dollar Budget..... Sad that you did that to guarantee trying to steal the full PFD and rewriting the POMV!

Politadick · 14:42 HJR34 needs to come out of committee and be heard on the Floor!

Politadick · 15:12 HB185 needs to come out of committee and be heard on the floor!

Politadick · 17:03 Tax credits need to be stopped and quit giving the money away with no economic return.... Just so Oil Companies can make Millions and Billions a year using Alaskans tax money to do it!

April 10 at 10:04am  C-SPAN  Video  Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before the Senate Commerce & Judiciary Committees – LIVE at 2:15pm ET on C-SPAN3, C-SPAN Radio & online here: https://cs.pn/2IxEXj7

FB CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Testifies shortly...  Politadick
April 10 at 10:14am  Senate GOP  Video  Tune in now as members of the Senate GOP leadership team brief the press.

The games never end...... They are facing the same problems that Alaska is, by having Many in office that only want to spend money, cater to the minority and special interests.....  Politadick
April 10 at 10:32am  Fox  News  Video  Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress in the wake of a data privacy scandal.  Live blog: https://fxn.ws/2Hp9Re0

Live!  Politadick
April 10 at 11:10am  US Department of State  Video  Spokesperson Heather Nauert addresses reporters at the Department Press Briefing on April 10, 2018.
April 10 at 11:20am  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump hosts the 2017 NCAA Football National Champions the Alabama Crimson Tide.
April 10 at 11:33am  Fox News  Video  United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and others speak ahead of a Security Council vote on a proposal for a new inquiry into responsibility for use of chemical weapons in Syria.    UPDATE: The draft resolution failed to obtain the required number of votes. "History will record that on this day, Russia chose protecting a monster over the lives of the Syrian people," Amb. Haley said.
April 10 at 12:06pm  A.F. Branco Cartoon - Swamp-Mess Monster  The main reason for the Mueller investigation is the guard the D.C. Swamp from outsiders like Trump. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017  Stay strong President Trump 

The never ending lie that the government created and continues to Capitulate, on an daily basis....  Politadick
April 10 at 12:13pm  Branco  Cartoon: Golden Gate – Daily Torch  By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution image.  Today’s A.F. Branco Cartoon - 4/10/2018

Welcome to California.... We opened the door for Illegal Aliens to come into the USA and will give them driver licenses, healthcare and the jobs that American Citizens are suppose to have.....

Did I forget to mention that they will even let them vote in all elections, be counted on the Census as US Citizens so they can increase our Federal Funding and Electoral Vote we get....


April 10 at 12:37pm  Fox News  Video  Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress in the wake of a data privacy scandal.    Live blog:  https://fxn.ws/2Hp9Re0

Part Two.....  Politadick
April 10 at 1:46pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Police Lt. John McKinnon is answering questions about a suspicious death Monday on Chugach Way in Spenard, which is now considered Anchorage's sixth homicide of 2018.   STORY: http://bit.ly/2GO1r2H
April 10 at 2:25pm  Fox Business  Video  Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg resumes his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  LIVE BLOG: https://fxn.ws/2qjMXNI

Part 3  Politadick
April 10 at 4:34pm  Fox Business Voices  Video  "The president has to mop up President Obama's foreign policy disaster, but he's ambushed by political opponents who hate him and could care less about the damage they do to our country. Disgraceful." —Varney & Co. https://fxn.ws/2qkJE91

Yup...  Politadick
April 10 at 4:38pm  IJR Red  Video  Zuckerberg "Can you define Hate Speech?"

Who decides what is hate speech?  Politadick
April 10 at 5:50pm  Alaska Policy Forum  Alaska’s state-controlled highway system is the 35th largest in the country but we rank 48th out of 50 overall in highway performance and cost-effectiveness. North Dakota with its many similarities to Alaska ranks #1. https://reason.org/policy_stu…/23rd-annual-highway-report/…/ #akleg

We spend a Million Dollars a Mile and Rank 48th...... Compared to other States, Alaska keeps Breaking Records, for one of the worst...  Politadick
April 10 at 6:09pm  Fox News  Photos  On Tuesday, President Donald J. Trump celebrated 2017 NCAA Football National Champions Alabama Football with an event at the The White House. The team gave the president his own jersey and even let him join in on a team huddle. https://fxn.ws/2HrHEmT

MAGA  Politadick
April 10 at 7:06pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Video  #WorthSharing #Telling_it_like_it_is with Senator Hughes in Juneau. Hot Topic: Budget

Live.... Come ask your questions  Politadick

Live.... Come ask your questions

Politadick · 10:33 Cooking the books for the $12.5-$13 Billion Dollar Budget. Disgusted at the maneuver to make sure to tap into the ERA.....

Politadick · 28:01 $3.9 Billion Statewide spent on healthcare in Alaska last year....

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