April 4 at 7:14am  OANN  Video  Calif. Big Cities Face Public Health Issues Caused by Rise in Homelessness  Two of California's biggest and richest cities are facing a…  Two of California's biggest and richest cities are facing a public health issue, which centers around the growing homeless problem. One America's Eddie McCoven reports.

Ewwwww.....  Politadick
April 4 at 7:19am  OANN  Video  YouTube Shooter Identified As Disgruntled User  http://www.oann.com/developing-shots-fired-at-youtube-hq-i…/

I’m surprised there is not more of this happening with all the censorship the left has done over the last two years.....


April 4 at 7:27am  Branco  Cartoon  The Next Generation  A Political Cartoon By A.F. Branco for the Constitution. 

What America has become.....  Politadick
April 4 at 8:00am  Jay Sekulow  Video  State Department Proposes Extreme Vetting, Left Pushes Back
April 4 at 8:08am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 510  We discuss what we know about the YouTube shooting, Mueller announces Trump isn’t a criminal target, and Trump says he’ll put the military on the border.
April 4 at 8:24am  Fox News  Video  Officials provide an update on the Tuesday shooting at YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California. https://fxn.ws/2uLcNyY
April 4 at 9:50am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Alaska's Olympic champion and cross country skier Kikkan Randall joins Daybreak this morning with details on her homecoming and that Olympic gold medal. Watch more on KTVA 11's Daybreak: http://bit.ly/2JiKoUb
April 4 at 10:46am  OANN  President Trump to Keep Roughly 2K U.S. Troops in Syria Until ISIS is Defeated | One America News Network  President Trump is telling the U.S. military to prepare for the withdrawal of troops from Syria, but has chosen not to pull American forces until ISIS is absolutely defeated.

Good News out of Syria....  Politadick
April 4 at 11:20am  Fox News  Video  Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing at The White House.
April 4 at 12:39pm  Fox News  Video  A ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination is held at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. https://fxn.ws/2Hawt1Y
April 4 at 1:25pm  Politadick  Photo  Alaska Government  Sad Day in Alaska’s History..... There is now only two Party’s in Alaska. Democrats have successfully taken over the Independent Party of Alaska...... 

Just in: The Alaska Supreme Court has affirmed the trial court's decision to allow the Alaska Democratic Party to have independents run in primaries.

April 4 at 1:57pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold 

Total Budget is now over 13 Billion (look on page 2) to date-column 8 is key!
At a high level Agency Operations 8.7 Billion then add statewide & Debt Service !.7 Billion-receipt authority of 1 billion for ADGC & around 1 billion for PFD according to leg finance. The capital budget is in column 7 is Governor request contingent upon implementation of taxes!

The attached report reflects the following items: 
Please note that supplemental items in Columns 1 through 4 are appropriations made for FY18, not FY19. 
Column 1 FastTrackSup = This reflects the Operating FY18 Fast Track Supplemental Bill (HB 321) passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor
Column 2 FastTrackSup = This reflects the Capital FY18 Fast Track Supplemental Bill (HB 321) passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor
Column 3 GovSupOut = This reflects the outstanding Operating FY18 Governor's Supplemental requests that have not been addressed by the legislature. 
Column 4 GovSupOut = This reflects the outstanding Capital FY18 Governor's Supplemental requests that have not been addressed by the legislature. 
Column 5 FY18Supp = Addition of Columns 1 through 4 for the potential total FY18 Supplemental budget (Operating and Capital).

Column 6 House = This is the FY19 House version of the Operating & Mental Health budgets. As required by AS 37.07.202(a) and AS 37.14.003-37.14.005, appropriations for the state's integrated comprehensive mental health program must be in a separate appropriations bill. While the Operating and Mental Health bills are two separate appropriations bills, subcommittees review the Operating and Mental Health requests together and reports on the Operating budget include the Mental health bill. 
Column 7 GAmnd+Ctgnt = This is the FY19 Governor's Requested Capital budget. There is no version of the House or Senate capital budget at this time. This column includes the Governor's Capital Budget as well as capital projects requested by the Governor that are contingent on a tax being implemented. 
Column 8 FY19Total = Addition of Columns 5 and 6 for the potential total FY19 budget (Operating, Mental Health and Capital)

Holly !!! $13,000,000,000 Billion Dollars!!


Did they forget to mention there is “One Billion” for the “LNG Gasline to Nowhere”

April 4 at 5:46pm  Alaska  Politadick  Photo  Alaska Government


My name is Rep. Jason Grenn and I just wanted to give myself a pat on the back for stealing even more of your PFD (ERA) and passing the Highest Budget in Alaska’s History!

Remember Me in November, Rep. Grenn

$13 Billion Dollars! Can You Believe It!

April 4 at 5:50pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  We’re live at the Gold Medal celebration downtown!
April 4 at 5:57pm  OANN  President Trump to Deploy National Guard at Mexico Border to Stop Illegals | One America News Network  President Trump is set to deploy the National Guard at the southern border to stop the onslaught of illegal aliens.

It’s about Time this happen! If they would just have built The Wall, this would not be necessary....


April 4 at 11:06pm  Alaska Legislative Offices  The Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to take public comment Friday, April 6th on the Operating Budget. Visit akleg.gov for daily schedules and live webstreams of all standing committee hearings.

RED ALERT FRIDAY! Taking Public testimony on the $13 Billion Dollar Budget!

Put this one on your Calendars and CALL!


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