September 30 at 6:27am  Alaska Campaigning October Election
September 30 at 7:01am  Daily Signal Top 10 Moments of the Week
September 30 at 10:53am  Judicial Watch  IRS,
September 30 at 10:59am  Alaska Historic Preservation fundraiser
September 30 at 11:04am  NFL Butterfingers Candy Bar
September 30 at 11:11am  MEME Librarian that calls Cat In The Hat Racist
September 30 at 11:18am  Alaska Good Morning "Big Balls Trump Edition"
September 30 at 12:45pm  Town of Dr. Seuss Mayor Speaks Out
September 30 at 12:49pm  Proof Star Trek did take a knee in Protest
September 30 at 10:05pm  Alaska Campaigning October Election
September 30 at 10:11pm  Alaska Democrats are trying to Buy Themselves an Election
September 30 at 10:39pm  Alaska This could get interesting after reading the comments. Anybody want to go and see what the ADSA Alaska Democratic Socialist America Party or ANTIFA Alaska some may know them by, are up too?