September 28 at 6:25am
September 28 at 6:41am  Alaska Another Reason not to Vote a person into office
September 28 at 6:43am
September 28 at 7:32am  Alaska Good Morning...  Metallica "One"
September 28 at 7:35am 
September 28 at 7:39am
September 28 at 7:47am  Paul Ryan Weekly Press Conference
September 28 at 10:47am  Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
September 28 at 5:06pm  Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan on suicide prevention month and new phone # bill for 3 digit number to call
September 28 at 5:15pm  Alaska Campaign for Palmer City Council 
September 28 at 5:00pm
September 28 at 5:28pm  Not all that long ago we all stood for the Anthem as One Nation....
September 28 at 5:37pm  Alaska Congressman Don Young about failing to pass Healthcare and Moving on to Tax Reforms Video
September 28 at 5:52pm  Ryan Zinke cleaning house 4,000 positions eliminated
September 28 at 5:55pm  Alaska Mayfield says he is an Independent, Running on Conservative Values with Campaign Posters saying Democrat
September 28 at 6:06pm  Obama, where the disrespect for America started 8+ years ago Video
September 28 at 6:15pm  Alaska 4th Special Session Called and here is what Walker Wants
September 28 at 6:25pm  Video that wraps all the taking a knee into one little package with a pretty bow
September 28 at 6:38pm  Red Skelton explains the meaning behind the "Pledge of Allegiance"  Timeless Classic
September 28 at 6:45pm  Charlottesville Virginia was a setup Video  You can check all Info and will find it is true
September 28 at 6:59pm
September 28 at 7:17pm  Alaska Former Backer of SB91 now wants it Repealed
September 28 at 7:20pm  Alaska Campaign Add Palmer City Council
September 28 at 7:21pm  Alaska Rebecca Logan Anchorage Mayor Canidate
September 28 at 7:42pm
September 28 at 9:00pm  Alaska President Trump will sign executive order to get relief from Healthcare cost by getting Insurance across state lines
September 28 at 9:42pm  Alaska Let them eat Cupcakes  School Lunch Program in Alaska
September 28 at 9:46pm  President Trump and how he treats the Police  Video
September 28 at 9:55pm  Librarian rejects Melania Trumps books calling them Racist
September 28 at 9:58pm  Alaska Town Hall Meeting on SB91 and SB54
September 28 at 10:21pm  Alaska Campaign Meet and Greet
September 28 at 10:28pm  Puerto Rico has all the supplies it needs, just has no way to move them off of their docks....Infrastructure is Totaled
September 28 at 10:33pm  Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan on Veteran Suicide Prevention