The Most Dangerous States in America in 2017 We all want to feel
safe and secure where we live. But if you live in one of
these states, you might want to look over your shoulder. Can you guess where Alaska ranked in 2016......🤔🤔 so they passed SB91 and did nothing to provide the support needed to the drug users to get them on the right path. So they get back to what they were doing before the inconvenience of being caught. Stealing cars are a cheap mode of transportation to get their next high. But they half to pay for it some how, right? So now your house gets robbed. When caught and for this we will assume this is the first time. SB91 has made all of this a slap on the hand and no required rehab for their addiction. Which if you have been keeping track of the crime statistics for Alaska is ranked..... To find out more on this click the link: