September 7 at 8:01am  The Daily Signal Video  We're LIVE from Jerusalem with The American Conservative Union's Matt Schlapp to talk about how the U.S. can better partner with Israel.
September 7 at 10:33am  Alaska KTVA 11 DACA decision could separate Alaskan mother, toddler   "I just hope that ICE [U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] doesn’t come arrest me and separate me from my child. That’s my biggest fear, to lose him," Hun Jung Kim said as she choked back tears.

20 years she has been in America and has never become a citizen.  Time to go where your home is. It's not here or you would have become one a long time ago.... 


This is also why Anchor Baby's need to come to an end.....

September 7 at 12:21pm  Dave Stieren Show To be fair, I'm fat because of Matt Lauer....   Hillary Clinton slams Matt Lauer for focusing on email scandal in forum  Hillary Clinton is reportedly blaming NBC’s “Today Show” host Matt Lauer for focusing on her highly publicized email scandal at the presidential forum held… 

She just can't face the facts.

She lied...
She is corrupt...
She has allegedly killed..
She thought it was hilarious that she got a rapist set free…

The list is endless…


September 7, 2017 at 12:27pm  Alaska ADN  LNG  Walker: Market interest in Alaska LNG plan is ‘unprecedented’   Gov. Bill Walker said the Alaska LNG project should continue advancing, even as skeptics worry about Alaska's massive deficit and the project's steep costs…  Pulling the plug now would be "irresponsible," the governor said.

"He who shall not be named" deadline that was set for the LNG project has passed.

He has nothing on paper that is concrete, yet refuses to abandon the project like all Alaskans have demanded that he do

He is trying to strong-arm Exxon, refusing to approve their projects, unless they pay for his failed LNG project.

2018 cannot get here soon enough, he needs to go, he is bad for all Alaskans futures

Senator Dunleavey for Governor 2018


September 7 at 12:30pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska Breaking: Ahtna rejects settlement with Walker over Klutina Road   Ahtna has rejected the settlement with the Walker Administration over the public’s historic road access to the Klutina Lake. This means the 2008 lawsuit over the…

Keep up the good fight  Politadick
September 7 at 12:37pm  Breitbart Poll: Revolt Brewing Across America Against Failed Congressional GOP Leadership  A new poll warns the GOP Congressional leadership that a revolt is brewing against them among President Trump's base.

One of the two Alaska senators have to worry about their future election, "unless she who shall not be named", changes party and becomes a Democrat...  She has lost her Republican base in Alaska  Politadick
September 7 at 2:01pm  Alaska  In a few weeks every Alaskan was slated to receive $2,318 from the EARNINGS of the PFD program......... But Bill Walker happened ....

Biggest bank heist in Alaska's history and we even know who did it and he will get away without seeing time for his crimes.

2018 can't get here soon enough‼️

Senator Dunleavey for Governor 2018‼️


September 7 at 2:40pm  Fox News Video  HURRICANE IRMA: Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday urged people to evacuate in the state ahead of the storm's arrival. Irma is set to unleash devastation on Miami as early as Sunday morning.
September 7 at 3:21pm  Women For Trump Movement  Video  Do You Think AntiFa Should Be Treated as a Domestic Terrorist Network?
September 7 at 5:36pm  Alaska Public Media   Alaska hatches plan for vast road network across the Arctic  Alaska's capital budget this year includes $7.3 million to plan the construction of an Arctic road system. In Alaska, a proposal to connect communities, and oil fields, across the Arctic.

Alaska's government can't make budget, yet throws $7,600,000 into proposed road construction in the middle of nowhere.  These Places that have no ability to afford the upkeep and maintenance on these roads and have the highest unemployment rates around the state.  This project needs to be scrapped and that $7.6 million needs to be put back into the budget for troopers around the state and Pioneer homes around Alaska!


September 7 at 7:46pm  Fox News  Graham wants to haul back Comey to testify on Clinton email case, says 'I smell a rat'  Sen. Lindsey Graham told Fox News on Thursday that he wants to bring back James Comey to testify on Capitol Hill, citing concerns about his statements on… 

Graham wants to haul back Comey to testify on Clinton email case... He says he smells rat

Jail time for Comey should come out of this....  Politadick

September 7 at 7:53pm  Fox News..  Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Thursday called for replacing the Obama Administration's Rules for Investigating Allegations of Sexual Violence On Campus
September 7 at 8:14pm  Daily Signal  2 Democrat Senators Show Hostility to Religion in Questions for Judicial Nominee  "Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic?” is an unusual and inappropriate question for a senator to ask a judicial nominee.  Sen. Dianne Feinstein. D-Calif., chided a judicial nominee for being a practicing Catholic, proclaiming, “The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.”

Once again two Senators have broken the law when asking religious questions of their beliefs.....  They should recuse themselves from all hearings at the very least, but feel they should be recalled from their positions in government and replaced.  Politadick
September 7 at 10:36pm  Grit Post 40 Percent of Firefighters Fighting Wildfires in California Are Inmates Earning $1/Hour  Thousands of acres of wildfires are raging across California, but roughly 4,000 of the firefighters tasked with putting them out are state prisoners.  When they're not fighting fires, inmates are paid $1/hour to do conservation work that pays between $25/hour and $30/hour for salaried workers.

Inmate work crews have a long history in America. California pays out a year roughly $8,000,000 for its 4000 inmate fire firefighters. Saving the state about $192,000,000 Million a year in salaries.  Politadick

Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling
September 7 at 11:15pm  Alaska  Governor "He Who Shall Not Be Named"  In the dialogue about our fiscal crisis, sometimes the impact of the numbers gets lost in translation. But what would Alaska's fiscal crisis look like if it were your household? 

He says they have made cuts?

But when you look at what the total state with federal spending combined is. Alaska's budget is bigger then it was last year.

Now because of his unilateral decision to expand healthcare without Alaskan's and its lawmakers consent.

Alaska's budget will only get bigger as time goes by. As the federal contribution goes away.

Here is a short list of what he calls wisely spending Alaskans money.

How about what he is doing to EXXON: no new revenues when he treats them like this....

Link to that:



Biggest bank heist in Alaska's history and we even know who did it and he will get away without seeing time for his crimes.

Link to that:



How about the $7.6 million for the roads to nowhere.

Link to that:


2018 can't get here soon enough‼️

Senator Dunleavey for Governor 2018‼️
