Snoops Post 

by the MASSIVE LIES Liberals are spreading about TRUMP

Remember, Snopes is devoutly Liberal, but even they are disgusted by the lies being spread about our President.

September 3 at 12:50pm
Kid Rock  

Senator "Kid Rock"?
Senator Elizabeth Warren seems to think so.... If true, her days in Senate are numbered......

September 3 at 1:01pm
September 3 at 2:31pm  Alaskan's Against Gov Walker PFD Theft   Video  Bill Walker for Alaska Governor  Alaska needs a new direction. Bill Walker is a visionary. 

He lied to us then, he is lying to us now

Vote for the best, forget the rest....

Senator Dunleavy for Governor 2018

Media Attacks Trump

He is doing an awesome job  Liberal media uses Hurricane Harvey to attack President Trump

September 3 at 2:37pm
September 3 at 2:47pm  Alaska "Must Read Alaska" goes out of bounds in an effort to score political points ...In a column published yesterday blog Must Read Alaska went out of bounds in an effort to score political points. Sometimes you have to thr...

He took a stand against the theft of the PFD by the Walker administration that all Alaskans wanted.

For that we thank him

But have you noticed when it comes to advocating against reducing the budget, Government size and new taxes that they want to add, his voice has remained silent...


September 3 at 2:59pm News For Today   BREAKING: Democrats Launch Project to DEFEND Sharia Law. What is Your Response?  Because we want to protect our country against Sharia, Dems call us “Islamaphobic.” We are not afraid… we do not want Sharia in OUR country…

Democrats are something to be feared

When you see what they keep voting to have happen.....

If you are a woman, you should really know this and what is happening in the USA....

Your future freedoms are at stake if this happens...  Politadick

September 3 at 2:31pm  Alaska  Alaskan's Against Gov Walker PFD Theft Video  Bill Walker for Alaska Governor  Alaska needs a new direction. Bill Walker is a visionary.  

He lied to us then, he is lying to us now
Vote for the best, forget the rest....

Senator Dunleavy for Governor 2018  Politadick

September 3 at 4:56pm  Alaska  Alaskan's against Gov Walkers PFD Theft   Let's not forget this attempt LAST YEAR to tap the Corpus with a so-called investment. 

One year ago....

Walker wanted to steal a billion from the PFD to fund his special project...

This year he has taken that from us and did not pay off those who should be

Instead he is funding more special projects with it and his gas-line to nowhere, to a tune of $100,000,000 million over the next two years....


September 3 at 5:14pm Sen. Kelly Praises Key Alaskan Appointment in Trump Admin.  FAIRBANKS – Senate President Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks, today praised the announcement by President Donald J. Trump’s naming Joe Balash, an Alaskan, to Assistant Secretary of the…  Joe is a guy who has been making great things happen for the state for years. He is one of the most talented people this state has to offer and he’ll be great for our country.

Unlocking Alaska's resources one person at a time.... Trump New Appointment  Politadick
September 3, 2017 at 5:57pm  Alaska  ADN  Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling Hidden home hundreds of years old unearthed as Quinhagak readies cultural center  Some rural communities in Alaska have museums, but nothing like this: a remote village in a cash-poor region running a research repository for ancient…  The new finds may be from the 1400s: "That's the long view of the Little Ice Age that we were looking for," said archaeologist Rick Knecht.

Wow  Unraveling some of the mysteries of Alaska's past  Good thing we have climate change or these relics would still be lost.  Politadick

Link to latest on climate change:


September 3 at 6:18pm  Pelosi Defends President Trump over DACA  Pelosi having a change of Heart is hardly true. She has dementia and just cannot remember who she is in favor of.
She still thinks President Bush is still in the White House. So sad.

She needs to retire along with McCain and a few others I could name.  Politadick

September 3 at 8:31pm  Fox News  Judge Jeanine  Video  Judge Jeanine: Time to Go After 'Mr. Holier-Than-Thou' Jim Comey  Comey must be investigated for "obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and perjury," Pirro advised on her show Saturday. 

What did he know and when did he know it....

Comey committed perjury in his Testomonies

Time for him to do time and Clintons emails to be released  Politadick

September 3 at 9:02pm    It Wasn’t Comey’s Decision to Exonerate Hillary – It Was Obama’s  The thing to understand, what has always been the most important thing to understand, is that Jim Comey was out in front, but he was not calling the shots.

A good partial analysis of what was happening at that time....... Politadick
September 3 at 9:46pm  Alaska Must Read Alaska  Gasless governor fails to deliver on his own deadline   By CRAIG MEDRED CRAIGMEDRED.NEWS The first day of September came and went with nary a peep out of the office of Alaska Gov. Bill Walker as to the fate of his beloved Alaska natural gas pipeline. The anniversary would be hardly worth noting…

Walker and his Thieving Ways
One year ago....
Walker wanted to steal a billion from the PFD to fund his special project...
This year he has taken that from us and did not pay off those who should be
Instead he is funding more special projects with it and his gas-line to nowhere, to a tune of $100,000,000 million over the next two years....
Now the deadline he set has come and passed. That $100,000,000 million should be spent on paying off the debt they created with the oil credits they owe

And just one year ago:
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1496131103781239   Politadick
September 3 at 9:48pm  Alaskan's against Gov Walkers PFD Theft Photo

One year ago....
Walker wanted to steal a billion from the PFD to fund his special project...
This year he has taken that from us and did not pay off those who should be
Instead he is funding more special projects with it and his gas-line to nowhere, to a tune of $100,000,000 million over the next two years....
Now the deadline he set has come and passed. That $100,000,000 million should be spent on paying off the debt they created with the oil credits they owe

And just one year ago:
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1496131103781239   Politadick