October 30 at 6:56am  New York Times  Paul Manafort, Once of Trump Campaign, Indicted as an Adviser Admits to Lying About Ties to Russia  Paul Manafort and a former business associate, Rick Gates, were indicted as an early adviser to President Trump pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about contact…
October 30 at 6:58am  Alaska  Lora Reinbold Couldn't attend Exposing Big Government Spending $$$ in person? Watch the video instead! Part 1 attached covers Dept of Adminitration & the New Zealand Model, "The Thin Blue Liine" Dept of Public Safety, Rep Reinbold Covers SB91 verses SB54, Rep VazQuez covers the Medicaid Time Bomb, Dr. Jason Rampton covers Benchmarking-Does Alaska have a Spending Problem.

Part One of Two  Politadick

Wow, way Cool Maybe now Alaska’s government won’t be paying $3,000,000 a year for internet anymore.  Hahaha..... Like they really would lower a budget item.....  Politadick
October 30 at 7:14am  Frank McQueary Posted Picture  Just another example of why Rino’s Like Murkowski and all Democrats do not have Alaskans or Americans best interest in mind.  Update: Though most of this post is inaccurate #1 is the date of 2015 should be 2013.  For the most part what it has for numbers there is darn close to what happen.  Politadick
October 30 at 7:28am  Alaska KTVA 11  Alaskan's Against Gov. Walker PFD Theft... Alaska Legislature costs Alaska Permanent Fund millions  The Alaska Permanent Fund is worth $62 Billion, and it has paid a dividend to hundreds of thousands of Alaska residents each year since 1982.

This should make all Alaskans blood boil  "He who shall not be Named” and the Alaska lawmakers that approved this are nothing more then a bunch of thieves Politadick


October 30 at 7:34am  Judicial Watch  FBI Finds 30 Pages of Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents – Wants Six Weeks to Turn Over Docs - Judicial Watch  Judicial Watch forced the FBI to admit that it has located 30 pages of previously undisclosed documents related to the infamous tarmac meeting between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton that took place in 2016 right in the middle of the presidential election -- and in the midst of an FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton. It is stunning that the FBI "found" these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit.

They keep on stonewalling the investigation, hoping that they will not half to provide evidence of the deep state’s corruption.  Politadick
October 30 at 7:46am  Alaska Frontiersman  Senator Shelly Hughes  The journalist interviewed me a couple weeks ago, and I see the Frontiersman decided to run it.:  State senator’s personal battle points to high cost of health care in Alaska  This is not the type of news story in which quotes from Shelley Hughes would generally appear. 

Those who know you are very proud of what you are going through with your head held high and what you continue on doing, during your personal trial  Politadick
October 30 at 7:53am  Alaska Policy Forum  Parents! How did your student's school do? Online maps of 2017 Alaska public school test results are now available: http://alaskapolicyforum.org/…/online-maps-of-2017-alaska-…/

Is your child getting the best education possible here in Alaska? Check and see where their school ranks at educating Alaska youth.....  I’m glad to say and very sad at the same time, that at least my kids school is yellow....  Alaska’s schools are the worst and clearly throwing more money at them hasn’t fixed a thing  Politadick
October 30 at 8:01am  Alaska Harry K. Brower, Jr. for North Slope Borough Mayor I ask for your continued support, remember to vote November 7, or you can vote now by absentee ballot! Thank you.

What says you my fellow Alaskans, is he a good fit?   Politadick
October 30 at 8:06am  Conservative World  Morgan Freeman: ‘Jailing Hillary’ Best Way To ‘Restore Public Faith In Govt’  The best way to restore public faith in government institutions is to “send Hillary to prison“, according to Hollywood icon Morgan Freeman, who warns that…  Hit LIKE if You Agree with Mr.Morgan & Share if you Stand with MORGAN!

I Think he has said what many have been hoping would happen for years now....  LOCK HER UP Politadick
October 30 at 8:11am  The Daily Signal My Bill Would Stop Tax Dollars From Subsidizing the NFL.   If players want to protest, let them do it on their own dime. American taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for it.  "The tax code means that all taxpaying Americans are financially supporting pro sports, whether they want to or not."

Wish they would just fire all that can’t do their jobs and leave their protest off of the field.....
October 30 at 8:12am  Ben Shapiro Video Episode 406  Special counsel Robert Mueller is scheduled to file charges…but against whom? Trump goes to town on Twitter, and the Democrats move into defense mode on Hillary’s oppo research.
October 30 at 8:50am  KTVA 11  Paul Manafort, Rick Gates indicted for conspiracy against the U.S.  President Trump's former 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, Manafort's former business associate, have been indicted by a federal grand jury in the investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S. election, according to unsealed documents released Monday.

Those two are going down for their lies. If it wasn’t for the Fake Russian Conspiracy they probably would have gotten away with it.  The Clinton investigation has more ties to Russia then President Trump has ever had and that will be seeing other charges being filed against her and others in the Obama administration.  Politadick
October 30 at 9:35am  Fox News Video  Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing after ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates were indicted in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia collusion investigation.
October 30 at 9:58am  President Donald J. Trump OFFICIAL PETITION: BUILD THE WALL  Please sign your name onto our Official Petition to the Senate to BUILD THE WALL.

Build it and they “will not” come......  Politadick
October 30 at 11:26am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Tonight at 5 & 6, Liz Raines - KTVA has reaction from lawmakers to Governor Walker's Public Safety Action Plan.

Politadick · 5:07 Have you ever noticed “he who shall not be named”, always has a room that is empty and nobody from the public is there… Always surrounded by his people and nobody else?
Politadick · 13:50 “He who shall not be Named” help to make this a crisis. SB91 created a revolving door for crime and his Unilateral decision to expand healthcare helped more addicts get their drugs for free‼️
Politadick · 15:09 SB54 does nothing for the addicts to get help and still gives them a revolving door to go out and do it over and over again....
RESPONSE... NAME HAS BEEN REMOVED: Lockdown rehab facility's needed like jail but filled with council, job training, people can donate time to reach them .... something must change. Family values have been lost, faith has been misplaced ... it's so sad but can be turned around by people caring again.
Politadick · 17:05 They have so many open law enforcement positions that go unfilled and are funded. Yet nobody wants the job. They need to take the funding they have and use it like they should.
Politadick · 19:16 You have the funding already and “He who shall not be Named” has a bloated budget that needs majors cuts. All I hear is them pitching his agenda for taxes.
Politadick · 21:00 They are still up there with no real plan to stop the crime. Only pitching for more money.
Politadick · 23:28 So the Native Health Organization is willing to do something for them only at Alaskans expense and I don’t hear what they are willing to do for all Alaskans.
Politadick · 25:15 300,000 Alaskans live in poverty. Where is the money to come from? Oh wait... There is $70,000,000 million that could be used for that‼️
Politadick · 27:03 Back to pitching taxes. Passed the second height budget this year. $9.1 billion. $17.6 billion total is being spent this year. $300,000,000 million higher than last year. Let’s hear it for the liar in chief‼️
Politadick · 28:45 Took our PFD’s and cost Alaskans millions in unseen revenue for what he has done‼️
Politadick · 32:26 They have two years in a row threatened all employed with pink slips How can you call that job security?
Politadick · 33:55 They have $70,000,000 that could fix a huge part of this problem‼️
Politadick · 35:15 Expansion helped to make this problem worse‼️. What will they tell the truth
Politadick · 36:55 Millions and millions going to the Alaskan executives in healthcare. There is more being wasted and they just don’t care‼️
Politadick · 39:26 “He who shall not be Named” wants to take Alaskan Natives and make them a sovereign Nation. Who do the expect to pay for things if that happens. Promise he made at the convention this year.
RESPONSE... NAME HAS BEEN REMOVED: He made us all believe he was going to get Alaska back on top.... he has made everything worse.
Politadick · 42:39 So she is saying that what Medicaid is paying is going to take a huge jump‼️. 2020 Alaska will be held responsible for most of the bill

October 30 at 12:54pm  Judicial Watch  Video "Inside Judicial Watch News Brief: The Manafort Indictment"

In this special edition of "Inside Judicial Watch," Carter Clews joins JW's Director of Public Affairs Jill Farrell to discuss the recent indictment of Trump associate Paul Manafort in the ongoing Trump/Russia investigation. Then, Jill provides some background on the Uranium One scandal involving Hillary Clinton and the Russians as well as the infamous Trump dossier.
October 30 at 1:09pm  Couldn't attend Exposing Big Government Spending $$$ in person? Watch the video instead! Part 1 attached covers Dept of Adminitration & the New Zealand Model, "The Thin Blue Liine" Dept of Public Safety, Rep Reinbold Covers SB91 verses SB54, Rep VazQuez covers the Medicaid Time Bomb, Dr. Jason Rampton covers Benchmarking-Does Alaska have a Spending Problem.

“Alaska” part one if two  Politadick
October 30 at 1:10pm  Alaska Rep. Lora Reinbold  If you couldn't attend Exposing Big Government Spending $$$ in person--Watch the video instead! Part 2 of of Covers our Key Note Rick Rydell & the "YetToBe" Exposing Alaska's history of Boondoggles!, DEED--getting Alaska's education back on track, Making dollars & (non) Sense of the Budget, Big Fish & Big Game and Big Budgets, UAA-the three forked system, Workers Comp & I speak about the Messy Budget Process & the Culture of Big Spending. The a Q&A session ...and closing comments.

“Alaska” part two of two  Politadick
October 30 at 2:05pm  The White House Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump and the First Lady participate in Halloween at the White House.
October 30 at 2:06pm  Fox News Video  Secretaries Rex Tillerson and James Mattis testify at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on "The Authorizations for the Use of Military Force: Administration Perspective."
October 30 at 2:34pm  Alaska Veterans  You don’t have to just suffer through insomnia, chronic pain, nightmares, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, or depression.  There is help ava...
October 30 at 4:50pm  Alaska  This is a video shot some 10+ Years ago .. given the state of politics its priceless... Thank you Herb Shandlin for allowing…

This is “He who shall not be Named” way of running government and he has a HUGE gang of lawmaking thieves doing the same thing to all Alaskans.  Politadick
October 30 at 6:18pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Rienbold  Updated/correction Another piece of the puzzle....Speaker Egmon is associated with Bristol Bay Native Corp and former Chief Op Officer of Bristol Bay Economic Corporation.(and former president of Choggiung Ltd in Bristol bay). BBNC want a clean (virtually no input from legislators in the House) SB54 which I find unconscionable. Do you see this as a possible conflict? just wondering.....

Part two......Alaskan need to be aware that “He who shall not be Named” is using the Native Tribes of Alaska and his promise to turn them into a sovereign nation, into becoming more of a reality and force the rest of Alaska to foot the bill

“(Easy way to almost guarantee he gets re-elected in 2018, if, in a round about way, is buying, the Native Vote )”.

Liar -N- Chief

They are putting pressure on him to completely bypass all legislation an push the SB54 through as is and no revisions.

This bill is extremely bad for every Alaskan unless you are native and we all know how well SB91 has worked for us. SB54 doesn’t fix anything, but sure will make “him” look good if it passes. Around “minute 35” in the video conference on KTVA11 (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544487748945574 ) will back this theory and makes what you are hearing, make more sense.

Did I forget to mention that they plan on passing a Hugh HUGH Part of the costs onto Alaska’s free healthcare. (Awesome unless you have a job)

Please read part one before watching “Governor (“He who shall not be Named”) Public Safety Action Plan”

Part one of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544709202256762 )
Part two of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544707828923566 )
Part three of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544717792255903 )


October 30 at 6:21pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Rienbold:  I am beginning to see the writing on the wall a bit clearer...you must read between the lines. If a clean SB54 (with no input from the elected representatives) was the only outcome, we could have easily done this since last Feb/March 2017 during session/extended session or special session. Instead the Gov has an ulterior motive that appears to is becoming clearer and clearer if you read between the lines. Remember the tribal land/sovereignty announcements by the AG right before session? Wonder if this has anything to do with strengthening tribal courts on new Indian lands? He called us in right after AFN,,,,there has been so much talk about the disproportionate number of native in jail prior to SB91 by Grazzo -CIRI rep &chair of the (In) Justice Commission. What they fail to discuss is the disproportionate number of native victims & victims in villages-I fear they may have no hope if they are isolated in their villages. Today we got press release from the Speaker office/Democrat Coalition: I will also post the letter we got today from Bristol Bay Native Corp who the Speaker is part of again wanting a "clean" SB54.. makes you wonder if there is a shadow government? SB 54 may be a tougher vote than I imagined.....

..Coalition Will Work with Walker Administration to Protect Public Safety 

Coalition Members Support New Public Safety Action Plan and Will Work to Secure Additional Resources to Address Crime in Alaska

Juneau – Speaker of the House Bryce Edgmon (D-Dillingham) issued the following statement in response to today’s release of a Public Safety Action Plan for the State of Alaska by Alaska Governor Bill Walker. The plan is intended to address growing concerns about increasing rates of crime in Alaska.

“The members of the Alaska House Majority Coalition support the effort to prioritize state resources to respond to the increase in crime. We will be working closely with Governor Walker and his team to make sure they have every available resource to make sure Alaskans can feel safe in their homes and businesses,” said Speaker Edgmon. “I am especially pleased to see that this plan calls for cooperation with Alaska’s tribes, health care providers, and local police departments who are all on the front-lines of crime in Alaska. The only way we can address this public safety crisis is to have all of Alaska’s public safety stakeholders pulling in the same direction and with the same goal in mind.”

For more information, please contact Alaska House Majority Coalition Press Secretary Mike Mason at (907) 444-0889.

Part one......Alaskan need to be aware that “He who shall not be Named” is using the Native Tribes of Alaska and his promise to turn them into a sovereign nation, into becoming more of a reality and force the rest of Alaska to foot the bill

“(Easy way to almost guarantee he gets re-elected in 2018, if, in a round about way, is buying, the Native Vote )”.

Liar -N- Chief

They are putting pressure on him to completely bypass all legislation an push the SB54 through as is and no revisions.

This bill is extremely bad for every Alaskan unless you are native and we all know how well SB91 has worked for us. SB54 doesn’t fix anything, but sure will make “him” look good if it passes. Around “minute 35” in the video conference on KTVA11 (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544487748945574 ) will back this theory and makes what you are hearing, make more sense.

Did I forget to mention that they plan on passing a Hugh HUGH Part of the costs onto Alaska’s free healthcare. (Awesome unless you have a job)

Please read part one before watching “Governor (“He who shall not be Named”) Public Safety Action Plan”

Part one of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544709202256762 )
Part two of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544707828923566 )
Part three of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544717792255903 )


October 30 at 6:39pm  Alaska  Representative Lora Rienbold: Sometimes I wonder why ADN & their writers are continually trying to play both sides on SB91--it so strange.Read this article to find out who is supportive of SB91 like Grazo head of the (in) Justice Commission & many of the native groups elitist leadership. Many natives especially those who have been victims of crime hate SB91! What disturbs me the most about SB91 is how pro defendant/criminal it is- where victims rights and concerns are absent. Sadly this article talks about the native inmates being jailed where there is high DV and sexual assault but it FAILS to talk about the disproportionate number of native victims-I saddens my heart. I made that comment to Nat at ADN but as normal he left my concerns out. -SB 91 lightened many many form of crime and punishment and reclassifying drugs crimes, even theft in 4th degree-250 or less was all but legalized-no jail time ever even if you did it 100,000 time--what ever happened to "Thou Shalt not Steal?" Guess the sponsor of SB91 Sen Coghill never read the ten commandments!   ADN  Alaska Native groups and leaders double down on criminal justice reform, citing over-incarceration.   Alaska Natives and American Indians make up 15 percent of the state’s residents, but represent 35 percent of the people in state custody.

Part three......Alaskan need to be aware that “He who shall not be Named” is using the Native Tribes of Alaska and his promise to turn them into a sovereign nation, into becoming more of a reality and force the rest of Alaska to foot the bill

“(Easy way to almost guarantee he gets re-elected in 2018, if, in a round about way, is buying, the Native Vote )”.

Liar -N- Chief

They are putting pressure on him to completely bypass all legislation an push the SB54 through as is and no revisions.

This bill is extremely bad for every Alaskan unless you are native and we all know how well SB91 has worked for us. SB54 doesn’t fix anything, but sure will make “him” look good if it passes. Around “minute 35” in the video conference on KTVA11 (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544487748945574 ) will back this theory and makes what you are hearing, make more sense.

Did I forget to mention that they plan on passing a Hugh HUGH Part of the costs onto Alaska’s free healthcare. (Awesome unless you have a job)

Please read part one before watching “Governor (“He who shall not be Named”) Public Safety Action Plan”

Part one of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544709202256762 )
Part two of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544707828923566 )
Part three of three... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544717792255903 )


October 30 at 8:51pm  Fox News Hannity  "If we ever did anything close to what the Clintons, the DNC, & others did, we would be rotting in a jail cell tonight, hoping our friends would send us a cake that had a file."  In his "Opening Monologue" on Monday, Sean Hannity questioned whether there is equal justice under the law.
October 30 at 10:19pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  "Bar Stool Economics" 

Re-posting This in Case you Have Not Watch the White House Press Briefing today. Sarah Sanders read this..... This is also relevant with what is going on in Alaska's Government......  Link to video, Sarah Sanders Bar Room Taxes:
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1546415478752801  Politadick