October 28 at 2:29pm  Alaska SB91 Prisoners Riot With Guns Picture 
October 28 at 7:58pm  Alaska  Politico  "He Who Shall Not Be Named"  Anti-Trump Independents Are Starting to Organize  Is this the humble beginnings of a third party?

It's Old.... But Still Relevant....
October 28 at 9:06pm  Alaska KTVA 11  Empty chairs outnumber people at hearing on SB 91 fix  Public hearings on Senate Bill 91 have seen lots of angry residents -- but the scene at a Saturday session was vastly different.  "I'm really angered that SB 91 was passed," said David Manzer, one of two people who visited an Anchorage hearing room on less than 24 hours' notice to comment on Senate Bill 54. "It's the Wild West out there."

"He who shall not be Named” and his gang of thieves are trying to pull a fast one on all Alaskans, by announcing this town hall, with less then a 24 hour notice.
They are doing this, to try and push through SB54, that does nothing to fix Alaska’s crime and is just another revolving door crime bill that just makes SB91 worse then it already is.
Every Lawmaker that is pushing this through is trying to build brownie points for the 2018 election and doesn’t care about Alaska’s long term future...
October 28 at 9:19pm  Fox News Video  "Time and time again, the Clintons have lied to the American people and they're finally going to be held accountable for it." – Corey Lewandowski

Glad to see that this is going somewhere

By all rights, most of Obama’s administration is guilty up to the very top and it is going to be nice to see them all face the music for their crimes.


October 28 at 9:23pm  Fox News Video and Picture:  On "Watters' World," Eric Trump gave his take on the new revelations about who funded the anti-Donald J. Trump dossier.
October 28 at 9:28pm  Fox News Video  "Once you write something on Twitter, it stays there for eternity."  From Michael Moore on Harvey Weinstein to the Democrats on Russia, Jesse Watters has unearthed a number of tweets that haven't aged well.

October 28 at 9:39pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  …Quote of the day: In Anchorage, 'I'm always carrying' - Must Read Alaska   "I don’t even question whether or not  House Finance heard testimony today. A lot of people are upset with the House leadership and governor for dithering on SB 54. But the Governor's staff had already left the building and missed all the testimony.

House Democrats have been sitting on this bill since April and have not done anything, until they could make a but load of money through special sessions.  Alaskans should be up in arms that the crime wave continues because of their lack of caring for Alaskans futures, unless they get paid too  House democrats days are numbered more then anyone else. They were the first to want taxes and the first to vote on taking away Alaskans PFD’s.  Politadick
October 28 at 9:41pm  Alaska Stay alert. The world needs more lerts.  Must Read Alaska Anchorage's 30-day car theft map - Must Read Alaska  Anchorage has become one of the top …

Were you a victim.....?  Politadick
October 28 at 9:50pm  Alaska  All of this testimony and amendment process has been theater because the committee chair, Matt Claman, is taking his orders from the governor: Pass SB 54 as-is, where-is.  Must Read Alaska  Quote of the Day: House Judiciary Claman following governor's orders - Must Read Alaska  MOCKERY OF QUESTIONS’ Testimony in …

They all want to fast track SB54 through and try and make themselves look good for the 2018 elections coming up.  SB54 takes the already bad SB91 and makes it even worse then it already is. It needs to go back to the drawing board and re-evaluated.  “He who shall not be Named” and his democrat gang of thieves will not be having jobs after 2018. Neither will the Rino’s and they know who they are  Politadick