October 21 at 4:41am Alaska Video
These Fairbanks' legends are hilarious.
Best video with a Don Young doppelgänger you'll see this year - Must
Read Alaska I RIDE IT LIKE I STOLE IT’ … |
October 21 at 10:07am Alaska KTVA 11
State looks to purchase Potter Marsh property.
The State wants to stop homes from being built near the entrance to
Potter Marsh by buying a piece of property put up for sale by a
long-time Anchorage family.
$5000.00 more to raise from the public to save 2.2 acres from being
developed at Potters Marsh. That should be a piece of cake to come up
with. My worry is, the matching federal funds that are being
provided. Who has to pay that back? Politadick |
October 21 at 10:19am Fox News
President Trump Launches Petition to STAND for National Anthem
Will you sign?
Politadick |
October 21 at 10:22am
Funeral instructions left behind by Las Vegas officer killed in massacre
“If you’re reading this, then I’ve been called home." |
October 21 at 10:27am
Donald J. Trump on Twitter "Subject to the receipt of further
information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and
classified JFK FILES to be opened.”
President Trump, wants to unlock the JFK files.....WOW
I wonder what will be in it...
Politadick |
October 21 at 10:37am Fox News
Texas city requires no Israel boycott in exchange for hurricane relief.
The grant program's application has a section in which individuals have
to acknowledge they "will not boycott Israel during the term of this
A civil rights group on Friday called unconstitutional a Houston
suburb's hurricane repair grant program that says residents cannot
boycott Israel as a condition of receiving any money. |