October 19 at 6:59am  Corporations to keep tax break lost by millions of Americans

This new tax code will Rock for Alaskans. Finally be able to grow my business.
When the people I employ, take home more then I do after taxes. The only people who should be complaining is the lower class individuals that will find that they will "pay taxes" and "not" get them back at the end of the year, plus what I paid in on top of it.
Let take a look at the lower income families that pay federal taxes. At the end of the year they file for their tax returns and get all the money they paid in back and a few hundred to thousands more then what they paid to begin with. Who do you think they are getting that extra money from?
That's right it off of the backs of people like me who pays 50+% of my income each year for all of the taxes I'm required to pay.
October 19 at 7:02am  Alaska Midnight Sun Republican Women's Club's Part 2 of the Grassroots Campaign Training will cover Messaging and Campaign Plans.
October 19 at 7:19am  Judicial Watch Video  In case you missed it: "Inside Judicial Watch"--The Latest on the IRS Scandal, where Obama's IRS targeted conservative groups and colluded with HHS to promote Obamacare...using YOUR private taxpayer info.
October 19 at 8:04am  Alaska KTVA 11  Join us at 7:30 p.m. for a Town Hall discussion on Alaska's opioid epidemic. See it LIVE on KTVA, ktva.com/livestream or on Facebook.

Live stream tonightTime to hear them explain what it is they are trying to do and what they think Alaskans are addicted too

I have my predictions of what they will not say......

Update: 10:50 pm in this case I'm  to see my predictions were right 

Here is a shining example of Alaska's Opioid Epidemic.

Meth, Heroin and Fentanyl is the Epidemic we have here and it's about time they start saying it out loud.

It very clear from tonight's show on KTVA 11 news had on Alaska's Opioid Epidemic, where the real problem is and those in the panel tonight, have no clue how to try and fix it.


Link to tonight's show on "Alaska's Opioid Epidemic"


October 19 at 8:06am  Ben Shapiro Video Episode 399  Serious questions about Niger, Trump’s sympathy-for-soldiers narrative keeps on backfiring, and Trump goes after the FBI again. 
October 19 at 10:21am  Alaska Alaska Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Opioid addiction: Murkowski, Warren scold Trump on inaction - Must Read Alaska  Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Massachusetts Sen. …

Wow.... It's getting to the point that Senator Lisa Murkowski needs to declare herself a Democrat.

Repeatedly she wants to push the same political agenda as the left, with almost every issue that Alaskans and Americans are facing.

Must Read Alaska has hit the nail on the head. When it comes to the Medicaid Expansion and what they are trying to solely blame on prescription drugs.

It's not the people that work for a living or retired or earned being on it or someone who has fallen on hard times that need a hand up, that caused this epidemic.

It's not the people who have real medical problems, that law enforcement is dealing with.

Didn't Alaska have a law just pass that limited prescriptions to only 7 days? Hmmm 

Wouldn't it be smarter for them to track who is getting them and how much is being dispensed.

If the real problem is, like they say, Prescription Opioids... Stricter laws need to be put into place, that would be the real solution for that.

Now Lets look at the 50% of the 50% of Alaska's people that are living in poverty, using every state aid available to feed their addictions.

When you look at who is being arrested and even driving down our local streets, you can pick out who these people are.

Meth, Heroin and Fentanyl is their drugs of choice and is the major epidemic crisis we have here in Alaska.

Why else would Senators Murkowski and Warren be teaming up and declaring they need free access to the "overdose tonic Naloxone" To be on the streets.

Medicaid Expansion has provided an easy way for all addicts, a simpler way to abuse a system, that was designed to help those who really need it.

So in addition... Let's say you Go to jail and when you get out they help sign you up for Medicaid.

Now, You were arrested for being in a stolen car, that you were using to get across town in to sell you stolen loot, to a drug dealer. To get your fix of "Meth or Heroin"

In return for breaking the law, they made it easier for them to get legal prescriptions for Opioids for "FREE" and for a while they don't need to "PAY FOR" their addiction to "Meth and Heroin"

Food for thought....


October 19 at 10:24am  Judicial Watch Video  Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell is LIVE discussing Huma Abedin's emails, developments in Guatemala, & the latest on the Justice Department turning America into a failed state.
October 19 at 11:02am  Fox News Video  The White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Chief of Staff John Kelly deliver a press briefing.

Take 20 Minutes out of your life to hear what General Kelly has to say about our fallen soldiers....

Well Said


October 19 at 11:14am  Fox News  Federal court rules World War I memorial cross must be torn down  Back in 1925, the American Legion erected a memorial in Bladensburg, Maryland, to honor the memory of 49 men who perished during World War I.  "Today's decision sets dangerous precedent by completely ignoring history, and it threatens removal and destruction of veterans memorials across America."

They need to take this to the next level of the courts.....  If this is left to happen, they will be going after everything that has a religious symbol on it and have it destroyed...  Disgusting that this is happening in the USA Politadick
October 19 at 11:23am  Scott Pruitt Ends EPA Welfare Payments to Environmental Groups  One of the most egregious things about the EPA has always been the way it operated for the benefit of the large “environmental” groups and against the…Congress needs to make this change permanent.

Finally one small part of government, will stop giving money to those, that do more harm in most cases, then goodMAGA Politadick
October 19 at 11:28am  Hannity  PATHETIC: Democrat Who Smeared Trump Routinely VOTES AGAINST Veterans | The Sean Hannity Show  The Florida Rep. that accused the President of insulting a soldier's widow is no friend of US veterans.

This Florida Representative is looking for brownie points by lying to us Americans and in the end she cares nothing for our Veterans.

Proof is clearly in her voting record....  Politadick

October 19 at 11:31am  Just In: John McCain EXPLODES on FOX Reporter For Asking If His Votes Are Protest of Trump (VIDEO)  Skunk John McCain ran his reelection campaign on repealing and replacing Obamacare. Then in August he voted against EVEN OPENING DEBATE on the… 

McCain is a prime example of what to look for when it's time to drain more out of the swamp in future elections.....  Politadick
October 19 at 11:42am  Alaska Public Media  Vigilantes or heroes? Anchorage group takes to streets, reuniting owners with stolen vehicles  One group mobilizing through Facebook is reuniting stolen vehicles with their owners. Members of the A Team, as they call themselves, say they are filling…  The group, called the A Team, says they are filling a void left by overworked police. Anchorage police, however, say the group has raised concerns about vigilantism that has the potential to be unsafe for its members and the public.

Your vehicle gets stolen, APD finds it and then tows it, then the owner of it is responsible to pay for impound and tow fees, which essentially means they get robbed twice.  First by the car thief and then by the state for impound and tow fees to get it back.  For now I will call the A-Team Heroes.
October 19 at 11:46am  Alaska ADN  Against all odds, 3 Anchorage women are asking Amazon to build its new HQ here.  Meghan Stapleton and two other Anchorage women are trying to lure Amazon as the online shopping giant looks to build a second headquarters.

Would be nice to have happen. But Amazon is being offered tax incentives from other states that far outweigh what Alaska can offer and cost of distribution would go up due to our more remote location for goods to be shipped from.  Politadick
October 19 at 11:51am  The Daily Wire  REPORT: Robert Mueller Was FBI Director When Agency Hid Evidence On Clinton-Russia Connection  Robert Mueller, who is the special counsel in charge of the Russia investigation, oversaw the FBI when the agency allegedly hid evidence it had collected that…

The corruption is well documented for the other side.... Yet still no investigation started....  Politadick
October 19 at 12:04pm  Alaska  Alaska Republican Assembly Forum 

 Email your Legislator!  - They're headed to Juneau! -
** (email addresses in comments below) **

Dearest REPUBLICAN Senators,

First, I trust you to hold the line on taxes - FOR WHICH I AM SO VERY GRATEFUL. KUDOS to you!

I would very much like to say I can trust you, as a whole body, to hold the line on protecting the PFD. Most Republicans have come together and agreed that the current formula should be enshrined in the Alaska Constitution (see our resolution below my signature). Time will tell whether you support Alaskans and our economy, or special interests on this one.

I would also like to encourage you to repeal SB 91, as again, most Republicans have come together and agreed on this point (see our resolution also below my signature).

The Senate has traditionally been the conservative body who embodies our Republican Platform. I would encourage you to find your way back to that place, so once again Alaskans can call you ‘friend’ and ‘trustworthy’.

Thank you for your time and patience in this difficult time in Alaska’s history, and I hope the integrity of the Senate can be restored in the eyes of every Alaskan.

Cc: Alaska House Republican Caucus
Bcc: Alaska’s Republican State Central Committee, and Concerned Alaskans

Carol Carman
Chair, ARP District 9E

Resolution of the Alaska Republican Party Providing for a Constitutional Amendment to Protect the Permanent Fund Dividend

Whereas, Jay Hammond was a Republican Governor, popularly regarded as “the Father of the Permanent Fund”;

Whereas, the Permanent Fund Dividend is based on the Inherent Rights and sovereignty vested in the individual, as expressed in Alaska’s Constitution;

Whereas, the Permanent Fund Dividend reflects compensation to the people for mineral and property rights owned by Alaskans in common but managed by the State;

Whereas, it is in the interest of the Alaska Republican Party to commit itself as a party to protecting the Permanent Fund Dividend in perpetuity by amendment to Alaska’s Constitution;

Whereas, the Permanent Fund Dividend program is facing unprecedented threats from the Legislature and Governor Walker who seek to expand government; and

Whereas, the current formula in statute used to derive and distribute the Permanent Fund Dividends is just, reasonable and sustainable, and is a formula that is the people’s right to decide to make permanent;

Therefore, Be it Resolved: 
That the Alaska Republican Party hereby calls upon its members in the Legislature to pursue all appropriate measures to amend Alaska’s Constitution to make permanent the current PFD program, and to call for a vote of the people on such an amendment, in accordance with the process outlined in Alaska’s Constitution.


Whereas the Alaska Republican Party is on record in support of the provisions of Senate Bill 91, an omnibus crime reform bill, and

Whereas, despite the best intentions of many, the crime rate in Alaska has soared since the passage of SB91, and

Whereas, as one example, shoplifting in Juneau has jumped by 40 percent,

Whereas according the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), property crime rose in Alaska 18.9 percent in the last year – the largest increase nationwide, and

Whereas auto theft in Alaska jumped 48.6 percent in one year, the largest year over year change in the nation, and

Whereas violent crime rose 10 percent, and robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft and car theft also rose, and

Whereas sexual assault climbed by 16 percent in 2016,

Whereas there are current efforts underway to substantially amend or repeal SB91,

Therefore, Be it Resolved,

That the Alaska Republican Party withdraws support for SB91,

Therefore, Be it Further Resolved,

That the Alaska Republican Party recommends repeal of SB91 and start anew with consideration of appropriate reforms.

The Secretary is directed to send this Resolution to all Republican State Legislators and see that the Resolution is shared with the public.

October 19 at 12:12pm  Alaska Dave Stieren Show ADN  Tightening the leash on fake service dogs  Nineteen states have enacted laws cracking down on people who try to pass off their pets as service animals.

It's about time   It's disgusting walking into a grocery store seeing people's pets being passed off as service dogs, as they are sniffing every item on the shelves or being carried around by their owners.  Politadick
October 19 at 12:34pm  Alaska Senator Mike Dunleavy  Alaska’s high violent crime rate just gets worse. More Alaskan’s are talking about getting dogs, arming themselves, getting cameras, and setting up neighborhood watch groups. Some will say it is a budget issue and we need to tax ourselves to pay for public safety. However, it’s really an issue of priorities. State officials including the Governor need to make public safety priority #1. Where do we get the funding for more prosecuting attorneys, diversion programs, troopers, etc.? For starters, there is over $70 million in the LNG gas project that can be shifted to public safety. Last session, I put forth an amendment to move $50 million out of the gas project and into priorities such as public safety, roads, and schools. The amendment died for lack of support. The money is still there. What’s more important – attacking our crime issues or keeping an office open in Tokyo and Houston for an LNG gas project that virtually no one believes is economical? That $70 million would go a long way in protecting Alaskans. Call your legislators and Governor Walker and tell them to put your safety first. No new taxes or PFD take needed – just move the funds.

What are your thoughts?

Why is "He who shall not be named" allowed to get away with what he is doing   Clearly we Alaskans have spoken out loud and clear what we expect to have happen. Yet our voices are being ignored.  "He who shall not be named" has lied over and over with the campaign promises he made.  Nearly a Billion dollars in budget cuts have been vetoed over and over again and the only logical reason for it, is to try and justify a budget, Alaska cannot afford, even with new taxes.  He Strong arms Exxon, saying to them, no new development for you, unless they fund his Gas-line to Nowhere. (You know what they said to that)  Puts his foot down on Pebble Project and many other like projects that could put Alaska's financial future on stable ground. Several Billions of dollars future state revenue will not happen because of his failed policies he is pushing.  All in a effort to grow our budget, increase Government size and build a gas-line that can't make a profit even if it was up and running...  Alaskan voices need to be heard and it's time for more people to start shouting from the rooftops and make it happen Politadick
October 19 at 1:36pm  Alaska Brad Keithley's Remember the part where PFD cuts disproportionately hit middle and lower income AKs and result in increased poverty levels?:   Heather Hintze on Twitter  "Interesting note from Homeless Coalition: Shelters seeing increased # earlier in October, likely due to PFD cut. Some already at capacity.” 
October 19 at 1:37pm  Alaska  If you listen to one show, this is the show to hear. The Gov has been sending staff around to give his budget pitch, but as my interview demonstrates: the budget pitch is based on a fake narrative.  They don't need your PFD, or an income tax. The problem they have: you can't BS someone who actually has read the budget. 
October 19 at 1:41pm Frank E McQueary The article below touches on something profound which is seldom discussed in any depth in the highly partisan battles over health insurance. Here is the salient quote: "APPROPRIATING AUTHORITY
For those who say Trump is authoritarian, they’ll need to find another line of attack, for he has actually trimmed the sails of the authority illegally grabbed by President Obama to appropriate without the approval of Congress.
Trump is saying the presidency does not have that constitutional authority. Only Congress has the power of appropriation.
(As a side note, this may come back to bite him if he ever wants to pay for a border wall along Mexico; he’ll need Congress to approve the funding.)
In the language of the Affordable Care Act, there is no appropriation made for the cost-sharing payments that reimburse insurance companies for the discounts they must give to low-income enrollees.
The Trump Administration, by ending the subsidies to insurance companies, brought the balance between the branches of government.
Last year, a federal judge ruled that Obama had exceeded presidential authority by sending over $7 billion in annual subsidies to health insurance companies. U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer of the District of Columbia agreed with the U.S. House of Representatives, which had sued over Obama paying the subsidies even after Congress had rejected the administration’s request in 2014."

While Obama was President the left and most media applauded everything he said and did, no matter how illogical or illegal. Now the rhetoric in the media is that Trump is a Fascist, even when the act in question is unwinding something like the illegal payments to health insurance companies.
October 19 at 1:53pm  Alaska  Quote of the Week: Walker says budget not 'bloated'   "Show us where it’s bloated.” – Alaska …- Must Read Alaska  Readers: Governor says the budget isn't bloated. Any helpful suggestions for him?

Only the one example

I'm sure we could come up with a huge list....


October 19 at 3:00pm  Daily Signal Episode 16  Has political correctness gone too far? This mom told her 5 year-old she couldn't dress like Moana for Halloween—because it's "cultural appropriation."  We're breaking this down and more on this week's edition of Problematic Women.
October 19 at 3:40pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Anchorage man arrested on multiple charges, found with large money sum in jail.  An Anchorage man was arrested Wednesday evening for OUI and multiple other charges. While being processed in jail, the suspect was found hiding a…  While being processed at jail, a corrections officer discovered a "large sum of money" that was hidden within the suspect's shorts, which he was wearing beneath a pair a jeans.

Here is a shining example of Alaska's Opioid Epidemic.  Meth, Heroin and Fentanyl is the Epidemic we have here and it's about time they start saying it out loud.  Politadick
October 19 at 3:43pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Several sled dogs have been killed in encounters with the wild musk oxen that congregate around the old gold rush town of Nome on Alaska's western coast.  Sad  and Very Cool at the same time....
October 19 at 3:45pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  APD recovers dealership Porsche, suspects flee.  Anchorage police are actively investigating a multi-person dealership theft case, Thursday. This comes after a police lieutenant witnessed people pushing a brand-new Porsche into a Carrs parking lot, along Dimond Boulevard, at 6 a.m. Thursday.   Catch them, Gotta catch them all
October 19 at 3:49pm  Alaska KTUU 2  Interior secretary details Trump's priorities in Alaska Native country  Zinke, a retired U.S. Navy Seal commander and former Montana congressman, told the crowd that filled Anchorage's Dena'ina Center for the group's annual…

If she makes it... She will be carrying a huge load on her shoulders...  Politadick
October 19 at 6:57pm  OANN  Liz Wheeler  What the mainstream media was afraid to tell you about the news this week!
October 19 at 7:12pm  Alaska Video Raid alert! Will lawmakers attempt AGAIN to steal the PFD and Fund by passing the law SB26 in the Oct 23 Special Session? Call and Message (www.akleg.gov/poms) your legislator, tell them "Hands Off". Clem Tillion (Halibut Cove, Permanent Fund founders and 9 term legislator) says the Permanent Fund system has been successful for 35 years - don't change it. The People will repeal if they do. The Fund belongs to the Alaska shareholders NOT government. 
Tillion says it's madness to allow them to get away with this theft!
October 19 at 7:31pm  Alaska KTVA 11 VIDEO ALASKA'S OPIOID EPIDEMIC  We want to hear from you! Local leaders have gathered to take your questions and discuss the state's opioid epidemic. Ask your questions in the comments below.

Was Live Right Now‼

Notes Taken From Postings during the Talks

Politadick · 22:57 So Medicaid and its expansion has made it easier for people to get these drugs and to get them for free? Alaska made it easier for our people to become addicts...

27:26 Alternative medicines used in hospitals that don't have these addictive qualities and if not get required end treatment for these people.

37:18 SB91 was bad and SB54 make it even worse then it currently is. After sitting through the town hall Senator Dunleavy had in Talkeetna this week and the questions that were answered. Both bills need to be scrapped and laws that will work put into place.

39:53 They get caught and when they get released they are signed up into Medicaid and then they use the revolving door policy described to get these Opioids.

45:28 Drug treatment is an option when convicted. SB54 will give them an option of 0-10 days in jail or year and a half of treatment..... tell what you think they will choose...

47:55 "He who shall not be named" is using this as another reason to take the PFD and add taxes. He is disgraceful. The Mayor is not any better with his state employees raises.

50:20 "He who shall not be named" needs to use the $70,000,000 million for his gas-line Nowhere, it would be more that a good start toward funding this.

54:39 Then the ER writes them a scripted and it starts all over again.

58:22 Alaska wouldn't have half the problem we have now if the Medicaid Expansion had not happen. Walkers unilateral decision to expand without our lawmakers and Alaskans consent helped build this epidemic...

1:01:51 Medicaid expansion increased the availability of these drugs that wouldn't of had access before they got on it.

1:08:32 Kids can't talk about it in school. Teachers will report it to OCS, even if it is just something the child wants to know more about it.

1:13:14 My child tried to do a book report on the musical Heathers and the school refused to allow discussion on these kind of discussions,
saying it is forbidden in school.

1:19:18 The panel has no clear understanding of what they are even talking about up there. That lady has just schooled Walker‼️

1:24:53 KTVA 11 today I learned that the people in charge are only talking about political talking points and are not doing anything to fix the real drug problems that Alaska has and they are not willing to give any long term solutions in the works.