October 7 at 9:00am  The White House  Join us as President Trump delivers the Weekly Address.
October 7 at 9:20am Alaska Policy Forum  Don't blame parents. There are many factors to blame for Alaska's poor school test scores.  So to put this into perspective.  Attendance, going by what is provided, has nothing to do with how well they test. But how the school can keep those that are there, in the classrooms so they can get their federal funding.  Alaska, after October, doesn't half to worry about those counts after that, to keep the highest per capital spending on students, as long as those seats are filled until then.  After October the schools don't care if your kid is there or not. They got what they wanted. THE MONEY....  Politadick
October 7 at 11:16am  Fox News Video  SOON: Vegas Unity Prayer Walk to begin at Las Vegas City Hall.
October 7 at 12:12pm  Fox News Video  Vice President Mike Pence makes remarks in Las Vegas nearly a week after a gunman killed 58 people and injured nearly 500.
October 7 at 2:36pm  Fox News Video  Evacuations are underway as Hurricane Nate roars toward the Gulf Coast. 
The latest on Nate
October 7 at 6:21pm  Fox News Video  TRACKING NATE: Hurricane Nate made landfall Saturday night as a Category 1 storm with roaring winds near the mouth of the Mississippi River: The latest
October 7 at 6:26pm  Fox News Video  Hurricane Nate makes landfall as Category 1 storm  Hurricane Nate made landfall near the mouth of the Mississippi River Saturday evening as a Category 1 storm with maximum winds of 85 miles per hour. 
October 7 at 6:57pm  Alaska  Hello Everybody.... Seems that I have fallen behind on posting stuff. so for the next few hours you may see a bit of old news while I catch back up....  Hope your weekend is treating you good
October 7 at 7:09pm  #UnderCoverAntifa: Louder with Crowder Exposes the Dangerous Truth of ANTIFA  Steven Crowder and NotGayJared infiltrate ANTIFA...
October 7 at 7:11pm  Fox News  A top ICE official says his agency had "no choice" but to arrest illegal immigrants in California despite newly signed sanctuary city legislation.
October 7 at 8:06pm  Fox News Video  President Donald J. Trump, First Lady Melania Trump and Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta participate in a Hispanic Heritage Month event.  Shorter then White House Video, Not Full Event, See White House  Link to Video for Full Event:  https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1523012747759741
October 7 at 8:21pm  Jay Sekulow  The Constitution could not be more clear: “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office.”  So why are certain Senators harassing President Trump’s judicial nominee because of her Christian faith? Sign to fight back
October 7 at 8:35pm  PragerU  "When welfare pays better than work, why work?"  If you go by the number of people in Alaska that our lawmakers claim are getting State assistance in one form or another. 318,000 out of 739,000 people in Alaska are receiving state aid.  Now let's take how many of them live in rural areas that have no jobs and are capable of working but choose not to, that number would be below 200,000 people.

October 7 at 8:36pm  Ben Shapiro Video   "No Such Thing As White Privilege"  🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸  This needs to be shared...👍 
October 7 at 8:41pm  PragerU Video  "Secret to Success"  Must Watch to the End  Short Video
October 7 at 8:48pm  Fox News Video  "There's no evidence proving whatsoever that Russia likes Donald J. Trump and really dislikes Hillary Clinton."  On "FOX & Friends Weekend," Allie Beth Stuckey pushed back on the mainstream media and Democrats continuing to play the blame game over the 2016 election.
October 7 at 8:49pm  Fox News Video  "'Because you're black in America, you will be oppressed' - that's a FALSE narrative." – Kathy Barnette  Don't watch..... The left says these people are racist....
October 7 at 8:56pm  Fox News Video  President Trump talks healthcare, taxes and other items of concern....  "You CANNOT have people disrespecting our National Anthem, our flag, and our country... The NFL has to change." 
October 7 at 8:59pm  PragerU  Pop culture says "The police are racist!" Statistics tell a very different story.
October 7 at 10:06pm  PragerU  When welfare pays better than work, why work?  This is a prime example of what is wrong in Alaska villages and rural areas. The able-body and no jobs and the benefits that they receive because if it..