November 18 at 8:01am  Daily Signal  Video  Is the Left finally turning on Bill Clinton? And Joe Biden and Lady Gaga team up to stop sexual assault.  We're counting down the Top 10 Must-See Moments of the week—many you of which have been misreported by the mainstream media.
November 18 at 8:27am  Ben Shapiro  Not Biden 2020.  Daily Wire  Democrats Silent On Biden's Creepy Touching, Allegations He Got Naked In Front Of Female Secret Service


Worst kind if cockroach


November 18 at 9:08am  Alaska  Congressman Don Young  Young Shares Statement Following House Passage of Tax Reform Package   Washington, D.C. – Following the House passage of H.R. 1, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act –…   I have long supported and fought for a fairer tax system and H.R. 1 is an important step in that direction. It has been 31 years since the last major overhaul of America’s tax code. H.R. 1 simplifies our nation’s outdated and over complicated tax code, while creating jobs, spurring economic growth, and driving American competitiveness and competition. There are many rumors flying around about what will or will not be in the final tax legislation and it is important to note that the bill the House passed today is not the final product - we are just getting started.

Thank You

Alaskans and the rest of the United States appreciate your due diligence in getting the new Tax Reform completed and passed


November 18 at 10:16am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Video  Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world, now BrewBudz is offering a $7 K-Cup that will give you a buzz.




November 18 at 11:56am  Ben Shapiro  The ball is in NBC’s court.  Daily Wire  Juanita Broaddrick To NBC: ‘Re-Broadcast My Interview’   Following the wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations being made against actors, producers, directors, and now politicians, Juanita Broaddrick…  

Bill Clinton    Politadick
November 18 at 12:28pm  The Gateway Pundit  Hannity  Twitter "TICK TOCK" Sean Hannity Warns "Monday Starts What Will Become an Avalanche"   TICK TOCK Conservative heavyweight Sean Hannity tweeted a warning to his millions of Twitter followers Friday evening and Twitter exploded. Hannity…

“Plot with a Twist”

This is starting to get interesting....  Politadick

November 18 at 3:32pm  ADN  An Argentine submarine has vanished, launching a frantic search for 44 people on board  The Argentine navy said it could be a communications blackout caused by an electrical problem. Family members feared it could be much worse.  Complicating matters: strong winds and high waves that were battering search-and-rescue ships.

Uh Oh.....   Politadick
November 18 at 4:27pm  Cotribune  Trump's 1st SCOTUS Appointee Threw Down Constitutional Gauntlet During Moving Speech   If there were any remaining conservatives who had a doubt that President Donald Trump picked the right man to succeed Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court,…



November 18 at 5:04pm  Alaska ADN   Colder winter forecast for Southcentral Alaska, but warmer in rural regions with shrinking sea ice   A lack of sea ice is contributing to expectations of a warm winter in western and northern Alaska. But cooler temperatures may prevail in Southcentral. Alaskans can expect something of a sequel to last year's winter weather, according to a climate scientist with the National Weather Service.

Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling

After reading what they said about It, in the end it always has the same theme.

How much money will you give them because they have built where their land will erode/melt away...

Plus, make sure it is allot of money, because they have no jobs where this is happening.....


November 18 at 5:13pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  Some voices NEED to be heard - including that of homeless youth advocate and actress Capathia Jenkins, who recently sang 'Amazing Grace' at a Covenant House vigil in Anchorage. Check out the video below to listen to her (totally stellar and totally unedited) full performance!!  P.S. Donations to Covenant House Alaska are being MATCHED through the weekend!

That was absolutely Beautiful  Politadick
November 18 at 6:05pm  Alaska  Fairbanks Daily News Miner Ice Alaska cancels 2018 World Ice Art Championships  FAIRBANKS—The board of Ice Alaska has canceled the 2018 World Ice Art Championships, citing the loss of sponsors and the challenges of rebuilding…

Wow....  I travel there each year just to go and see them.

Hope they can get it all together for 2019. This would be a tragic loss for Fairbanks.


November 18 at 8:49pm  American Patriot News Network 

RUssian collusion by the Democrats is the real scandal 

Should there be a special counsel?
Comment YES or NO
LIKE + SHARE = I'm with Trey Gowdy

What the Democrats want you to ignore, Trey Gowdy spells it out once again....  Politadick
November 18 at 8:52pm  Alaska  Breitbart  Whoa! Sarah Palin: People Do Not Sexually Harass Me Because They ‘Know That I’m Probably Packing’

Nicely said Sarah Palin  Politadick
November 18 at 9:04pm  Fox News  California government mandates send electricity prices skyrocketing, but Texas free market policies keeps prices low  OPINION: "The tale of two states offers a lesson for the nation." 

Going Green has its benefits, as long as government stays out if it.....  Politadick
November 18 at 8:52pm  Alaska  Breitbart  Whoa! Sarah Palin: People Do Not Sexually Harass Me Because They ‘Know That I’m Probably Packing’

Nicely said Sarah Palin  Politadick
November 18 at 10:51pm  Alaska Policy Forums  Taxes going up for some Alaskans. Alaskan governments are not very good at reducing budgets, it seems.

"Kodiak City Council Raises Sales Tax Cap by 300 Percent
The Kodiak City Council has voted to raise the city's sales tax cap by 300 percent to address a $2.8 million budget deficit."

Looks like Kodiak Decided not to wait for "He Who Shall Not Be Named" and his gang of thieves to pass any new taxes.

Between the Assembly in Anchorage, gas tax and now Kodiak's Council/Assembly has done basically the same thing. They have taken an already economically challenge place and will force people to leave.  Politadick
November 18 at 11:01pm  Alaska Public Media  Governor signs Petersburg land bill A major increase to the land granted to the new Petersburg borough is now official. Governor Bill Walker Thursday signed legislation granting over 14-thousand acres of state land to the local government.  

WOW..... How Did This Miss My Radar>>>>!!!!!   This is HUGE!!!