November 12 at 8:40am  Alaska  The victim card has been thrown down by Alice Rogoff.  Must Read Alaska  Rogoff has political conspiracy theory: Binkleys and GCI forced her out - Must Read Alaska   A former reporter for the Alaska Dispatch News, Jeanette …  

Rogoff has earned four Pinocchio’s for this one.


November 12 at 8:49am  When Trump Found Out Chinese Nickname for Him, He was FLOORED  President Trump received much fanfare on his trip to China to meet with President Xi Jinping. People were lining the streets and waving... 

November 12 at 9:15am  WSJ Mueller Probes Flynn’s Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Cleric to Turkey   Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating an alleged plan involving former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn to forcibly remove… 

Mueller is investigating an alleged plan involving Mike Flynn to remove a controversial cleric living in the U.S. and deliver him to Turkey in return for millions of dollars.

Always love how this stuff comes out when President Trump is doing something Hugh for all Americans benefit.

First there was the Faked Scare Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling Report

and now this.....

This article deserves three Pinocchio‘s for all the Anonymous sources and didn’t earn the fourth one because they found a new and creative way to try and keep the “Russian Conspiracy” alive by mixing just enough of the truth to make it appear they have the latest Breaking Story.

I quote from WSJ:

“The people who described the alleged proposal said they didn’t attend the December meeting and didn’t have direct knowledge from Mr. Flynn or his associates about its purported details. It isn’t clear how advanced Mr. Mueller’s investigation of the alleged plan to remove Mr. Gulen is, nor is there any indication that any money changed hands, according to those familiar with the discussions and the FBI investigation”

When will WSJ start writing about the real “Russian Conspiracy“ Clinton, Obama, DNC, Rice, Lynch, omg I could write a whole page of names…


November 12 at 9:29am  Fox News Video  Senator John Cornyn gives a briefing after the first service in Southerland Springs Texas since the church shooting one week ago.
November 12 at 10:46am  Alaskan's Against Gov Walker PFD Theft  Picture  The State needs to include Bill Walker’s PFD raid into SB54 and make it a Class A Felony. .... 10 years!

November 12 at 4:43pm  Fox News Video  President Donald J. Trump joins world leaders at the annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit in Manila, Philippines.
November 12 at 7:08pm   Alaska

Call Call CALL



Congress Suspending the Rules to rush through bill for National Citizen Data System: HR4174   CALL YOUR HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES MONDAY, see directory here. Congress is rushing through bill HR4174 THIS WEEK. Yes, there are lots of… 

I called to leave Don Young a message and his mailbox is full. I tried to send him an email after I had to give all my info phone address etc and it said "cannot verify human sent it" and it refused to accept email--I am beyond disappointed in Rep Youngs guards around the appearance/reality of access to his office.

You should still try to call tomorrow : 1-202-224-3121 then push opt 1 for Senate or option 2 for House of Rep--then enter zip code then push Don Young...he needs to clean out his mail box. Try to reach him on Facebook or email or his website--do not give up just because his box is full!

Urgent--Please call your member of Congress (for Alaska Don Young) Monday Nov 13--and demand rejection of the College Transparency Act. Now we hear that former conservative Paul Ryan's Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act (which was also covered, though not focused on, in the letter and attachments I sent yesterday) is on the House's consent calendar for Wednesday. That means it's considered an "uncontroversial" bill that can be passed by voice vote.

In my view, any bill that takes the first step toward establishing a massive database on freeborn American citizens can be described with many adjectives, but "uncontroversial" isn't one of them.

Unfortunately, even some of the good guys in the Freedom Caucus in Congress have been sold a bill of goods on how great it will be to examine all this data to see how well federal programs are working (spoiler alert: we already know they aren't working, and the idea that Congress will stop funding them if it just has more data is laughable).

Here is more information about what's going on:


So . . . when you call Congress tomorrow (202.224.3121), ask for two things:

1) A roll call vote on the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act (H.R. 4174), and then a defeat of the bill;

2) Defeat of the College Transparency Act (H.R. 2434).

Here's a membership list for the House Education and Workforce Committee:

Obviously, the members will care more about what you think if you're a constituent, but I plan to call them all anyway. Can't hurt.

Their phones need to ring off the hook!


November 12 at 7:10pm  Donald J. Trump Video  TELL SENATORS: APPROVE THE DOWN PAYMENT FOR THE WALL!  The Senate needs this urgent reminder that the American people want what they voted for. The second the Senate approves the bill, I will sign it into law IMMEDIATELY.

Build It and They Will Not Come...... Decades now, Americans have been waiting....  Politadick
November 12 at 7:30pm  Fox News  Taxpayer piggy bank lets Congress settle sexual harassment cases in secret   Equal treatment for lawmakers? Don’t count on it.  

Wow… $15 million in paid out claims....

Makes me now wonder how many they did not report on....


November 12 at 7:33pm  Fox News  Harassment case puts Democratic Senate candidate in California under spotlight  SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- News that a sitting California senator is being investigated for sexual harassment against a young female employee has put a fresh spotlight… 
November 12 at 7:34pm  Ben Shapiro  LOL   Daily Wire  Hacker Hijacks North Korean Radio Station, Plays ‘The Final Countdown’  For all those "Arrested Development" fans, you know the song merely as G.O.B.'s signature music when he's doing his magic act. 

OMG....   Politadick