November 7 at 6:33am  Fox News Video  Speaker Paul Ryan and House Republicans hold a news conference on the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
November 7 at 6:35am  The Daily Signal  Video  How can the federal government give money back to its people? By eliminating the state and local tax deduction.  Congressman Jim Banks joins us live to talk about how eliminating this deduction can put more money in your pocket.
November 7 at 6:43am  Fox News Video  UPDATE: President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks.  President Donald J. Trump and first lady Melania Trump attend a state dinner in South Korea.
November 7 at 6:46am  The White House Video  “For almost 60 years, our alliance has endured as a cornerstone of sovereignty, security, and prosperity for our nations, this region, and indeed the world.”

MAGA  Politadick
November 7 at 6:51am  Fox Business  Video  House Committee on Ways and Means holds a markup session on the GOP's tax reform bill.
November 7 at 6:55am  Federation For American Immigration Reform  Video  Interested in seeing how much progress has been made in President Trump's promise to block funding for sanctuary cities? FAIR is monitoring the administration's progress on our website.   President Trump Must Keep His Promise to Block Funding for Sanctuary Cities
November 7 at 6:58am  Ben Shapiro  Wow. Trump completely shuts her down.  Daily Wire  WATCH: NBC Reporter Tries To Use Texas Shooting To Embarrass Trump In South Korea, Fails Miserably. 

CNN need to do all Americans a favor and close their doors.....  Politadick
November 7 at 7:00am  America Matters Homeland Security wants to scan your face at the border  The Department of Homeland Security will seek facial recognition solutions at an 'industry' day in Silicon Valley mid-November.  What do you think of the use of 'facial scans' at our nation's borders? 

Sounds like a good idea...  Politadick
November 7 at 7:04am  Alaska  House Passes Crime Bill SB54  Vote Picture  Sad day in Alaska, bill has been passed....
November 7 at 7:06am  NRATV  NRATV EXCLUSIVE: we are live from Sutherland Springs, Texas. Watch our exclusive interview with NRA member Stephen Willeford, the Texas hero who shot the Sutherland Springs Church killer. 
November 7 at 7:13am  Alaska  KTUU 2  Lawmakers set new record for most days in session   Alaska lawmakers' battle over how to fund the state government, and criminal justice reform, has had them in session for more days than ever before in 2017. But what will come of this fourth special session?

These Special sessions have cost Alaskans over $3,000,000 million to have and have accomplish nothing.

SB54 is still soft on crime and “He who shall not be Named” keeps going on a spending spree with our money.

$9 billion budget was passed in June and now with overruns they have spent over $10 billion dollars.....


Link to Alaska’s budget corruption....


November 7 at 7:29am  Alaska Republican Forum  Homer Alaska.Gov  Memorandum 17-114 AML Resolution Asking Legislature Revisit the Standards for Recalling Municipal Officials   Memorandum 17-114 TO: Mayor Zak and…  Coming to a Municipality near you:
Homer City Council is bringing a resolution to the Nov. 14 municipal league that will request #akleg to revisit RECALL language. 
The recall is fundamental to our constitutional republic and democratic process. We need to fight against this in every way possible!

Keep your eyes open!

Hey Homer Alaska Did you know your lawmakers there are trying to take your rights away


Link to Alaska’s budget corruption....


This was reported July 14, 2017 and the investigation has just started.

I know if I keep looking, this scandal has been being reported, since last year and they are only beginning to investigate now....

Here is the real “Russian” connection and it isn’t President Trump....

November 7 at 8:11am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 412  The Left tried to blame the NRA, but an NRA instructor was the hero of the day; thoughts and prayers do matter; we deconstruct some culture.
November 7 at 8:31am  Donna Brazile Gives all the Dirt on DNC and Hillary ABC News  Video  We're talking with former DNC chair Donna Brazile about the fallout over revelations from her new book about 2016 presidential election

The Democratic Party has regressed to the point they are no longer relevant....

Corruption runs deep in their party and Americans are letting them get away with this

Must be because they make sure they’re giving their base everything for free.....


November 7 at 8:36am  Fox News Video  The Texas Department of Public Safety provides an update on the investigation into Sunday's church shooting.
November 7 at 8:44am  The Gateway Pundit   HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump's Major Accomplishments in His First Six Months #MAGA

Nice..... love  that they added the CNN meme war....  Politadick
November 7 at 9:03am  CNN  Video Trump feeds fish, winds up pouring entire box   President Donald Trump took a moment out of his whirlwind Japanese trip to connect with nature and feed some fish, but after a few delicate scoops, he resorted to a grand gesture met with some laughter.

CNN is back to creating fake news again...
Can we please stop allowing them to have press credentials?
They always seem to be twisting the truth over and over again...
November 7 at 11:02am  Fox News Video  Officials at Connally Memorial Medical Center hold a news conference to provide updates on the victims from Sunday's church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
November 7 at 1:51pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska We have a winner.   MAGA: Jerry Ward named to Agriculture post - Must Read Alaska  Jerry Ward, a former state senator from …

This Rocks  Politadick
November 7 at 2:00pm  Alaska  Alaska Republican Assembly  Picture   Double Standards of Alaska's Government When Lawmakers are Threatened 
November 7 at 2:03pm  Ben Shapiro  It is unbelievable how much this story has been swept under the rug.  Daily Wire Sen. Rand Paul Will Have 'Extended Absence' From Senate As He Recovers From Attack   Senator Rand Paul will spend the next several days in the hospital, recovering from injuries he received in a politically motivated attack Saturday, and may…

How much air time has this received? Bet you most people don’t even know about it and it’s been days since it happen.  Politadick
November 7 at 2:17pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Video  WATCH: AST addresses missing person case of Keith Aumavae.
For the full story,
November 7 at 5:01pm  Alaska  Daily News Miner Alaskans deserve results: The time to act is now  I read with some satisfaction — and disappointment — Senate Pres. Pete Kelly’s recent opinion piece, “The Sky Is Not Falling” (News-Miner, Nov. 5). While I share his optimism regarding Check out Alaska Governor Bill Walker's Op Ed in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner. I appreciate his honesty with the public about our current State of the State.

“He Who Shall Not Be Named” is lying to all us Alaskans once again.

Tonight I will post what the real truth of what is happening in Alaska.


Link to Alaska’s budget corruption....


November 7 at 5:08pm  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump delivers a speech to the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea.
November 7 at 5:11pm  Alaska  Mission Critical Alaska  Video Slush Fund

Slush Fund/Rainy Day Fund...

All cuss words used on the Capital Floor...


Update 11/7/2017: This Story now has 6 parts to it, follow links below for the full story:

Part one of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544709202256762 )
Part two of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544707828923566 )
Part three of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544717792255903 )
Part four of six... (linkhttps://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1548342148560134 )
Part five of six... (Linkhttps://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1551099078284441 )
Part six of six... (Link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1552030748191274 )

November 7 at 5:16pm  Government Spending Chart: Alaska 2010-2018 - State Local Data  Customized Chart of Government Spending in the United States from US Budget and US Census Data. Customize chart; download data. 

What Alaska's Budget really is from 2010 to Current.. Scroll down to the middle to see the chart.....


Update 11/7/2017: This Story now has 6 parts to it, follow links below for the full story:

November 7 at 8:07pm  Alaska  Politadick Budget Corruption  Part 6 Of 7  Alaska Journal   Senator Pet Kelly GUEST COMMENTARY: The sky isn’t falling
About a week ago, Alaskans received some outstanding news. North Slope oil production is forecast to rise for a third consecutive year. Since 1988 was the last time this happened, it’s worth stepping back to take in the larger picture.
Part 6   “We, as a State, Are Not Broke!"
Alaska's government needs to be a Held accountable for "THEIR" overspending.            Reduce the Budget, Stay Out of Our PFD's and No New Taxes!
"He who shall not be Named" and his gang of thieves, we call Lawmakers, would like you to believe we are broke.
Only a Minority of them there, have Alaskan's futures in mind and are doing their best to keep the new taxes from happening.
A $9 Billion Dollar Budget was passed by "He Who Shall Not Be Named" and his Gang of Thieves and is by all accounts the Highest Budget Ever Passed In Alaska's History!  They said at the time, its the second highest to ever pass, but I couldn't find any budget higher than this one....
(Important to Know: WE ONLY HAD $4.1 Billion in taxes available to be used and the $9 billion only represents what Alaska contributes to the budget, doesn't include Federal contributions)  Just Wait till you read what comes later on....
(Reported by Representative Lora Reinbold back in June, Budget Passes: https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1429894297071587 )
"At the time this was going on"
Over 16 billion sits in our governments savings accounts.  -$2.4 billion less, if you believe what they have told us they were going to use from it.
I'm Sure if they looked a little harder they could find much, Much, MUCH MORE, HIDDEN AWAY in their "Slush Funds" (sorry didn't mean to cuss). Rainy Day fund (darn-it, did it again).  Been told you cannot use those words there.  Not allowed to tell the truth, effectively having your free speech silenced, on Alaska's Capitals Floor.
(Link to an Example of a Slush/Rainy Day Fund:
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1551926954868320 )
(Important to Know at this point....)  "He Who Shall Not Be Named" has lied to all Alaskan's about how much revenue will be available and made claims of, -12%, trying to justify the taxes he wants to add.....  Explained near the end...
For those doing the math: ($9 Billion dollar budget passed= $2.4 Billion was used from Savings + $4.1 Billion collected in Taxes + $2.5 Billion for him to steal from the PFD's to cover the rest)  <---"Biggest Robbery in Alaska's History"
"Vote against the budget and pay the cost!":
Just ask Senator Shelly Hughes and Senator Mike Dunleavy what happen to them!   If you stand up, for what us Alaskans have asked them, "ALL OF THEM" to do....
The price they had to pay and in the areas they represent, our voices are no-longer heard, because they were stripped of all power in office to be able to do anything.  These Two are the only ones that truly deserve to be re-elected next year.  Representative Lora Reinbold is another....
(Link explaining what happen and rules that need to be changed:
"Unilateral Decisions for Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling.   Without Alaskan's or it's Lawmakers Consent"
"He Who Shall Not Be Named" has Established a Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling position and has signed us into an agreement and for all accounts and purpose, is just another way for him to secure a method, to get more money, to move more villages!
(Link to Just one of many examples I can provide: https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1484656208262062)
In just the last 10 years a Whopping "$1,000,000,000 Billion Dollars" has been spent on moving places in Alaska.  Bottom line, It has nothing to do with Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling.  Best estimates, his panel will cost Alaskan's another $2 - $7 million in the next year.
Exactly what is it that they are suppose to be doing?
Has anybody announced what his objectives to accomplish are?
Other then the money he wants to move more villages?
(Link to Video of Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling Roll Out:
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1545362518858097 )
"He Who Shall Not Be Named" made it very clear it was all about the "Money"......
Now...  Let's not forget that they took enough money from the PFD's saving's to completely fund the short fall they had and allot more then the 2.5 Billion used was taken out, then what was needed to cover it.
"He Who Shall Not Be Named" has cost Alaskan's million's from the PFD's investments by not returning the extra funds to the account.  Instead he is spending it as fast as he can. With what you will read later on, I'm sure he is spending it as fast as he can.
"Unilateral Decisions to Expand Healthcare.  Without Alaskan's or it's Lawmakers Consent"
When it comes to healthcare, nobody seems to care how much it costs to the Alaska taxpayers.   His Unilateral Decision to Expand Healthcare in Alaska has benefited only those with lower earnings or none at all.
What was it they just reported, about how much was spent the last few years? Wasn't it $600,000,000 Million on just the expansion......  While Alaskan Taxpayers had to cover $60,000,000 million of that. Just wait till 2020, Alaskans will be paying triple that if not more, as what we will be required to contribute, increases...
Let also acknowledge the Opioid Epidemic, that this has helped to make things worse, here in Alaska.
(Link to Video, "Alaska's Opioid Epidemic" and them explaining to all Alaskan's about it:
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544487748945574 )
Meanwhile the middle class is crushed under high monthly insurance payment and Highest deductibles in all 50 states.
Why is that?
Could it be that with the expansion and with its costs, has helped raise Alaska's budget a billion dollars in just last two years. Or since Obamacare came into existence, the costs have grown $2.9 Billion Dollars since 2008.
"What Does Alaska's Budget Total, Really Look Like"
The 2018 budget has increased again, conservative estimates have put it at nearly $17.41 billion this year (I'm guessing closer to $19.2 - $20.2 billion myself.)  Last year it was $17.24 Billion, but expecting that number to climb as they release more real #'s to the public.  These numbers represent both State and Federal Contributions).  With what Representative Lora Reinbold posted yesterday, my guess, may be right on the money.
(Link to Budget Overtures discovered by Representative Reinbold:  https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1551099078284441 )
Last years State budget was $17.24 Billion and $7.1 billion was spent from last years budget, "Just on healthcare".  Pre-Obamacare: In 2008 only 4.2 billion was spent on Healthcare in Alaska!  let that sink in for a moment....
$9 Billion Dollar State Budget Passed this year, $10 Billion with what has been recently uncovered. PFD money that has been pulled has yet to be returned and now they are spending it as fast as they can...   More then 1/3 of what was spent in the budget this year, was for healthcare. $2.4 Billion is being reported, that Alaskans are on the hook for and I'm expecting it to hit more near $3.2 Billion before the fiscal budget year ends, this is only Alaska's share and not what the federal government chips in.  Yet us Alaskans only paid $4.1 billion in taxes...
For those doing the math ($9 Billion dollar budget passed= $2.4 Billion was used from Savings + $4.1 Billion collected in Taxes + $2.5 billion for him to steal from the PFD's)  Now they have $1 Billion in Overtures bring the budget total to $10 Billion this year and they never put the extra money from the PFD back.   Are they spending it as fast as they can? Hmmm.....
(Important to Know:  "He Who Shall Not Be Named" has increased the State Budget every year. Nearly a $1 billion dollars difference since he has taken office, is being spent per year.
Yet he claims he has cut the budget and if he hits the $20 Billion mark this year, that number goes to $3.5 billion during his term. (He has already increased this years total budget to over the $18 billion mark)
Below 2013-2015 are actual total budgets and what was spent those years.
2016-2018 are guesses based on past Trends in Spending.  Due to all totals for what was spent, has not been provided by our Local Alaskan Government:
2013 $15.52 Billion Dollars  Actual Budget
2014 $16.56 Billion Dollars  Actual Budget $1.04 Billion Increase from 2013
2015 $16.80 Billion Dollars  Actual Budget $240 Million Increase from 2014
2016 $17.07 Billion Dollars   (Expecting this to be $17.30 when done)
2016 Guess  $207 Million Increase from 2015
2017 $17.24 Billion Dollars   (Expecting this to be $17.80 when done)
2017 Guess: $220 Million Increase from 2016
2018 $17.41 Billion  Conservative Guess Based on past Trends
2018 Guess: $170 Million Increase from 2017
"My Guess for 2018's Budget will be:  $19.20 Billion a $1.96 Billion Dollar Increase from 2017"
(Link to data provided above: https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1551929444868071 )
Wow... Now my head is spinning.....  So many lies that have come to the surface...  Especially if you have been listening to what "He Who Shall Not Be Named" has said about all of this......  Ok Moving on....
Everyone is now upset over the PFD's, cost of oil per barrel and what "He Who Shall Not Be Named" had projected for production from the Oil Fields, that,  "He Who Shall Not Be Named" provided.
He was telling us all, "We are heading over a fiscal cliff, with no return!"    (It has been discovered, the production #'s he had provided, they were "All Faked"!  He wanted to make it look like we had a major crisis happening. -12% drop in production was expected.  By the forecast he provided.)  Keep reading.....  The finale is coming soon......
"Small Example of the Long List of Things He has Done to the Oil Companies"
During his Term, he has effectively told EXXON and Shell oil companies they are not welcome here, unless they fund his Gas-Line to Nowhere, costing Alaska Billions in future revenue.... Refusing to pay what he promised the new explorers, if they came to Alaska, not paying them what they should get.
Now he is currently overseas with President Trump, giving it one last shot at selling the LNG into reality. But have a feeling, just like he has done with ANWR. He said "50% of something is better than nothing at all", Didn't he say that about the PFD's also....? I'm sure He will say the same thing about LNG and give control over to China.
(Link to article: ANWR
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1547426168651732 )
(Link to article: Trip to China
https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1551055531622129 )
Many of our local lawmakers wanted you to think cutting cost of state run services (plowing, ferry, DMV, fish and game, troopers, dept of corrections and soft on crime laws would fix this problem, etc) and is the cause of the problems we are in and all of them will be cut, if he didn't get his new taxes.  "Mob Boss and his Gang of Thieves" refused to acknowledge their overspending while oil prices were high and refuse to cut spending, for the lower prices they had been at.
"In all his special Sessions that have been called, he told them..."
From Senator Pete Kelly:
"During this time, we were told repeatedly to “do our job”, but apparently what that really meant was “capitulate!” And do it quickly before anyone calculates the math."
(After the third Special Session: He gave another false set of #'s that made it look a little better -4%  instead of -12%,  far cry from what he had been saying, but still didn't provide proof to back that up.  Now in the fourth Special Sessions the truth has come out:)
"When the governor began talking about another special session on taxes in October, the Senate told him he needed to provide accurate oil production numbers before we would engage in any discussions about revenue.
To the governor’s credit, the new numbers didn’t help his position, but he delivered them anyway. It is these new oil production estimates that show a two percent increase instead of a 12 percent decline. That 14 percent change represents nearly an additional $1.5 billion circulating in our economy."  Says Senator Pete Kelly
"Wow!!  What a Bombshell Announcement!!!   $1.5 BILLION DOLLARS!!!!!"
$1.5 Billion Dollars more is available, which means the $2.5 Billion shortfall they had.  Was only $1 billion dollars.  Nearly that much was offered in budget cuts over the last 4 sessions. Because of this announcement of him cooking the Numbers to make it look like we are Broke, They could have fully Funded this years PFD's.
But as I pointed out earlier, Only $9 billion was approved for Alaska's Budget and now they are $1 Billion in Overtures and growing.  I suspect that "He Who Shall Not Be Named" knew what he had done long before now and that is why he has been spending it as fast as he can.
To get the Full Story of what "He Who Shall Not Be Named" is doing to Alaska, Follow all of the links........   Thank You for your time!  Politadick
Update 11/13/2017:  This Story now has 7 parts to it, follow links below for the full story:
Part one of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544709202256762 )
Part two of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544707828923566 )
Part three of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544717792255903 )
Part four of six...  (link  https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1548342148560134 )
Part five of six...  (Link  https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1551099078284441 )
Part six of six... (Link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1552030748191274 )
Part Seven “Rigging The Vote”:
November 7 at 9:54pm  Alaska   Jerry Nankervis files for House seat in Juneau - Must Read Alaska  A longtime member of the Juneau Assembly …  Straight shooter. Also, a retired cop.

One more hat has now been thrown into the ring for 2018......  Politadick
November 7 at 10:02pm  Alaska  KTVA 11 GCI-Liberty merger advances   The next step in the merger of Alaska telecommunications giant GCI with a Colorado-based media conglomerate was approved Tuesday by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska.

Wow.... wonder if their prices will finally drop.....  Politadick
November 7 at 10:20pm  Alaska Freedom 49er's  Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling  Kids Sue Alaska Government, Alleging State Isn't Taking Enough Responsibility for Climate Change | The Weather Channel  What do we have here? Alaskans who are victims of this and victims of that. Or do we have brave young Alaskans making a courageous stand against incredible odds? Live free.  Peace ~ Jim McDermott, M.S.

Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling....

4.5 Billion years this has been happening and they still build where their land will erode.....

It’s all just an excuse to make Alaskans taxpayers move their villages for free.


Link to Alaska’s budget corruption....


November 7 at 10:26pm  Alaska Legislative Offices  This Governor wants YOUR money anyway he can take it.

Make sure to tune in tomorrow and get the scoop strait from the Thieves own lips...

Look out Alaska, “He Who Shall Not Be Named” and his gang of thieves are still trying to take our hard earned income, because they cannot control their spending addictions.


Link to Alaska’s budget corruption....


November 7 at 10:35pm  Alaska Juneau Empire   House votes to partially roll back Senate Bill 91 The Alaska House of Representatives has voted to roll back the controversial criminal justice measure Senate Bill 91, but lawmakers failed to pass a full repeal as some Alaskans wanted.

"He Who Shall Not Be Named" I thank the House for moving to respond to Alaskans’ concerns about public safety by passing Senate Bill 54. SB 54 – combined with a complete fiscal plan and new revenues to support prosecutors and police – is a meaningful and critical next step towards building a Safer Alaska. I look forward to signing the bill when it reaches my desk.

Make sure to tune in tomorrow and get the scoop strait from the Thieves own lips...

Look out Alaska, “He Who Shall Not Be Named” and his gang of thieves are still trying to take our hard earned income, because they cannot control their spending addictions.


Link to Alaska’s budget corruption....
