November 6 at 1:31am  Fox News Video  President Donald J. Trump & First Lady Melania Trump attend a State Banquet.
November 6 at 6:31am  Fox News Video  The White House flies its flag at half-staff after President Donald J. Trump ordered all flags on public grounds to be flown at half-staff in honor of the 26 people killed and 20 others wounded in a mass shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
November 6 at 6:43am  Alaska  Joe Riggs For House  Kickoff meet and great  Picture  Another hat has been thrown into the ring...
November 6 at 6:46am  Alaska  Charlie Huggins for Governor 2018  6 Nov- 6th day of THANKS. The Alaska Legislature is still in Juneau in their FOURTH special session during the 11th month of the year. Our lawmakers are in session with “any revenues” on the call. At the same time Gov. Walker is preparing to tax all airplanes for the fuel they use and, because he can, he is instituting by regulation the WART- Walker’s Aircraft Registration Tax. These are for both commercial and civilian aircraft. 
We are thankful the Walker era is on the downslope!

“He who shall not be Named” and his WART.....  Both are bad for Alaska    Politadick
November 6 at 7:30am  Alaska  Representative Lora Reinbold  Watch the important highlight video of Expose Big Government Spending $$$. Be educated Be equipped! Be Empowered- learn why we don't need an income tax and need to take a different course with criminal law! 

All Alaskans should be Required to watch this..... since that isn’t possible. 
“Please watch...” Alaskans futures are at stake 

This is a condensed version of a two part video.

November 6 at 7:36am  Fox News Video  Texas Shooting Latest: Officials provide an update on Sunday's shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, that left at least 26 people dead.
November 6 at 8:02am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 411  Horror in Texas, mystery in Saudi Arabia, civil war in the Democratic Party.
November 6 at 10:16am  Blue Lives Matter  This Hero Plumber Gunned Down Texas Church Shooter - Blue Lives Matter  Stephen Willeford is being described as a local hero with a gun after confronting and shooting Devin Kelley, who had just murdered 26 people and…  The hero who took down the Texas church shooter is a local plumber, who used a legally possessed weapon to stop a killer who was illegally in possession of a weapon.
November 6 at 10:18am  Ben Shapiro  Latest from Matt Walsh:  Daily Wire WALSH: If You're Responding To A Massacre At A Church By Mocking Prayer, Please Shut Up  As you know, an evil coward slaughtered dozens of innocent people at a Texas church on Sunday. Children, the elderly, and pregnant women were among…
November 6 at 10:21am  Fox News Video  The White House flies its flag at half-staff after President Donald J. Trump ordered all flags on public grounds to be flown at half-staff in honor of the 26 people killed and 20 others wounded in a mass shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
November 6 at 12:37pm  Fox News Video  Committee on Ways and Means holds a markup session on the GOP's tax reform bill.
November 6 at 2:00pm  KTVA 11  Should houses of worship have armed volunteers?  The church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, is the latest of more than 10 mass shootings around the country this year.  What do you think? Should houses of worship have armed volunteers?

Every place that people go to should have the right to be armed. With a Few exceptions to this...  Politadick
November 6 at 3:00pm  Fox News  Video  The Texas Department of Public Safety provides an update on the investigation into Sunday's church massacre.
November 6 at 3:58pm  Alaska Must Read Alaska The threats were much more graphic back in May. But Speaker Bryce Edgmon was silent.:   Earlier threat: Where was the outrage? - Must Read Alaska  TWO THREATS, TWO DIFFERENT RESPONSES When Rep. … 

Ok for the one and not the many....   Politadick
November 6 at 4:02pm  Alaska ADN  UAA  Woman who gave Trump motorcade middle finger fired from Alaska Native corporation affiliate  In firing her, Akima LLC officials told her the photo could hurt business since Akima is a government contractor, according to media reports.

Too bad UAA, doesn’t have a code of conduct, they too, should be held too...  Politadick
November 6 at 4:21pm  Ben Shapiro Current state of public education: Video Daily Wire WATCH: Liberal Teacher Confronts Latino Student Over His Support For Trump, Gets Crushed With Facts

The video inside is well worth your time to watch

This 12th grader, schools his teacher and truly shows what Democrats, ANTIFA, BLM are pushing as their agenda.....

Please keep in mind, the teacher, is in class that she teaches....

Question: Do you want someone like her teaching your kids?


November 6 at 4:22pm  Alaska KTVA 11 The fog has finally lifted from Anchorage. Enjoy tonight's sunset!

November 6 at 5:35pm  Ben Shapiro This is what a hero looks like...and the Left will HATE it.  Daily Wire  Man Who Shot Texas Church Murderer Is An NRA Instructor So much for those who want to vilify the NRA in the wake of the Texas massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday: Stephen Willeford, the… 

hhhhh  Politadick
November 6 at 7:03pm  Fox News Video  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrive in South Korea.
November 6 at 7:17pm  Alaska  ADN  Gov. Walker, joining Trump trade mission to China, sees ‘most significant opportunity’ for Alaska gas The governor will join the president's trade mission to Asia in hopes of striking a deal with Chinese companies on the state’s $43 billion gas-export project.  

Just like he said when it came time for him to talk about ANWR and what Alaska's cut can be... 
He now is over in China and expect him to sell all rights to it, to them and we get whatever they choose, to allow us to have after that. 

Don't Trust him!


Link to Article of Alaska's Cut:

"He Who Shall Not Be Named" says:
Reported by the ADN what he said about ANWR
(Link to article: https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1547426168651732 )

Update 11/7/2017: This Story now has 6 parts to it, follow links below for the full story:

Part one of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544709202256762 )
Part two of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544707828923566 )
Part three of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544717792255903 )
Part four of six... (linkhttps://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1548342148560134 )
Part five of six... (Linkhttps://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1551099078284441 )
Part six of six... (Link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1552030748191274 )

November 6 at 7:34pm  Fox News Video  President Donald J. Trump arrives at Camp Humphreys in South Korea.
November 6 at 7:35pm  Fox News Video  First Lady Melania Trump visits the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea during an event to encourage girls' increased participation in school sports programs.
November 6 at 8:11pm  Fox News Video  Anthony Weiner begins prison sentence for sexting conviction  Former Rep. Anthony Weiner reported to prison Monday to begin a 21-month sentence for sexting with a 15-year-old girl. 

Should have been a longer sentence....  Politadick
November 6 at 8:36pm  Alaska  Part 5 "He Who Shall Not Be Named" has already blown this years budget by over a Billion Dollars.......   Politadick

Follow the links to get the full story and See what “He Shall Not Be Named” is doing to the future of Alaska.
Update 11/7/2017: This Story now has 6 parts to it, follow links below for the full story:
Part one of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544709202256762 )
Part two of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544707828923566 )
Part three of six... (link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544717792255903 )
Part four of six... (linkhttps://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1548342148560134 )
Part five of six... (Linkhttps://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1551099078284441 )
Part six of six... (Link https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1552030748191274 )

Via Representative Lora Reinbold:

"You would never know we were in a fiscal crisis by what I found in the capital budget-the capital budget bill is far over 2 billion dollars once we restored the full PFD. We debated and amended it all day today. From one, of many, special fund sources, I found 15 million to purchase land in Kodiak, plus over 66 million in agency operation overruns in Medicaid, 20 million of the Governor's choice deferred maintenance, 244 million for a new ferry, roughly 800 million to restore the rest of the PFD, about 85 million of capital Re-appropriations -most never got a full review by the legislature, about 12 million of cost overruns in the Dept of Corrections--(I was told by the Commissioner there is about 20% less prisoners in jail-- many are out on our streets) yet we were told SB91 would save money -- the prison population is down but DOC blew through their budget, in addition we had about 1.5 million overruns in the legislature, about 101 million dollars of AGENCY OPERATING OVERRUNS wrongly put in this Capital Budget, about 22 million dollars of capital project supplemental/overruns I could go on and on--the entire budget is over 2 billion.

Yes so much (maybe half) of it is federal funds--but remember the federal government is about 20 trillion in debt--those funds count--its not free money--hard working people pay significant amounts to the federal government. I was a NO vote and tried to amend the budget because I do NOT believe Agency Operation overruns in the form of "supplemental" budgets belong hidden in the CAPITAL EXPENDITURES budget-this practice disingenuous. Unbelievably, The fiscal gap grew tremendously today and I think we will be stuck in Juneau much longer.

I asked "what is it going to take to get out of Juneau?" and was told an "income tax!"

It feels to some that we are in Juneau jail and the bail is access to the bank accounts of hard working Alaskans via an unnecessary very broad based income tax! The Speaker wants and income tax to help rural Alaskan--yet there already is a tremendous amount going to rural Alaska in the budget-just one of many many examples is 65 million dollars to Village Safe Water, let alone Power Cost Equalization (there is about 1 billion in that account), hundreds of millions in healthcare, millions for Village Safety Officers, subsidized internet, millions more to Kivalina (Westlakes district) and the list goes on and on we must not forget federal help as well 8 A contracts, tribal & public health, ANCSA land settlements etc.

To Summarize this post The state Agency Operations budget still hovers around 8 billion and the total state budget over 10 billion...(about 2.5 times national average per capita) the fiscal gap is growing not shrinking-we are now headed for a bigger fiscal cliff to fall from!"

So what's really going on way down there in Juneau away from the notice of constituents?

November 6 at 10:41pm  Alaska ASD introduces new high paying position  KTUU 2 ASD introduces new high paying position  Monday evening the Anchorage School board Introduced a new position, assistant superintendent, saying the job will help improve student outcome for low performing students.

They are suppose to be finding ways to cut the costs of education, but have no problem spending the extra money, once they knew they had it to spend. “June”  3 more teachers could be hired for what they will pay him....  Politadick
November 6 at 10:53pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Crime bill stalls in House at halfway mark; chance of wage tax wanes in Senate  It's halfway through special session-- so far, changes to state crime law have taken center stage. So much so, some lawmakers think there may not be time to look at anything else.

To bad they forgot to mention that the $9 billion dollar budget, has now grown to $10 billion, with cost overruns.....

Link to budget overruns: