The Daily Signal Video The mainstream media is downplaying Donna Brazile's revelations that the DNC rigged the nomination for Hillary Clinton. And Michelle Obama goes after men for being "entitled." We’re live with this week’s Top 10 Must-See Moments—many you won’t find in the mainstream media. |
The White House Video While In Hawaii, President Trump and the First Lady had the opportunity to thank American troops at the U.S. Pacific Command and pay their respects at Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial. |
Video Tomi Lahren Rips Michelle Obama's Criticism of Female Trump Voters "I voted against Hillary Clinton" |
Alaska Charlie Huggins For Governor 4 November- Day four of the month of THANKS. We are thankful for the great men and women of the U. S. Marines. Becky and I will be attending Alaska’s Marine Corps Birthday Ball this evening. It will be the first one not attended by Alaska’s most ardent Marine and biggest supporter of all Marines- Corporal Maynard Taft- always a very special friend. May he Rest In Peace. The official birthday of the United States Marine Corps is on 10 November 1775. That was the day when the Second Continental Congress established the Continental Marines. Let’s all celebrate this terrific birthday! |
Alaska Representative Lora Reinbold This is the latest version of SB54 the claimed "fix" to SB91--it is getting quite large. We will be doing amendments to sb54 all weekend long on the house floor. Please follow us on or gavel to gavel or on the akleg ap on your phone to see who is fighting and voting for better criminal law to improve public safety! |
Alaska Representative Lora
If any of you have not used the Basis system to follow the Alaska
Legislature and laws in the works I would highly recommend you use this
system. In addition you
can watch or gavel to gavel or download akleg ap on your phone
to follow the House, Senate, meetings, livestreams etc |
Congressman Says Jeff Sessions Has Recused Himself on the Uranium One
Deal Attorney General Jeff Sessions told lawmakers in
September he was recused from appointing a special counsel to look into
the Uranium One deal. Time for Sessions to step down from his position and pass the job onto someone who can do the job Politadick |
John Kelly says Hillary Clinton should be investigated by a Mueller-style probe John Kelly said the Russia investigation is "very distracting to the president." Keep on waiting for the truth to come out and charges filed...... |
Alaska Public Media
Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling
Anthropologists with the University of Alaska Fairbanks say a site
they’re excavating near the Delta River west of Fort Greely was first
inhabited by…
AK: Anthropologists excavate 13,000-year-old secrets near Fort Greely“It
looks like a big excavation. But it’s maybe 2 percent, 5 percent of the
overall area. So we’re just scratching the surface. No pun intended.” I love Alaska’s History Politadick |
Alaska Congressman Don
Young Video
Tonight I recorded a brief video update for Alaskans on the important
work we’re doing in Congress. It’s been a good week – a good for Alaska
and a good for the nation.
We’ve been able to pass a number of bills out of the U.S. House and hold
hearings on a wide range of important legislation, including one that I
sponsored – H.R. 221, the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act.
Importantly, we had a hearing in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Committee, chaired by Senator Lisa Murkowski, on oil and gas development
in the 1002 Area of ANWR and the benefit it holds for Alaska and the
nation. As many of you saw, I took a little different approach to
illustrate the surface impact of developing in the 1002 Area. ANWR “The Dot On The End Of My Nose” Politadick |
Alaska Vote SB91/SB54 Hum... 18Y and 22N, but the board is not exactly the same. Could they actually be independents? |
Alaska KTUU 2
Anchorage hospitals see significant increase in newborns suffering from
opioid withdrawal The rising number of Alaskans using
and abusing narcotic painkillers has financial and human impacts far
beyond those grappling with addiction.
At Providence hospital, 143 babies have been treated so far this year
for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome -- that means they're born addicted to
opioids. There were just 97 in 2014 and 2015 combined. We should all thank “He Who Shall Not Be Named” for his contribution for making this epidemic grow in Alaska..... Expansion of Free Healthcare, SB91 and now another crime bill that is still soft on making things a crime SB54. Meth, Heroin and Fentanyl are the drugs of choice and when they get caught, they sign them up on Free Healthcare and get other opioids, for a time free, at Alaskans expense..... Politadick |
Alaska ADN
Climate change driven almost entirely by human action, says report
released by Trump administration The White House did not seek to
prevent the release of the government's National Climate Assessment,
which is mandated by law, despite the fact…
One of the EPA's web pages posted scientific conclusions similar to
those in the new report until earlier this year, when administrator
Scott Pruitt's deputies ordered it removed. Inside the ADN Article is the “BOMB SHELL REPORT” well should say most of what they had to say... as reported by the “New York Times”. See what a non-left run news media had to say.... Posting of Video pinned to the top of the page. I've been holding back trying to not to comment on "He Who Shall Not Be Named" announcement on signing us all into the Paris Accord. Now that I have gathered all the facts and with what the New York Times released yesterday, I half to weigh in...... New York Times Broke This Story: (Let me point out this is a "Draft" that was obtained by the New York Times. It was started back in 2015 and nearly all was written prior to President Trump taking office. It has not been thoroughly vetted by peer-review. Also Important to point out that this 477-page report was already accessible to anyone who cared to read it during the public review and comment time and few did. $1,100,000,000,000 Trillion Dollars has been reported being spent on Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling, can anybody tell me what all that money has done to stop it from happening?) "The report has provoked consternation in scientific circles for months. Though the study has been in the works since 2015, several scientists said the election of Mr. Trump, who has labeled climate change a “canard” and appointed cabinet members who disputed the scientific consensus, caused them to worry the report would be blocked or buried." Said the New York Times... There is no coincidence that the New York Times has, as they claim, have a "BOOM SHELL BREAKING REPORT", just as President Trump is about to head overseas. (For Those paying attention, when the left is trying to cover something up, story"s like this get released and every time President Trump travels abroad. or Closer to home, someone we all know, is buying the Native Vote, one chess piece move at a time. Link to collusion of "He Who Shall Not Be Named" buying the Native Vote in Alaska, 3 part series: ) Many things in this report, have been and still are being disputed in the scientific circles for months now and ultimately at this point in time they cannot definitively say that humans are the cause, but do agree we have contributed to it. (Cutting down the Rain Forest, China and their pollution and we can't forget all the other 3rd world countries that in one month produce more pollution then the USA DOES ALL YEAR!) I first remember hearing this in the Seventy's, Global Cooling then...(Proven not to be True) Next they called it Global Warming....(That turned out to be another title that died) Now they call it Climate Change, that it's happening "Happening for 4,500,000,000 billion years now" and is man made. In Alaska this Seems to come up every time we half to move another Village because their land is melting and eroding away. Yet when you truly look at what is the problem, pollution. The bigger problem is, how to SCARE the average person into actually care about it, Call it Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling and now you have the perfect device to SCARE people into doing something..... Those that started the scare, have come out and said, that ultimately their data, is as flawed, as is what is being used today and cannot, with any certainty, even give you what percentage of Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling is man made. Now Last Week: "He Who Shall Not Be Named" came out and made a unilateral decision, without asking for Alaskan's to weigh in on this, if this is what we all wanted to do. (Same thing he did when the decision to expand healthcare in Alaska) That alone has cost Alaskans millions for the healthcare, $60,000,000 million the last few years for those keeping track and over the last ten years, Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling has cost Alaskans over a $1,000,000,000 billion. Your thinking, now what in the world has cost us a Billion Dollars? Moving all those villages, doesn't come cheap, and if you listen to what he said during his news cast on KTVA 11, signing Alaska into the Paris Accord, it was all about the money he wants, to move more Villages. He made that point very clear that day. In case you missed it, here is a link: One Question I will leave you with: What percentage of "Climate Change/Global Warming/Global cooling and with proof, has humans caused? 477 pages of reading and not once did I find anything, that can answer that simple question...... Politadick Update 11/7/2017: This Story now has 6 parts to it, follow links below for the full story: Part one of six... (link ) Part two of six... (link ) Part three of six... (link ) Part four of six... (link ) Part five of six... (Link ) Part six of six... (Link ) |
Alaskan's Against Gov
Walker PFD Theft Picture
Just some criminals The three on the left seem very happy to see their boss visiting them. I’m sure they all wanted to shake his hand for the vacation he is giving them because of SB91 and really appreciate that SB54 doesn’t affect their current life styles when they get released. I’m sure the free Healthcare they will get when they get out will, completely change their lives for the better also. Politadick |
Alaska Republican Assembly
Forum Picture
Perhaps, since our legislature is modeled after the US Congress, we
could say that a large group of Juvenile Baboons is a legislature. Politadick |
Fox News Video President Donald J. Trump speaks to troops at Yokota Air Base in Tokyo, Japan for the first stop of a 13 day trip through Asia. |