November 1 at 6:50am  Fox News  De Blasio, Cuomo, Scarborough Blast Trump for 'Politicizing' NYC Terror Attack  New York Democrats immediately went after President Trump on Tuesday, accusing him of politicizing the New York City terror attack that left eight people dead.

The left doesn’t like being proven wrong about their policies and are trying to cover their a$$es... Politadick
November 1 at 6:59am  Fox News  John Podesta: I Am Victim of 'Big Lie Campaign' by Trump   John Podesta accused President Donald J. Trump of "asking the Russians to hack our campaign" and said he is now the target of a "big lie campaign" by the president.

Democrats always try and say it’s not them, even though all evidence keeps bringing the conspiracy back into their laps.....  Politadick
November 1 at 7:00am  The Daily Signal  Does the New York terror attack reinforce the need for extreme vetting?  Heritage Foundation expert, David Inserra joins us live with his take on the recent events.
November 1 at 7:01am  Fox News Video   New York City Police Commissioner James O'Neill, Mayor Bill de Blasio and officials hold a news conference regarding the investigation into the terrorist act that occurred in lower Manhattan on Tuesday. 

This made me chuckle yesterday.....   Politadick
November 1 at 7:17am  Alaska   Quote of the day: No more petroleum economy for Alaska -Might be awkward when he testifies before the Senate Energy Committee on Thursday about how we need to open ANWR Coastal Plain for oil.  Must Read Alaska  "As the governor mentioned, a significant aspect …

They are extremely bad for Alaska’s future.  This is now the second unilaterally decided executive order that “He who shall not be Named” has done and has guaranteed that Alaska has no future.  His decisions has cost Alaskans BILLIONS in future and current revenues and they are pandering to the Native Corporations and the Left.  Politadick
November 1 at 8:25am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 408  An Islamist terrorist rams a truck into innocents in New York, the media react, and more Civil War controversy breaks out.
November 1 at 10:37am  PragerU  Video  Radical thinking is alive and well in the Islamic world. 
November 1 at 10:51am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Ben Shapiro takes on Ben Affleck and the myth that only a tiny minority of Muslims worldwide are radical.
Well, it's not tiny and it's not a minority!

The myth of the tiny radical Muslim minority… “Majority”

Here are the 15 countries, with total population shown followed by number of radicalized followers:

Indonesia - 205 million, 143 million
Egypt - 80 million, 55.2 million
Pakistan - 179 million, 135.4 mill​ion
Bangladesh - 149 million, 121.9 million
Nigeria - 75.7 million, 53.7 million
Iran - 74.8 million, 62.1 million
Turkey - 74.7 million, 23.9 million
Morocco - 32.4 million, 24.6 million
Iraq - 31.1 million, 24.3 million
Afghanistan - 24 million, 24 millilon
Jordan - 6.4 million, 3.8 million
Palestinian areas - 4.3 million, 3.83 million
France - 4.7 million, 1.6 million
Great Britain - 2.8 million, 2.2 million
United States - 2.6 million, 500,000
Of the 942,400,000 total population of the 15 countries listed, 680,030,000 espouse radical ideologies.

I posted this back in June and it’s clear now it needs to be posted again...

Wow, if all the news media in USA was to give this air time, I think people's views in the world would change dramatically....

Facts not fiction.....
November 1 at 11:16am  The Daily Signal  LIVE: Sarah Huckabee Sanders answers questions from the media at the White House press briefing.
November 1 at 1:31pm  Fox News Video  Officer Ryan Nash, who took down the New York City terror suspect, makes a statement.
November 1 at 2:22pm  Fox News Video  Representatives from the mosque that NYC terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov attended when he lived in Ohio make a statement and answer questions.

 It might just be me, but there was something said near the beginning that makes me think they know more then their telling. I think it was the second guy speaking, Since I didn’t see who was talking.....
November 1 at 2:22pm  Fox News Video  Federal terrorism charges are announced against NYC terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov. 
November 1 at 4:33pm  Alaska Senate Majority  16 of Alaska's 20 state senators signed a joint letter this week urging Congress to allow resource development in ANWR. Read the letter here: https://goo.gl/rzqFVT

Can somebody explain why there was not a unanimous signing? Would be nice to know why they didn’t.  Future elections are coming....  Politadick
November 1 at 4:38pm  ABC News  White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders begins briefing with extended tax analogy involving reporters and beer.

This goes with what I Posted a couple of days ago.  Link to written one. Senator Shelly Hughes posted back in June.  https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1544827822244900 
November 1 at 6:28pm  OANN Liz Wheeler Video  If your first reaction to the terror attack in NYC is accusing people of Islamophobia, that's just stupid!
November 1 at 6:33pm  Simpson's Video  Here's How Our Goverment adn The Mainstream Media, Distract You From More Important Issues.  It's called "predictive programming" ...... Google it.

Why can I believe this is what happens, every time the Democrats are trying to cover something up? Can even name several Rino’s that fall in this category.....   Politadick
November 1 at 6:43pm  Alaska  Congressman Don Young ALERT: Tomorrow, at 9:30 AM (EDT) 5:30 AM (AK) I will join a united group of Alaskans in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, chaired by Senator Lisa Murkowski, to speak in favor of development in ANWR’s coastal plain – an area specifically set aside by Congress for future oil and gas exploration.   You will hear directly from me and a number of Alaskans, including Senator Dan Sullivan, Governor Walker, and those whose families have called the North Slope home for millennia on this renewed push to safely and responsibly develop the 10-02 area -- efforts that are being done through the budget reconciliation process.  For a wide range of reasons, an overwhelming majority of Alaskans support ending the moratorium on development in the non-wilderness area of ANWR, including: national security elements, energy independence, creation of new jobs and opportunity for Alaska and the nation, and a measured way to strengthen Alaska's economic outlook and begin dealing with our nation’s growing debt. I look forward to continuing this important discussion and one and for all moving an ANWR package back to the President's desk.  If you can, tune in @ https://www.energy.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/live-webcast

Tomorrow’s Early bird special.... time to really hear what our lawmakers and governor have to say....  Politadick
November 1 at 6:50pm  Alaska Public Media  Murkowski has Alaskans lined up to discuss the benefits of drilling in ANWR at the hearing. They include every statewide elected officeholder – herself, her Senate colleague and Congressman Don Young, as well as the governor and the lieutenant governor.  Can Congress squeeze $1b from ANWR?   For decades, environmental groups warned Big Oil would plunder the Arctic Refuge if Congress opened the area to drilling. Now, ahead of a Senate hearing, the environmental argument…

Let’s get it passed and get that oil finally flowing at capacity again  Politadick
November 1 at 8:31pm  Astro's Win The World Series  Video  Congratulations Astros Baseball, your 2017 World Series Champions!
November 1 at 8:56pm  Alaska KTUU 2 MatSu says no violations at Dallas Seavey kennel after complaint filed  MatSu Borough officials said Wednesday night that a complaint against musher Dallas Seavey's kennel was investigated, but no violations were found.  "“This complaint is absolutely false,” Mat-Su Borough Mayor Vern Halter said in a press release Wednesday night...
November 1 at 8:57pm  Alaska  Senator Dan Sullivan  Video  Beginning at 5:30am AK time tomorrow (sorry Alaska!), you can watch the hearing in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on opening the 1002 area ofANWR. For you later risers, the hearing will be going until around 10 a.m. Watch here: https://www.energy.senate.gov/…/hearings-and-business-meeti…

Get to work and get that oil flowing  Politadick
November 1 at 9:01pm  Alaska  Video  "For Crying Out Loud Just Fix The Debt"
November 1 at 9:23pm  Alaska ADN  5 women overdose in 24 hours at Eagle River prison  Four of the women were admistered Narcan, a drug which reverses opioid overdoses, the Alaska Department of Corrections said.  The Alaska Department of Corrections is still trying to determine exactly what drug caused the overdoses.

What was the total savings “He who shall not be Named” has saved the state in funding for our jail system? 

Let’s see.... SB91, SB54 (almost) ($600,000+ saved...)

Yet, has spent for Alaska a total of....  expansion of healthcare ($60,000,000 million Alaska tax payers paid the last two years and by year 2020 Alaska will be responsible for almost all of the expansion costs with no federal coverage), billions in future oil revenues lost...(Exxon and Shell comes to mind), gas-Line to nowhere ($110,000,000), “Climate Change” (Nearly a $1,000,000,000 billion in the last 10 years, “He who shall not be Named” has spent nearly half of that during his term), OMG THIS LIST IS WAY TOO LONG TO CONTINUE.....

November 1 at 9:40pm  Home Depot Founder Blasts US Immigration Policy, "We Have Enough Screwballs"  After ISIS uses a Home Depot truck, the co-founder of the company comes out swinging against U.S. immigration policy.

  well said....  Politadick