Alaska KTVA 11 Climate
Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling
Bogoslof volcano erupts again; forces aviation alert
An Alaska volcano that has been active for nearly six months has erupted
again. New land ahead. But wait we need to put this thing out it's causing global warming! Politadick |
Unpopular but true: "rights" don't make commodities magically appear. Daily Wire Media Rip Republican Who Won't Say Every American Is ‘Entitled To Eat.’ But He's Not Wrong. Here's Why. | Ben Shapiro
While Hannity remains under fire, left-wing counterpart Maddow escapes scrutiny | | Media Equalizer |
WATCH LIVE: Press Secretary Sean Spicer holds a press briefing after Mike Dubke announced his resignation as The White House communications director | Fox News Video
How an effort to make Homer a welcoming city divided the town and led to
a recall election A campaign is underway to recall half the
Homer city council on charges that they "ripped apart the social fabric"
of the "once peaceful community" when… A city resolution written to lament America’s polarized politics and endorse tolerance has had Homer residents at each other’s throats. |
With Legislature gridlocked, Alaska state employees warned of potential
shutdown -- again Nearly 20,000 state workers got emails
Tuesday with a one-month warning of pink slips if the Legislature
doesn't pass a budget by July 1. Without the passage of a state budget, the layoff warnings are the latest milestone in the Legislature's march toward the end of the fiscal year. |
Alaska Budget and
Government Size Numbers Here Alaska ADN
U.S. Missile Defense conducts anti-ICBM system successfully On Tuesday, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency announced it conducted a successful test of a system designed to shoot down intercontinental ballistic… “Today was clearly good news,” Senator Dan Sullivan said. “That was the first time that we’ve tested and then intercepted an ICBM type missile.” | Alaska Public Media
Alaska Senator Natasha Von Imhof
Click the link below for the Alaska State House Bipartisan Coalition's
new survey. I just filled it out and checked the box "strongly oppose"
for an Alaska State income tax. Let your voice be heard. (Let's take this one question @ a time and break the house bill down.....) #1"Go-it-Alone on LNG Project" Exxon, BP and ConocoPhillips have opted out of the Alaska LNG pipeline project from the North Slope to Nikiski. Do you support or oppose the State of Alaska going-it-alone on the project? (As stated, all of the people involved or was involved in the LNG project want nothing to do with it. We know there is 50 million dollars that can be used this year to fund state services that is budgeted to the LNG Project, which will still leave it enough money to keep the process/project moving forward while looking for investors. Those who are paying attention know this.) AS LONG AS THE 50 MILL IS BEING USED TO SUPPORT THE BUDGET AND THE REST FOR MOVING THE PROJECT FORWARD I STRONGLY SUPPORT. IF NOT THEN I STRONGLY OPPOSE. Go-it-Alone on LNG Project dropdowns Pick one:
Strongly Support "State Spending" In your opinion, is current state spending too high, about right or too low? (Alaska is #1 per capita in spending per person and #1 in government size out of 50 states. There needs to be another choice to pick from...: OMG ARE YOU BLIND REDUCE THE SPENDING) State Spending dropdowns Pick one:
Too high #3"State Spending Limit" In your opinion, is current state spending too high, about right or too low? (Didn't I just answer this in #2. If your referring to the cap of 4 billion, then it's just right. The cap should never exceed what the state brings in for taxes and they need to put all the money they have taken from everyone's PFD's back into the fund where it belongs. Also below the title for the pick one is either miss titled or they are being very misleading with this question???!!!!!!‼️) Cap PFD for General Services dropdowns Pick one:
Strongly Support #4 "Cap PFD for General Services" Do you support capping the dividend and using the balance of Permanent Fund earnings for general public services? (This question should be a no brainer for Alaskans to answer. HANDS OFF OUR PFD's‼️‼️‼️‼️ There are many ways for you to reduce the budget, branches of government jobs that can be removed due to being obsolete. Work requirements for the able body individuals for snap, energy assistance, housing or any other aid received. If you live in a rural area and cannot support your lifestyle it's time to stop enabling people to stay on these programs and they need to support themselves. These programs are there to help those who are not able to work/disabled/elderly. The abuse of these programs has been allowed for way to long. Draining resources away from those who truly need it. It's also there to Give a hand up for those able to work but have fallen on hard times. IT IS NOT a lifestyle to be USED AS WAY TO MAKE A LIVING, as many in the rural areas are doing now. Also it happens in non rural areas too, but when you break down the costs, rural areas are spending more the the well populated ares are. Require all rural residents to pay a $50 per person a month for travel expenses for healthcare. If they choose to live there they should be responsible to pay there own travel for there lifestyle and choice to live in rural areas. Only "sarcasm" 20 million spent in 2017 this year for travel from these areas for healthcare. I could go on for hours how you can fix the spending without ever touching the PFD's). Cap PFD for General Services dropdowns Pick one:
Strongly Support #5 "Sales Tax" Do you support or oppose enacting a statewide sales tax? (This question should be a no brainer for Alaskans to answer also. NO‼️‼️‼️ cut the budget and reduce government size!) Sales Tax dropdowns Pick one:
Strongly Support #6 "Income Tax" Do you support or oppose enacting a statewide income tax? (This question should be a no brainer for Alaskans to answer also. NO‼️‼️‼️ cut the budget and reduce government size!) Income Tax dropdowns Pick one:
Strongly Support #7 "Which Source?" Among options for addressing Alaska's fiscal gap, which do you most prefer? (Wow, this one is a loaded question‼️pick one of the three choices below. Do not look for the person behind the curtain there is nothing to see here. This question should be a no brained for Alaskans to answer also. NO‼️‼️‼️ this question needs another option to choose from. Here's one for you: CUT THE BUDGET AND REDUCE GOVERNMENT SIZE‼️ also see answers to question #1 & 4) Which Source dropdowns Pick one:
Use of Permanent Fund Earnings #8 "Motor Fuel Tax" Do you support or oppose increasing taxes on motor fuels sold for cars, boats and airplanes? (Show me another place that pays higher prices for gas then Alaska does already. This is another no brainer answer. NO‼️) Motor Fuel Tax dropdowns Pick one:
Strongly Support #9 "K-12 Education Funding" Is funding for K-12 education: (Simple to answer question, but to be really honest you need to add UAA's spending also, combined it is a billion over budget for the amount of people being educated in Alaska) K-12 Education Funding dropdowns Pick one:
Too low #10 "Tax Credits" Alaska's oil tax credit system was designed to encourage small independent firms to explore for new oil in Alaska. Do you support or oppose reducing the terms of Alaska's oil tax credit system? (Tax credits never should have been given in the first place. They have resulted in 0 returns for the 3+ billion it has cost Alaskan tax payers. GLAD TO SEE THEY ARE BEING ELIMINATED‼️‼️) Re-consider Tax Credits dropdowns Pick one:
Strongly Support |