May 15, 2017 at 6:45am  National Review Voter Fraud:  Why Are Democrats Afraid of Investigating Election Fraud? Think Hard...  Last Thursday, President Trump announced the formation of a bipartisan commission to investigate voter irregularities and fraud... They know that the voter rolls are breeding grounds for potential fraud.
May 15, 2017 at 6:46am  Alaska  www.borough.ketchikan.ak.us   Working on my research for a resolution I am presenting at tomorrows Borough Assembly Meeting:  “Resolution 2716 Calling on the Governor and Legislature of the State of Alaska to Eliminate Discriminatory State Practices Imposing Costs on Residents Based Upon Borough, Home Rule City or First Class City Incorporation.”  The short story is the citizens of Ketchikan and the other organized areas of the state are paying millions in property taxes each year for education, while ½ of the state continues to pay nothing and has all education costs provided for free.  This disparity results in the state budget deficit being higher, and will result in higher state taxes and likely future tax increases for our community.  It is not fair for our citizens and Alaskans in other incorporated areas to pay more… all so that others can continue to pay nothing.  Since I have been unable to get Rep. Ortiz to represent us regarding this disparity, I am doing what I can locally. Wish me luck.  For more information, see the attached link.
May 15, 2017 at 5:37pm  Alaska Senate Majority  Senate Ends Oil Tax Credit Program  JUNEAU – The state will stop offering cash tax credits to oil companies at the end of this year, following a Senate vote today.   The state will stop offering cash tax credits to oil companies at the end of this year, following a Senate vote today.
May 15, 2017 at 10:14pm  Conservative Daily  Obama Refused to Do It Last Year — But Tonight, President Trump Turned the White House Blue  "Amazing to finally see the White House lit blue..."   FINALLY.