June 28, 2017 at 9:33am  Alaska  KTVA 11 Alaskans rally downtown, urge lawmakers to vote ‘no’ on GOP healthcare bill Alaskans are continuing to voice their concerns, as a crowd gathered in front of Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s office Tuesday in downtown Anchorage, holding signs and chanting about their opposition to the healthcare bill.

So Alaska is going to half to make the tough choice of covering the elderly, disabled, kids and mothers or keep paying for able-body people who don't work, because there are no jobs where they live.  Hmmmmm elderly or able-body people....  Politadick
June 28, 2017 at 10:48am  The Daily Signal  Cosmopolitan listed 7 women who they think could be America’s first female president, but left conservative women off. Who do women really think could be the first female president? We’re live to find out.
June 29, 2017 at 12:04am  Milo Watch: Bernie Sanders Blames Wife’s Bank Fraud Investigation On Donald Trump – MILO NEWS