Gov. Walker signs bill establishing Indigenous Peoples Day in Alaska
Alaska Governor Bill Walker signed a House Bill into law Saturday,
honoring the history and heritage of the state's first people's.
"Alaska's Native Peoples are an integral part of the spiritual,
cultural, political, and historic fabric of what is now the Last
Frontier," Governor Walker said in a release from his office. This landed on Columbus Day.... Politadick |
Alaska KTUU 2
Pride Fest celebrates 40 years in Anchorage Hundreds of people turned out in downtown Anchorage for the 40th annual Pride Fest. | Alaska KTVA 11
Alaska Representative Lora Reinbold
A MUST WATCH 3 MIN VIDEO--Why I VOTED NO ON THE BUDGET-BECAUSE WE MUST HAVE AN HONEST CONVERSATION ABOUT THE BUDGET WITH ALASKANS & HAVE HONEST CUTS BEFORE GOVERNMENT EVEN CONSIDERS CAPPING THE PFD! Although I am strongly against a Government shut down I passionately voted NO, once again,, on the over 9 billion dollar annual state Operating Budget, why, because meaningful reductions were missing! The Denali Sized budget, included hundreds of million is government budget "supplemental/overruns" many from Dept Of Health & Soc Services which, is already over 2.7 billion dollar budget (there were about 6 million in bonuses too employees too)! Remember last year, the legislature and Gov Walker claimed that SB 47 "Medicaid reform" would save the state hundreds of millions?--I am here to say that is just not true-it was a fib! This is a MUST WATCH speech highlighting Why I voted NO, not only because of the Denali sized budget, but because the Government took about half your PFD without making meaningful reductions!… Everything I have been saying for months now has come true! In 2018, everything below is going to happen again! The ones that are looking out for Alaska's people and not governments pocket books are being systematically removed… That should have every Alaskan in fear over our futures Governor Walker and the House is playing the shell game with Alaskans and now looks like many in the Senate are joining them Just read all the new taxes already being talked about again, with plans to permanently cap the dividend Don't fall for their trap! Now they are going to take half the PFD again and say its for education. They are doing this to push their taxes through! House voted to take all Savings, PFD Reserves, gave government a huge raise that drained savings to nothing with their budget they passed. Can Alaskans be that stupid? Second Biggest budget in Alaska's history. No savings left, still wanting all their new taxes and by doing what they did. They would guarantee those taxes in the next budget. All focus is on the PFD and not on the futures of all ALASKANS! They did it so they will be reelected next year! Don't fall for the trap! Cut the budget, cut government size, stay out of the PFD, NO NEW TAXES Politadick Update 11/7/2017: This Story now has 6 parts to it, follow links below for the full story:
Part one of six... (link ) |
GLOBAL WARMING IS A SCAM - 1 But, Pope Francis says ''destroying the environment is a sin''. {{ This mean... If we are destroying the Earth, then they have a 'right to kill' us through Agenda 21 }} Video explanation: Al Gore sued by over 30,000 Scientists for fraud on the basis that Global warming is a scam. John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel is one of the scientists who would like to sue Al Gore. He believes the legal challenge will settle the global warming debate once and for all. How did this become such a huge accepted scam? This has become an environmental religion, which is embraced everywhere, by media and the people in Hollywood. It is believed that it will bring the world to an End. . GLOBAL WARMING AND AGENDA 21 / SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IS A SCAM. Listen to this Video, The Weather Channel co-founder John Coleman something to say about it!…/weather-channel-founder-climate…/ ~GLOBAL WARMING IS A FRAUD It is based on propaganda and corrupt science, as a means to implement Cap & Trade schemes as well as countless regulations to kill liberty by expanding global government and stifle economic growth. The evidence of this fraud has been exposed in numerous scandals:…/environment/global-warming… . ~‘Climate Change’ According To Pope Francis.…/ . ~UN Ignites Agenda 21! Pope Calls Religions To Lead it! |
Climate Change/Global
Warming/Global Cooling