June 24 at 9:16am  Alaskans Against Governor Walkers PFD Theft

Everything I have been saying for months now has come true!

In 2018, everything below is going to happen again!

The ones that are looking out for Alaska's people and not governments pocket books are being systematically removed… That should have every Alaskan in fear over our futures

Governor Walker and the House is playing the shell game with Alaskans and now looks like many in the Senate are joining them

Don't fall for their trap! Now they are going to take half the PFD again and say its for education.

They are doing this to push their taxes through!

House voted to take all Savings, PFD Reserves, gave government a huge raise that drained savings to nothing with their budget they passed.

Can Alaskans be that stupid to think what they did by saying they are giving us a full PFD is a good deal?

Second Biggest budget in Alaska's history. No savings left, still wanting all their new taxes and by doing what they did. They would guarantee those taxes in the next budget.

All focus is on the PFD and not on the futures of all ALASKANS! They did it so they will be reelected next year!

Don't fall for the trap! Cut the budget, cut government size, stay out of the PFD, NO NEW TAXES

June 24, 2017 at 10:21am  Conservative Daily  Clinton Campaign Chief Podesta Called To Testify Before Congress  This about raps up in a nut shell the hearing questions of who is up next.... 

This about raps up in a nut shell the hearing questions of who is up next....  Politadick
June 24, 2017 at 10:57am  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  Video  Telling it like it is Nofilter My first remarks since I voted no on the budget bill - voting my conscience on behalf of my district, on what the people I serve asked me to stand for, while also being a voice for 1000s of other Alaskans statewide who don't support a budget that was too high, a budget that ignored the current PFD formula in statute (so you'll each receive an est. $1100 less), and that sets the stage for new and increased taxes on Alaskans (absent of a change in resolve of lawmakers and governor). I don't begrudge the consequences of my exit from the caucus - I understood what they would be before my vote - but I do think it's time for the archaic caucus rule to be abolished.

Senator Shelly Hughes was live.  Thank You for trying to do what is right for all Alaskans  Politadick
June 24, 2017 at 12:10pm  Fox News Video  "The whole point of all of this...is to reduce gun violence, and it doubled."  Tucker Carlson faced off with an anti-gun activist who supports the Seattle gun tax, despite the fact that the city's murder rate has increased since the tax has been in place. 

If they were to follow the laws and get the gang members and criminal elements off the streets. Gun violence would nearly disappear.  Politadick
June 24, 2017 at 1:10pm  Alaska  KTVA 11 ANSEP aims to excite students about STEM Alaska Native students utilized their STEM skills in the coolest way.
June 24 at 3:41pm  Alaska Senator Natasha von Imhof   Newsletter, Second Special Session  The decisions and behavior being adopted now are to help position both parties during elections that will take place a year from now. Oil taxes and cashable credits, income taxes, budget cuts and the Permanent Fund Dividend will all be political talking points to be used for or against candidates.

Everything I have been saying for months now has come true!

In 2018, everything below is going to happen again!

The ones that are looking out for Alaska's people and not governments pocket books are being systematically removed… That should have every Alaskan in fear over our futures

Governor Walker and the House is playing the shell game with Alaskans and now looks like many in the Senate are joining them

Just read all the new taxes already being talked about again, with plans to permanently cap the dividend

Don't fall for their trap! Now they are going to take half the PFD again and say its for education.

They are doing this to push their taxes through!

House voted to take all Savings, PFD Reserves, gave government a huge raise that drained savings to nothing with their budget they passed.

Can Alaskans be that stupid to think what they did by saying they are giving us a full PFD is a good deal?

Second Biggest budget in Alaska's history. No savings left, still wanting all their new taxes and by doing what they did. They would guarantee those taxes in the next budget. 

All focus is on the PFD and not on the futures of all ALASKANS! They did it so they will be reelected next year!  Don't fall for the trap! Cut the budget, cut government size, stay out of the PFD, NO NEW TAXES


June 24 at 3:43pm  Alaska Senator Natasha von Imhof  Newsletter, Second Special Session  The decisions and behavior being adopted now are to help position both parties during elections that will take place a year from now. Oil taxes and cashable credits, income taxes, budget cuts and the Permanent Fund Dividend will all be political talking points to be used for or against candidates. 

Everything I have been saying for months now has come true!

In 2018, everything below is going to happen again!

The ones that are looking out for Alaska's people and not governments pocket books are being systematically removed… That should have every Alaskan in fear over our futures

Governor Walker and the House is playing the shell game with Alaskans and now looks like many in the Senate are joining them

Just read all the new taxes already being talked about again, with plans to permanently cap the dividend

Don't fall for their trap! Now they are going to take half the PFD again and say its for education.

They are doing this to push their taxes through!

House voted to take all Savings, PFD Reserves, gave government a huge raise that drained savings to nothing with their budget they passed.

Can Alaskans be that stupid to think what they did by saying they are giving us a full PFD is a good deal?

Second Biggest budget in Alaska's history. No savings left, still wanting all their new taxes and by doing what they did. They would guarantee those taxes in the next budget.

All focus is on the PFD and not on the futures of all ALASKANS! They did it so they will be reelected next year!

Don't fall for the trap! Cut the budget, cut government size, stay out of the PFD, NO NEW TAXES


June 24, 2017 at 7:02pm  Alaska  ADN The Russians are coming (back)  Dr. Mikhail Malakhov, Russia’s most celebrated polar explorer, is returning to Alaska for the ninth time in almost as many years, to retrace portage and trade routes used by early Russian explorers.  Russia’s most celebrated polar explorer wants to foster good relations between Alaskans and Russians — people to people, if not government to government.