June 14, 2017 at 12:01am  Alaska Public Media   No hearing for Senate health bill and, says Murkowski, no sighting, either  Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she's not happy with the fast-track process the Senate Majority…   Senator Lisa Murkowski  “Yeah, I got a problem with it,” she said, of the process. “If I’m not going to see a bill before we have a vote on it, that’s just not a good way to handle something that is as significant and important as health care.”

Have you ever wondered why Democrats/Rino's have not offered any plans to make the healthcare bill better for all Americans? Instead, Just complain they cannot see it. Why They Can't Put something together on their own and submit it to the Senate committee and or House committee when it was there?

Answer: To blame others, so they can be reelected.

They would rather have you think that having Obama healthcare insurance is the cats meow!

Currently you are paying $10,000 a year for your insurance card and still half to pay a $10,000 deductible before it can even be used. Just to find out your insurance doesn't cover the medical issue you are having. Meow indeed! $20,000 a year! Just to have insurance. ($20,000 First number to pay attention too)

They want you to think 24 million people will not be covered under the new healthcare bill, but fail to tell you the whole truth. That those 24 million have chosen not to have it! Not that they can't get it...

Why do Democrats/Rino's/(people who don't pay for it anyways) and Americans that get it for free because of income, think universal healthcare or mandated insurance is a Right and not a Privilege and is the only plan that will work? (Because they don't pay for it!)

But if they were to do this, it will add trillions of debt to the debt clock every year. Unless they can tax you 50% or more of your income! Why don't they tell you this? Because they won't be reelected.

Why are our representatives telling all Alaskans that we will pay the highest costs for healthcare under this new bill? But are not telling you that we are already are paying that cost right now? Why? Because they won't be reelected.

It's now 2017 and finding actual #'s for what healthcare costs has become in our states budget and private, is darn near impossible to find.

But research by UAA in 2010 shows 7.5 billion dollars was paid in Alaska that year for healthcare. THIS WAS IN 2010!!!

4.5 billion dollars fed and state funded potion of that and the another 3 billion was privately paid for by employers, individual insured and out of pocket.

Now let's take the 710,000 people in Alaska back in 2010 and the 7.5 billion spent by the State of Alaska as a whole.

If Each of the 710,000 Alaskans are paying their fair share, you would pay out pocket $10,563 dollars per person in Alaska. ("Pay attention to this number it's now been repeated,") it's the same amount as what they a telling us right now, we will pay under this new health bill.

Since the state can't hand you a bill for that, they will half to tax you for it. (Part of the current budget problems our state is dealing with, but they don't want to talk about that when discussing 2017 budget. Nor do they want to acknowledge the 1 billion dollar increase in the budget they are working on, is to cover healthcare costs)

This means each person from the age of 1 second to 200 years will need to come up with that money every year. Family of 3, man, woman and 1 child would half to pay $31,689 dollars a year to pay their far share.

Now for the real but kicker... roughly only 350,000 people in Alaska had jobs. So if we working Alaskans half to pay this bill would come out to $21,428 dollars per working person to pay the bill per year. ("Pay attention to this # also, it matches the second one given too you and comes up again")

Now can someone explain to me how Government being involved in healthcare benifits everyone? Seems the only ones who like the idea and is truly benefiting, are the ones that are not paying for it anyways.


320,000,000 million Americans 2017
3.2 trillion dollars spent on healthcare 
Only 150,000,000 million employed
Costing each working person $21,333 per working person to cover universal healthcare. (Notice how THAT NUMBER MATCHES ALASKA's cost per person)

Only 6.6 trillion dollars collected in 2017 from federal, state and local taxes. 7.1 Trillion spent. A 500 billion dollar deficit.

With universal healthcare for all, means that there will only 3.3 trillion dollars to cover everything else that isn't healthcare related.

Currently spending US break down: 
healthcare 24% 1.76 trillion, Pensions 23%, education 15%, defense 13%, other 24% (like infrastructure, welfare, etc)


Healthcare 50% 3.2 trillion , pensions 23%, education 10%, defense 13%, other 4% (welfare only). Their will not be no money left for anything else and Americans will never give up their welfare….

To cover the cost of universal healthcare and not affect the spending on anything else, approximately they would have to raise taxes to 50% for all Americans that are working. Or as I stated above earlier, a $1.7 trillion deficit will be added to the US budget each year to cover the health care cost.

So now you know.....

June 14, 2017 at 12:40am  Alaska Permanent Fund Defenders  PFD  Join the SAVE THE PFD RALLY to show your thanks and support to the PFD Lawsuit "Dream Team" - Wielechowski, Halford and Tillion! They have defended the Permanent Fund for many years and volunteered long hours on this lawsuit to restore the PFD to Alaskans. Send a message to lawmakers that we are organizing for a referendum if they pass a law to grab more PFD money from the People's Fund. RALLY NEXT TUES 6/20, Anchorage at 303 K. St., front of Boney Court, Anchorage at 11am to 1pm. Family-friendly event - kids are Alaska shareholders, too. Lawsuit hearing starts at 1:30pm (5th floor) Open to the Public
June 14, 2017 at 12:57am  Ben Shapiro Video takes on Ben Affleck and the myth that only a tiny minority of Muslims worldwide are radical. 

MUST SHARE VIDEO  MUST SHARE VIDEO  Wow, if all the news media in USA was to give this air time, I think people's views in the world would change dramatically....  Politadick
June 14, 2017 at 8:18am  Fox News Video  Watch LIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi address the House of Representatives on the shooting that wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise earlier this morning.
June 14, 2017 at 10:20am  Alaska Public Media  Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling  Ask a Climatologist: Alaska’s hottest temp ever matches Hawaii’s  Fairbanks hit 90 degrees last week for the first time in four years. The heat was very localized… Believe it or not: Alaska and Hawaii are tied for all-time high temps.
June 14, 2017 at 1:36pm  Alaska Has the vote from that day:  Matt Buxton on Twitter  "The House fully funds this year's PFD on 26-14 vote.”

Say it's true! Wait, what are they getting in return for this?  Politadick
June 14, 2017 at 4:35pm  Alaska Must Read Alaska  Briefs: Democrat Socialists’ terrorist? Governor’s compromise?  He was a shooter, but was he also a terrorist? The DC shooter, James Hodgkinson, targeted Republicans for their beliefs and politics.

The left is calling the right "snowflakes"? The right calls the left "snowflakes"!
June 14, 2017 at 5:50pm  Alaska  House is playing the shell game with Alaskans. Don't fall for their trap! They are doing this to push their taxes through!

Anchorage Republican Representative Gabrielle LeDoux said during a floor session that she doesn’t support cutting PFDs without requiring oil companies to pay mo
re in taxes.

“Without this amendment, we are headed to a budget which reduces the people’s PFD,” Ledoux said. “And to this, Mr. Speaker, I say not only ‘No,’ but, ‘Hell, no,’ and urge you to vote with me.”
June 14 at 7:48pm  Frank E. McQueary  Once again Trump has out maneuvered a bureaucrat. Even Liberal Jonathan Turley, has recognized Comey's dishonest and self-serving behavior as a violation of law and ethics.  The Case Against James Comey  Below is my column in The Hill Newspaper on the the case against former FBI Director James Comey for leaking FBI information to the media.  There has been an effort to confine the question of Comey… 

So will they do something????  Politadick
June 14 at 10:00pm  Alaska Permanent Fund Defenders  GREAT NEWS FLASH FROM THE LEGISLATURE!! The PFD raid is breaking down! Will the Gov. veto the PFD again this year??  Bill Wielechowski posted today (6/14)"The House just voted to restore this year's full PFD"

Governor Walker and the House is playing the shell game with Alaskans. Don't fall for their trap! Now we are going to take half the PFD again and say its for education.

They are doing this to push their taxes through!

House voted to take all Savings, PFD Reserves, gave government a huge raise that drained savings to nothing with their budget they passed.

Can Alaskans be that stupid to think what they did by saying they are giving us a full PFD is a good deal?

Second Biggest budget in Alaska's history. No savings left, still wanting all their new taxes and by doing what they did. They would guarantee those taxes in the next budget.

All focus is on the PFD and not on the futures of all ALASKANS! They did it so they will be reelected next year!

Don't fall for the trap! Cut the budget, cut government size, stay out of the PFD, NO NEW TAXES
