June 13 at 10:42am  Fox News  Video  Watch Live: Attorney General Jeff Sessions testifies before the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee where he faces questions on the Russia investigation and the firing of former FBI director James Comey. 

Live! Attorney General Jeff Sessions testimony  Politadick
June 13, 2017 at 12:32pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes  News from Hughes Session Update May 29, 2017  Senator Shelley Hughes reports from Juneau on bills and issues that will impact Alaskans and their wallets.
June 13 at 8:25pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling  Story Time w/ Aunt Phil: Bogoslof Volcano  Volcanic activity was first recorded on Bogoslof in the mid-1790s, but the first mention of the island came from Capt. James Cook who reported seeing a tall, sail-like rock about 60 miles west of Dutch Harbor in 1778.

Love Alaska's history!  Politadick