Does our money belong to us or the government? Let me ask you
something. When you work who owns the fruits of your labor? If you watch
KTUU and read ADN you'll see the argument being made...
If you listen to the government and the media you'll get the idea that
we have no choice but to create taxes. But I make the argument that we
should let the working class keep the fruits of their labor and that The
PFD was not created as some kind of social program. So if I read correctly what your saying. You think the PFD is treated by Alaskans like it's a social program that shouldn't be our right to complain that Alaska's government is using it to fix their overspending habits. Wow, just wow..... Don't be fooled into this persons views, unless you wish to never see a dividend again. In the end he just want you to give them to Alaska's Government. Pay close attention to what is said at the end of this article, this is theft and not a social program. OMG "Fear Grips Alaskans" News and government want all Alaskans to live in fear and panic! That all of the services that produce a income in the state will be shut down. Some of the services they are using to create fear: Fish and Game Whittier tunnel DMV Ferry services Don't fall for the trap, they ARE trying to create fear. They want you to Panic! Alaska's government needs to be a Held accountable for their overspending. Reduce the budget, stay out of our dividends, no new taxes! We as a state are not broke, as they would like you to believe. Over 16 billion sits in our governments savings accounts. I'm Sure if they look hard enough the could find much, Much, MUCH More then that in their "Slush Funds" (sorry didn't mean to cuss). Rainy Day fund (darn-it, did it again). Alaska's government wants you to think the "End Is Here". Makes it easier them too steal the very heart of Alaska. It's People Politadick |
Alaska Joshua Hadley
for State House 2018
Watch LIVE: The White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and Secretary of Labor R. Alexander Acosta hold a press briefing moments after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked President Donald J. Trump's travel ban on six majority-Muslim nations. |
Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department for Records about Forcing
Corporations to Fund Leftist Groups - Judicial Watch
BREAKING: Judicial Watch announced today that it has filed a Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice
for records relating
to an Obama administration policy of settling agency lawsuits against
corporate defendants by requiring that the corporations make “donations”
to left-wing interest groups La Raza, the Urban League and the National
Community Reinvestment Coalition. “It is hard to imagine a more abusive
practice by the Obama Justice Department than shaking down corporations
in order to funnel billions of dollars that should belong to the
taxpayers into the pockets of the former president’s pet liberal
causes,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. And the lawsuits continue too grow.... Politadick |
Sessions will testify in open hearing Tuesday before Senate Intelligence
Committee Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to get
many questions from lawmakers about his contacts with Russian officials
during the 2016 election… It's written by the Washington Post, so use your best judgment when reading what they have to say… Politadick |
Alaska Public Media
Tax would require low- to middle-income residents to pay higher share
Today, House Finance aides referred to it as a payroll tax. That’s
because it would only tax the…
What's in a name? When it comes to a tax, it turns out: a lot. OMG "Fear Grips Alaskans" News and government want all Alaskans to live in fear and panic! That all of the services that produce a income in the state will be shut down. Some of the services they are using to create fear:
Fish and Game Don't fall for the trap, they ARE trying to create fear. They want you to Panic! Alaska's government needs to be a Held accountable for their overspending. REDUCE/CUT THE BUDGET, STAY OUT OF OUR DIVIDENDS, NO NEW TAXES! We as a state are not broke, as they would like you to believe. Over 16 billion sits in our governments savings accounts. I'm Sure if they look hard enough the could find much, Much, MUCH More then that in their "Slush Funds" (sorry didn't mean to cuss). Rainy Day fund (darn-it, did it again). Alaska's government wants you to think the "End Is Here". Time to hold our representative responsible for their overspending habits. They are addicted to spending Alaskans hard earned money! Makes it easier them too steal the very heart of Alaska. It's People!! Politadick |
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski
Murkowski calls Comey testimony on Trump “troubling” Alaska
Senator Lisa Murkowski says she finds last week’s testimony from fired
FBI Director James Comey “troubling.”
“He made some statements that were pretty direct,” Murkowski said. “He
believes that the president lied on certain occasions, and that there
were pressures directed to him, as the FBI Director, that he did not
feel were appropriate. So yes, I think we should look at that, and yes,
find that troubling.” She has yet to listen to the hearing, but for what she has been told, finds it "troubling"… Who has told her what? Was it CNN, MSNBC, maybe from the failing New York Times…. We all know how their track record has been for telling the truth. I know I saw an Ex-FBI director, that was very bitter that he lost his job and repetitively showed that he has no backbone. Proving that he was not as bipartisan as he claims, but clearly had a political agenda… Maybe she just hasn't been told that Comey changed what he said thanks to Loretta Lynch, "investigation to matter". Now that should be very troubling to Murkowski. Wonder if her statement is just to keep herself looking good too certain Alaskans. Not impressing this Alaskan! |
Alaska Senator Mike Dunleavy
For Immediate Release: June 12, 2017 House Majority Prioritizes Gasline to Nowhere over Education, Public Safety & Road Maintenance JUNEAU – Yesterday, Sunday June 11, 2017, the House Majority stripped $50 million from education, roads, and public safety and redirected the money to the Alaska Gasline Development Corp. (AGDC). In an amendment put forth Sunday in the House Finance Committee, the House Majority voted to reverse an appropriation of $50 million that would have put $25 million into public education, $10 million into safe roads, $10 million for public safety, and $5 million for the Department of Law for prosecuting attorneys. “These are programs and services the vast majority of Alaskans wants us to fund. Not a gas project that most Alaskans and experts believe is uneconomical at this time” said Senator Mike Dunleavy District E. “The House Majority by its actions put a questionable gasline project over the real needs in public education, public safety and safe roads,” said Sen. Mike Dunleavy (R-Mat-Su). “It is my hope that the Senate stands strong for the people of Alaska and reaffirms its commitment to education, safe roads and public safety by not agreeing to this change." The amendment, introduced by Sen. Dunleavy into the capital budget several weeks ago, was approved unanimously by the entire Senate. “It is obvious the House Majority bowed to pressure by the Walker Administration by reversing the amendment. Thereby allowing the Governor and his one million-dollar man, AGDC President Keith Meyer, the authority to continue throwing good money after bad ideas,” said Sen. Dunleavy. “If this gasline that Governor Walker is consumed with were actually economic and realistic, I’d be the first one supporting it in order to provide jobs, revenue, and energy to our great state. When Exxon, Conoco Phillips, and BP stopped funding this project back in 2016 and backed out of the partnership, I along with most Alaskans and those associated with oil and gas, became doubtful that this project was economical to move forward at this time.” “My amendment did the following” said Dunleavy:
1. Moved $25 million to the Public Education Trust for K-12 school
funding “Today, the House Majority and Governor Walker prioritized the fantasy gasline above the needs of education, roads, and public safety,” said Sen. Dunleavy. “They also believe taxing hard-working Alaskans’ income is the way to fund this gasline obsession. Please let them know you don’t agree with this decision.” For more information, contact Senator Mike Dunleavy at (907) 465-6600.
Recall Walker and all members of the House. They all need to find new
jobs. Maybe as inmates in jail. Robbery is a crime and deserves jail
time! |
Alaska PFD Defenders "The deficit is $2.2 billion. Alaska has about $16 BILLION available for appropriation. Is this a fiscal emergency? You do the math... From MustReadAlaska: PERMANENT FUND REACHING A HISTORIC MILESTONE The Alaska Permanent Fund is about to make history again. The international investment market is strong, the Fund’s portfolio is robust. On Monday, barring a weekend catastrophe, Alaska’s piggy bank will very likely top $60 billion. We’ve never been richer. The Earnings Reserve Account portion of the Permanent Fund is now about $11.7 billion. That’s the money that can be used to pay for state government. In addition to that fund, the government has nearly $5 billion in the Constitutional Budget Reserve, the CBR, as legislative types know it. There are a few other accounts around state government, but those are the big chunks. Together, the State has well over $65 billion in its piggy bank, and $16 billion of it is more or less available for appropriation." I've been saying this for months now Politadick |