Alaska Alaskan Against Gov
Walker's PFD Theft
This proposed shut down is a farce. It is totally unnecessary. It is the
Governor sticking his nose out to see if he will be allowed to
re-introduce personal income taxes. The governor knows well that instead
of raiding our Permanent Fund he can borrow from it, via the issue of
10% AK tax exempt state bonds. The Earnings Reserve Account is kicking
out over $6 Billion dollars. 50% of it is legally required to pay our
dividends. The other 50% has been in the past reinvested to counter
inflation for the Fund. That allows the Governor to issue $3 billion in
bonds to the fund which if the fund buys, will continue to counter
inflation for the fund and provide the Governor with more than the money
he needs to fund his budget. Absolutely No, repeat No, cuts are
necessary. What is necessary is that the governor chooses how he pays
the 10% interest to our fund on the bond borrowing. That's his problem.
Stop giving away our oil revenue under SB 21. Introduce Property tax on
oil and gas held in ground storage, not extracted. If no extraction
occurs then on the tenth year double the property tax. OMG "Fear Grips Alaskans" News and government want all Alaskans to live in fear and panic! That all of the services that produce a income in the state will be shut down. Some of the services they are using to create fear: Fish and Game Whittier tunnel DMV Ferry services Don't fall for the trap, they ARE trying to create fear. They want you to Panic! Alaska's government needs to be a Held accountable for their overspending. Reduce the budget, stay out of our dividends, no new taxes! We as a state are not broke, as they would like you to believe. Over 16 billion sits in our governments savings accounts. I'm Sure if they look hard enough the could find much, Much, MUCH More then that in their "Slush Funds" (sorry didn't mean to cuss). Rainy Day fund (darn-it, did it again). Alaska's government wants you to think the "End Is Here". Makes it easier them too steal the very heart of Alaska. It's People Politadick
Alaska wildfires top 100,000 acres
The Alaska wildfire season has officially hit the 100,000-acre mark as
of Saturday morning. Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling More pollution going into the air from this fire then we Alaskans created all year. |
Alaska KTVA 11
A lot of revisionist history being told about the Permanent Fund. This is the House Finance Letter of Intent for the bill that created the PFD program in 1982. The people get "first call" on Permanent Fund income for dividends - not the government. It's signed by House Finance Chair Rep. Al Adams (D-Kotzebue), for whom the legislature just named the House Finance room | Alaska Senator Bill Wielechowski Alaska PFD
Daily News Miner I'm impressed! A newspaper in Alaska that knows how to write a story and it is facts, not Fiction!! For all the rest of you... OMG "Fear Grips Alaskans" News and government want all Alaskans to live in fear and panic! That all of the services that produce a income in the state will be shut down. Some of the services they are using to create fear:
Fish and Game Don't fall for the trap, they ARE trying to create fear. They want you to Panic! Alaska's government needs to be a Held accountable for their overspending. Reduce the budget, stay out of our dividends, no new taxes! We as a state are not broke, as they would like you to believe. Over 16 billion sits in our governments savings accounts. I'm Sure if they look hard enough the could find much, Much, MUCH More then that in their "Slush Funds" (sorry didn't mean to cuss). Rainy Day fund (darn-it, did it again). Alaska's government wants you to think the "End Is Here". Makes it easier them too steal the very heart of Alaska. It's People� @Politadick |
Alaska Alaska Senate Majority
House Democrats "want an income tax so badly they are willing to use any
excuse, even a government 'shutdown' to scare the rest of us into paying
their income tax, their school tax, their craft beer tax, their gas
tax." Daily News Miner I'm impressed! A newspaper in Alaska that knows how to write a story and it is facts, not Fiction!! For all the rest of you... OMG "Fear Grips Alaskans" News and government want all Alaskans to live in fear and panic! That all of the services that produce a income in the state will be shut down. Some of the services they are using to create fear:
Fish and Game Don't fall for the trap, they ARE trying to create fear. They want you to Panic! Alaska's government needs to be a Held accountable for their overspending. Reduce the budget, stay out of our dividends, no new taxes! We as a state are not broke, as they would like you to believe. Over 16 billion sits in our governments savings accounts. I'm Sure if they look hard enough the could find much, Much, MUCH More then that in their "Slush Funds" (sorry didn't mean to cuss). Rainy Day fund (darn-it, did it again). Alaska's government wants you to think the "End Is Here". Makes it easier them too steal the very heart of Alaska. It's People Politadick |
Alaska Representative Eastman
House Democrats are committed to spending more money on the governor's pipe dream. The senate pulled $50 million from the governor's pipeline in the capital budget and re-prioritized spending that money instead on state troopers, state prosecutors, roads, snow plowing, education, and other actual priorities. Now Democrats in the House want to put that $50 million back in and instead spend it on a pipeline that, under current market conditions, will only drain Alaska's resources. I recently voted against confirmation of the governor's latest appointees to the AGDC (Alaska Gasline Development Corporation) Board of Directors for this reason. In August, when BP, ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil took a step back from the gasline project, that was the signal for the state to step back and make the gasline project more competitive. Governor Walker and his appointees to the AGDC instead took that as a sign that the state should invest even more on a project that is now expected to cost Alaskans up to $45 billion. We have plenty of examples in our state of the limitless ability of government to spend huge sums of money on projects that don't pan out. Of course, someone always makes out whenever the government spends Alaskans' money. But at the end of the day it's the people who are often left holding the bag. Economics #101: Any project that is no longer economical needs to be sent back to the drawing board. That is the responsible thing to do with Alaskans' money. Not spend another $110 million this year on a faltering project. |
Fox News Video
"I don't think that killing people or mistreating women is a religion."
Yesterday, Pete Hegseth interviewed people protesting Sharia Law on the
streets of New York City. This is why we must stand united with the same message. Politadick |
Alaska ADN
When an off-course U-2 spy plane out of Alaska nearly triggered war
In 1962, Capt. Charles Maultsby piloted a U-2 spy plane from Eielson Air
Force Base to the North Pole and mistakenly drifted into Soviet air
space at the height… Love history! Politadick |